What does the error message mean in my Patron Exception Report?
- Uploaded patron data is failing to update patron records
- After uploading a patron data file, there are records listed in the Patron Exception Report
Applies to
- WorldShare Circulation
- Tipasa
The Patron Exception Report can be downloaded from sFTP. It is found at this File exchange directory location: /xfer/wms/reports
The Patron Exception Report lists patron records that fail to load into WMS, and also failure reasons. Please note that the exception report will only run if there is at least one patron record that failed to load into WMS within a patron file.
If you do not know what the error message indicates in the Patron Exception Report, please contact OCLC Support. Please include the date you sent the patron data file as well as the basic error message in the exception report. For security reasons, please do not attach the report to your email or include full patron information in the email.
Note: If a patron has outstanding fees on their record, the system will not delete the patron record and it will cause an exception.
Additional information
Please see our list of Data exception errors for more detailed information on the Patron Exception Report failures. And, for further assistance in troubleshooting failed patron loads, please see the workflow for test patron loads