Why is the main library missing from the offline circulation client?
- Your library's main location isn't visible in the list of locations to upload to in the offline circulation client
Applies to
- WorldShare Circulation
For the main branch to appear in the client, it must be added to the Relationships in the WorldCat Registry section of the Service Configuration.
- Sign into OCLC Service Configuration.
- Navigate to WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Holding Codes & Shelving Locations > Holding Codes Translation Table and note the Branch Registry ID of the main location.
- Navigate to WorldCat Registry > Relationships and click on plus sign next to Add New Relationship
- Add the main location according to our instructions here: Relationships
- After saving your changes, return to the client and log in again. The main library should now be available in the list of branches.
If the main library is still missing after adding it to your library's Relationships, please reach out to OCLC Support.