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OCLC Support

Why is my RFID pad only reading one item at a time?


When you place a stack of books on the RFID pad, only one book is read.

Applies to

  • WorldShare Circulation


WorldShare Circulation only allows one item barcode to be processed at a time at check out and check in. This is true for both the legacy and modernized interfaces.

If your library is using an RFID scanning bed, you may need to verify that the client software for the scanner is providing a carriage return (i.e. the ‘enter’ key) between each barcode. 

Also, you must disable the automatic slip printing option if your workstation uses a network printer. Automatic network printing opens a dialog box to preview the slip after each item is scanned; these dialog boxes need to be acknowledged for each scanned item before scanning the next item. Instead, you can print slips after scanning by using the print icon in the Print column in the data grid or by selecting multiple items to use the bulk processing buttons above the data grid.

Additional information

Check in settings - Print options

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