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Item notes

Learn how and when to add notes to single items, multipart items, and serial items.

A note field is available for any text you want to add to an item record. You can also add a note to an item that has become overdue.

Notes on item records

In the details screens when adding or editing items, a Notes field is available for you to add text. Staff notes can be made to display as a pop-up message upon check in or check out.

  1. Using Discover Items, find an item where you want to add a note.
  2. On the search results screen, click the item's title.
  3. From the Copies screen, click Add Item in the upper-right corner or click View/Edit.
Field Definition

Select Staff or Public from the drop-down list. Enter a text Note about the item.

(Optional). To make a pop-up note display upon check in or check out, type an exclamation point as the first character (!), (no space) when adding a staff note.

Watch a video

Item alerts

Run time: 2:38

In this video, you will learn how to create and use item alerts in WorldShare Circulation. Item alerts display as a pop-up window when an item is checked out or checked in.


Single item details

When you add or edit a single item.

Multipart set details

For multipart sets when you

  • add a multipart set.
  • add item to multipart set.
  • edit multipart item.
  • edit multipart set.

Serial item details

For serial items when you

  • add copy.
  • receive serial item.
  • edit serial item.
  • edit serial copy.

Notes on overdue items

Add a note to a patron's bill

When an item on loan to a patron has accrued a fine, you can add a note to the bill.

  1. Search for the patron record and click on the name link to show details.
  2. On the patron record, click the Bills tab.
  3. In the Account section, in the Reason column of the row of the bill, click Edit.
  4. In the Bill Details window, enter any notes into the Notes field.
  5. Click Save. The Bill Details window closes and a Details link appears in the Reason column of the bill.

To view notes on a patron's bill

  1. Display the Bills tab as above.
  2. In the Account section, in the Reason column click Details. The Payment History window displays the note.