WorldShare Circulation
WorldShare Circulation facilitates requesting, loaning, and processing of physical items to eligible patrons and affiliated institutions.
- Get started
- Get started with WorldShare Circulation.
- OCLC Service Configuration - WMS Circulation
- Administrative settings for WorldShare Circulation are in OCLC Service Configuration. In OCLC Service Configuration > WMS Circulation, you can set your circulation policies.
- Check out
- Discover how to check out materials.
- Check in
- Discover how to check in materials.
- Patron management
- In Circulation, discover how to research patron accounts to assist in circulation activity, create new patrons, and work with bills and fines.
- Holds management
- Discover how to place and delete holds from bibliographic records, item records, and from patron accounts.
- Item management
- Discover procedures for tasks that you may perform (e.g., look up items, edit items, add temporary items, etc.) in order to maintain item records related to circulation activities
- Discover Items
- Set search preferences
- Add items
- View and use serial item records
- Manage serial issues
- Container management
- Edit items
- Item notes
- Delete items
- Change the location for multiple items
- Check item status or location
- Withdrawn status
- Claims lost, returned, never had
- View item history
- View LHR Change History
- View statistics and reminders sent
- My Labels
- Learn how to create spine labels from information in an MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record or a local holdings records. Your list of labels is only viewable by you and not by other users in your institution.
- Room reservations
- Use the Room Scheduling feature to manage the rooms in your library and create events (reservations) for patrons.
- Scheduled Jobs
- Find information about using the WMS Patron System Bill Connector to create and manage your library's bill export jobs to share information about patron fees and fines with systems outside of WMS.
- My Account
- Learn how library users can access their accounts to renew items, remove and edit holds, and view fines in WorldCat Discovery.
- Group aware for consortia
- Group aware is for consortia and library groups that use WorldShare Management Services. Group aware links individual institutions through their WorldShare instances to share data among the group. It allows for integrated circulation functions among your group while maintaining policies, items, and patrons specific to your individual institution.
- Integrations with WorldShare Circulation
- Learn how to integrate WorldShare Circulation with other products and services.
- WMS Z39.50
- Find information about using WMS Z39.50 searching.
- Reference
- Additional resources for WorldShare Circulation users.
- WorldShare Circulation release notes and known issues
- Find WorldShare Circulation release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- WorldShare Circulation training
- Find training on WorldShare Circulation here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Add Call Number in Email Notifications
- Are my notifications sent according to how I set them in Service Configuration, or at the top of the hour/the next morning?
- Are there restrictions on barcodes in WMS?
- Authentication error when trying to upload offline circulation transactions
- A patron received a recall notification for an item, but the item was never recalled.
- A pickup location or branch is not showing as an available Pick Up Option
- Barcode searches bring up item in some places, but not in others
- Can a shelving location be changed in bulk to a different shelving location?
- Can Digby support check digits in barcodes?
- Can I change multiple items to missing through a bulk update?
- Can I change the branch for my current WorldShare session?
- Can I convert monographs to multi-part items?
- Can I convert multi-part items to single-part items?
- Can I set up email notifications for staff to receive when a patron places a new hold?
- Can I turn off circulation notifications in WorldShare?
- Can I waive fines in bulk?
- Can staff with the Student Worker Circulation or Student Worker Restricted role mark items as Missing?
- Can we add a cost to an individual item?
- Can we make our own item material types?
- Can we restore an item that was accidentally withdrawn?
- Can we set up automatic email receipts for items borrowed by patrons?
- Can we stop notifications from being sent out on closed days?
- Customize text for Circulation Notices
- Does OCLC have to share a key for encrypted SIP2 connection?
- Does the bulk due date renewal client update ILL due dates as well?
- Does the hold pickup notification email include the title information and pickup location?
- Does WMS support inventorying via the SIP2 protocol?
- Do items that are checked in through Digby show up only in the “Soft checkout” statistics?
- Do recalls take priority over other holds in the hold queue?
- Dropdown display too small in Edit Item Details screen
- Error deleting entry for Long Overdue and Lost Policy
- Error in Digby saying your profile lacks sufficient permissions to use this app
- Featured WorldShare Circulation Troubleshooting articles
- Fines are being accrued despite a grace period being in place. Why is this?
- For Digby "Remove All Items", When it says: “ inventoried items cannot be retrieved once removed from this list” What list is it referencing?
- How can I change the date format in WorldShare Circulation?
- How can I change the sort order of serial checkin records?
- How can I configure my SIP2 device/service to work with WMS?
- How can I find out about planned maintenance outages?
- How can I get a list of all current Circulation patron accounts?
- How can I get a list of my current transactions in Digby?
- How can I get a record into WMS for the laptops my library wants to circulate?
- How can I get a report of items in temporary shelving locations arranged by call number?
- How can I identify duplicates in the Circulation Item Inventory Report within Excel?
- How can I see a list of all our blocked patrons?
- How can I tell if my institution is set up for SIP2?
- How can we prepare for an outage?
- How do fixed due dates affect our loan policies?
- How do I activate the Requires Preparation/ Approval option for holds on an ad-hoc basis?
- How do I add a new branch as a hold pickup location?
- How do I add a new patron type?
- How do I add a temporary shelving location that will appear in the drop-down menu in my LHRs?
- How do I add Laptops or other items to WMS for Circulation?
- How do I delete a container?
- How do I delete a patron type?
- How do I find out which items were marked "Items Claimed Returned" ?
- How do I get an item to show up as Available in WorldShare Circulation?
- How do I remove a branch location from our WMS?
- How do I add a branch location to our WMS?
- How do I keep withdrawn barcodes from being purged?
- How do I limit number of holds allowed for a patron on popular resources, such as High Use,New Titles,DVD's or Laptops?
- How do I locate/access our Circulation Item Inventory Report?
- How do I make a campus library collection or shelving location unavailable
- How do I make a shelving location non-circulating?
- How do I perform a stocktake?
- How do I permanently delete items that are still showing the status of "Withdrawn" after the purge date if I have already deleted the branch from our configuration?
- How do I place a hold on an On Order item?
- How do I prevent fines from generating on closed days
- How do I prevent holds being placed on items I do not want holds on?
- How do I prevent the WSKey for my offline circulation client from expiring?
- I am getting an error message when cataloging a book and it shows "null" in the call number.
- How do I set my open hours to go past midnight?
- How do I set up Hold Pickup Notifications?
- How do I set up multiple pick-up locations for my single or multi-branched library
- How do I requeue hold pickup notifications?
- How do recall notices and overdue notices work together?
- How do we stop overdue fines from being created, on overdue items?
- How do I activate room scheduling in WMS Circulation for our library?
- How long does it take loan policy changes to apply to library resources?
- How often can I submit a patron load file?
- How to tell which loan policy was applied to a checkout in WMS Circulation
- I'm getting a prompt to create a temporary item when I'm trying to check out an ILL item to a patron
- If an item with fines on it is withdrawn and purged, do the fines remain on the patron's account?
- If a scanned item has a status such as billed or paid, but is found in the library and scanned with Digby, will the app alert us to this?
- If a scanned item is checked out, will it be checked in via the app?
- If I am paying multiple bills in one transaction and the full amount is not tendered, which bill is paid in full?
- If we scan an item during a Digby inventory and no match is found, is that exception found in any reports?
- If you manually renew items beyond a user's expiry date, will the date revert?
- If ‘Prefer available items at the pickup location’ is set to No, can we forward the hold request to another branch?
- If ‘Prefer available items at the pickup location’ is set to No, will the request show on all branch’s Pull List?
- I'm unable to log in to the Digby app on my iPhone
- When renewing an item in My Account, can I see at a glance if an item is reserved?
- Is Digby training available?
- Is it possible to add student photos to WorldShare Circulation profiles?
- Is it possible to set up a SIP2 connection for Hoopla?
- Is there an impact to changing our Item call number types to Unknown?
- Is there a way to automatically batch release deprecated user barcodes?
- Is there a way to bulk change the loan status of an entire item list?
- Is there a way to increase the default number of items displayed in the patron check screen?
- Is there a way to re-send bills and/or overdue notifications to a patron?
- Is there a way to turn off the last issued to field in item statistics so that you don’t see the patron’s name?
- Items that would fulfill a hold move to status "reshelving" when checked in
- Why is an item's bibliographic data wrong in Circulation?
- Item record with a blank barcode appears in Copy list and can't be deleted
- I added a staff note to an item record, but the note does not pop up at checkout or check in.
- I am having trouble setting up our POS Printer with our new Windows 10 computers and when I try to install it gives me an error and refuses to continue.
- Why am I getting an error message in Service Configuration: "We are unable to process your request at this moment."?
- I am unable to log in to the SFTP server.
- I am unable to sign in to Service Configuration using my OCLC Services Account
- I am unfamiliar with a barcode being 'deprecated', what does that mean?
- I am using Digby shelf-read to update an item status, but it isn't working.
- I can check in an item, but I get an unknown barcode error when searching for barcode in Circulation.
- I have 2 LHRs displaying when I only hold 1 LHR - how do I correct this issue?
- I have an item whose shelving location in WorldShare Circulation and Item Inventory Report don't match.
- I have found a book that was marked Missing in the system. How do I change the status to Available?
- I have set open hours for our library to close at 6pm, but our due dates are still showing as 11:59pm on the following day rather than 6pm.
- I need a list of the temporary item records for my institution
- I need my Circulation Override Credentials
- Why was a patron not removed after submitting a bulk delete file?
- Patrons are reporting not being able to put holds on items.
- Patron custom data is provided in our patron loads but is not displaying in WorldShare
- Patron unable to login to my account, they receive the error message "The login system failed with error: Problem processing ACS Response in IDM Bridge"
- Prompted to create a temporary item when searching a barcode
- Renewal despite existing hold request
- Requested holding cannot be found error
- Server Communication Failed error when adding item record
- SIP2 custom messages from WMS are displaying in English when we want a different language
- Some items are missing their barcodes in the Circulation Item Inventories report
- Strange order in hold request list
- Temporary item data is not being sent through SIP2.
- The Due Date Adjustment in my loan policy is not being applied correctly
- The search in WorldShare Circulation is defaulting to My Group Holdings instead of My Library Holdings, how do we change this?
- Unable to log into the Digby app on an Android phone.
- We are getting a 'The patron is not verified' Override acknowledgment request.
- We need a list of IPs or URLs that the offline circulation client connects to so that we can make firewall exceptions on our end.
- We noticed that the date printed on a retrieval slip was incorrect even though the date on the bib record was correct.
- We would like to enable authentication for SIP2 circulation transactions, which authentication services are supported?
- What causes orphan holds to appear against a patron's record, but not display in the title hold queue in Circulation or in a Pull List ?
- What does the "Assess" and "Pending Payment" status mean?
- What does the error message mean in my Patron Exception Report?
- What does the On Hold Expired status mean?
- What are the fields in the Digby inventory report?
- What happens to the "claimed lost" counter on a patron record if the withdrawn item is never checked-in before being purged from the system ?
- What happens when the "Maximum outstanding billed amount" is lowered in Patron Policy?
- What information should I send when reporting a problem to Support?
- What is OCLC's data backup schedule for WMS?
- What is the best way to remove a barcode for preserving Circulation statistics?
- What is the function of the previous shelving location in Item Details?
- What is the impact if we change from linking or unlinking patron usernames and barcodes?
- What should I do when I get the message "Limit reached" in Digby?
- When an item is renewed what notification policies does it follow?
- When do emailed inventory reports from Digby get sent, is it immediate?
- When I try to search for an item in WorldShare Circulation I get a system error stating "unable to perform the search"
- When placing a hold on a record, I see an error that says "No pick up locations available", "Not Available due to Policy", or "Circulation policy does not allow hold requests on this item".
- When selecting a pick up option I get a ‘not available due to policy’ message. What policy should I check?
- When troubleshooting why a fine was or was not applied, what should I look for?
- When uploading a patron record that matches an existing patron record, what happens to the notes in that patron record?
- Where can we find our Supervisor username and pin?
- Where is the Share button in Digby?
- Who do I contact for SIP2 connection set up?
- Why am I getting an "Error Updating the Entry" error when updating Notifications?
- Why am I getting error message "No matching Loan Policy"?
- Why am I getting error message "No matching Collection Type Policy"?
- Why am I getting "Error Updating the Entry" error when creating a fixed due date?
- Why am I getting the message "OCLC has detected a problem with your institution's authorization credentials" when trying to login to WorldShare Management Services?
- Why am I receiving an "Unknown Barcode" error when searching for an existing or newly added barcoded item?
- Why am I receiving the message "We cannot reach your institution to verify your credentials. Try again later."?
- Why am I seeing an 'Error deleting entry' warning when I try to delete a Loan Policy?
- Why am I seeing a message that says the loan policy prevents this item from being circulated when trying to check it out?
- Why am I seeing "OCLC has detected that your institution’s encryption has changed" when I log into WorldShare?
- Why aren't renewed items applying the new fixed due date in WorldShare Circulation?
- Why are changes made to the OPAC Statuses, Locations and Circulation Policies grid not taking effect?
- Why aren't Circulation overdue notifications going out?
- Why are due dates being set out by several years?
- Why are due dates not being set according to our policies?
- Why are items falling due on days when the libraries are closed?
- Why are items renewing from today's date instead of from the original due date as we have it set up?
- Why are Pull List items showing up later than their request date?
- Why are items that are received in Acquisitions going straight to an Available status?
- Why are my changes to email notifications not saving?
- Why are notifications not showing under patron's history?
- Why are old notifications still going out when I have updated my notifications?
- Why are our hour/minute fine calculations for overdues stopping at closing time and not restarting when we reopen?
- Why are some buttons greyed out when editing an item in Circulation?
- Why are there multiple due dates for the same item showing on my due date receipt?
- Why are the Replacement and Processing fees disappearing when a lost or long overdue item is returned?
- Why are URLs in email notifications displaying as Outlook safe links?
- Why can't I download the Offline Client?
- Why can't I save my changes to "Accrue bills and/or suspension when closed?"
- Why can't I see my new patron type in the Loan Policy map and Loan Limit Matrix dropdowns?
- Why can I not find an item by its OCN, Title, etc., only by its barcode?
- Why does an item have a "Recall" status even after the hold has been canceled or has expired?
- Why does a print periodical record not show up in our weekly inventory file?
- Why does Digby crash after a few scans?
- Why does more than one item come up when I search for a barcode?
- Why does a hold request have an unexpected barcode starting with g-$?
- Why does my hold request show a shelving location of Acquisitions despite us not having that configured?
- Why does the Shelving location field appear red when I'm trying to set up a new rule in the Loan Policy Map?
- Why don't I see a button on the checkout or item edit screen?
- Why do deleted items still display with a status of Withdrawn, when they should be purged?
- Why do I see a reshelving message when scanning an item in the right location using Digby's Read Shelf feature?
- Why do multiple items show when I search for a barcode?
- Why isn't updated bibliographic information showing on my Item Inventories report?
- Why is an item not automatically renewed?
- Why is an item showing Withdrawn(Available) Status?
- Why is a staff note popping up when checking-in an item when there is not a note on the item?
- Why is Digby not scanning a full barcode that has an 'Enter' suffix on an iOS device?
- Why is my loan policy not being applied correctly?
- Why is my POS Printer not printing automatically?
- Why is my RFID pad only reading one item at a time?
- Why is my SIP2 machine not reading non-Latin characters?
- Why is our self-checkout machine allowing checkouts that don't respect our Loan Policy Map?
- Why is patron information missing from the Clear Hold Shelf report?
- Why is the Hold Shelf Expiry Notification not being sent out even though the item status in WorldShare Circulation shows On Hold (Expired)?
- Why is the main library missing from the offline circulation client?
- Why is the material format for print book listed as "book_digital" in my Circulation Item Inventories report?
- Why is the system sending all of our checked in items into transit?
- Why were fines not applied to my circulation transaction?
- Why will my fixed due date not save to a loan policy?
- Will fines continue to accrue on an account if a replacement cost has been applied by a long overdue policy?
- You are already logged into another institution error
- OCLC Community Center: WorldShare Circulation community
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Circulation product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on product workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.