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Connexion client is a Windows® desktop application.
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Go to the Cataloging Software Downloads page to download any of the following software:
- Connexion client
- Cataloging Label Program
- Auto-fix Connexion client software
- OCLC permissions software
- RLIN21 keyboard software
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For system operating hours and alerts (if any), see System Alerts.
- Connexion client version 2.63
- Find documentation for the Windows-based Connexion client version 2.63 and client macrobook.
- Connexion client
- Find documentation for the Windows-based Connexion client version 3.X and client macrobook.
- Related documentation
- Find documentation for the Connexion client.
- Connexion known issues
- Find known issues for the Connexion client.
- Connexion client training
- Find training on Connexion client here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- 049 invalid code validation error
- 100 or 700 field generates 'Field not controllable' error
- 6xx invalid code validation error
- Access to the path is denied error
- Addressing issues with subfield delimiter symbol entry in Connexion using Ctrl-D
- Add, remove, or change the position of buttons on the Connexion client toolbar
- Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error when printing
- A record will not export from Connexion
- Bad character error in Connexion when validating
- Batch Holdings by OCLC Number Import button does nothing when clicked
- Black boxes appearing in MARC record after using a transliteration macro in Connexion client
- "Unable to connect to remote server" error in Connexion
- Transaction failed error when searching the authority file
- Cannot save records to local save file
- Can Connexion client be deployed by an MDM?
- Can I add my library's holding codes to my printed labels?
- Can I still use Connexion client after Connexion browser is discontinued in April 2024?
- Can OCLC help me change my catalog's import profile?
- Can OCLC make changes to the level of detail available in the Host Messages box that comes up during exports?
- Can the original RDA Tool Kit be accessed after new version is installed in Connexion client?
- Changes to MARC records not saved to WorldCat after clicking Produce and Update holdings
- Characters are garbled when trying to import record through the Z39.50 Connection into Connexion Client
- Clicking an authority link in a bib record brings up the wrong authority record
- Client setup has failed error code 1603 error in Connexion client 3.0 install
- Is there a comparison chart of cataloging applications?
- Connexion client 3.0 discontinued January 31, 2023
- Connexion client closes after an OCLC Gateway export
- Connexion client crashes without error when attempting to search
- Connexion client does not run when I click on it, and gives an error message saying MSI is missing or Parameter is Incorrect
- Connexion client export file not writing to Program Files location
- Connexion client record prints in extremely small font
- Connexion client restored itself to factory settings, which file can be used to restore my original settings?
- Connexion client result lists are showing odd characters rather than the expected language
- Connexion client Search WorldCat settings disappear when I close and re-open the client
- Connexion Client slow response and typing issues
- Connexion Client stops responding when doing Gateway export to ILS
- Connexion client won't open
- Connexion error: Import failed. Reason: Failed to convert MARC record to MARC XML
- Connexion Javascript error when controlling heading: "An error has occurred in the script on this page"
- Connexion record window locked in minimized position
- Diacritics picker is empty, shows blank boxes or incorrect characters in Connexion client
- Distributed authority record not found in the LC authority file error message appears when searching authority records
- Does Connexion support https connections?
- Downloaded macros not showing
- ECCN or CCATS for OCLC Label Program
- Either nothing appears to happen or you get error "Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided"
- Empty boxes appearing instead of correct symbol when using diacritics or special characters tool in Connexion
- Error during export from remote workplace Unable to open the TCP/IP connection, the connection has timed out
- Macro feature is unavailable. Macro component service is not running or not available
- Error saving record to local file when running batch export in Connexion client
- Error: The TCP/IP connection has been closed by the remote host
- Export error: Import failed. Reason: Logon failed-the Logon ID and/or password is/are not valid
- Export Error Message: Invalid MARC Listener Bibliographic policy settings
- Export to file causes Connexion client to crash
- External component has thrown an exception error in Connexion client
- Featured Connexion Troubleshooting articles
- Fixed fields display issue in a record view in Connexion client
- Gateway export error message "LogonID or password are not valid"
- Gateway export to Alma ILS causes Connexion client crash
- Gateway export to FOLIO ILS causes Connexion client crash
- Gateway export to Koha ILS causes Connexion client crash
- Getting an error message “Can’t initialize the OCLC macro language” when trying to run a local macro
- "A generic error occurred in GDI" error when list records in Connexion client 3.x
- Holdings not set on WorldCat record error
- How can I delete holdings using Connexion?
- How can I delete records from the Online Save File?
- How can I download the information displayed in the save file?
- How can I find contact information for my OCLC sales representative?
- How can I get a list of authorization numbers for my institution?
- How can I get my Cataloging authorization number and password for Connexion?
- How can I move my MACROS from my old PC to my new PC?
- How can I pin Bibliographic record windows side by side?
- How can I set up the Label Program to print labels in the correct position?
- How can I show the number of holdings on my WorldCat search results in Connexion client?
- How does Z39.50 work in Connexion client?
- How do I add a font from my PC into Connexion client
- How do I add holdings in Connexion client?
- How do I batch delete holdings in Connexion client?
- How do I batch export records from a list of OCLC numbers using Connexion client?
- How do I batch set my holdings in Connexion Client?
- How do I become a NACO participant?
- How do I convert .dat files to .mrc files?
- How do I copy Connexion client Constant Data Files which are missing after install on new computer?
- How do I copy Connexion client files from one PC to another?
- How do I create a local file?
- How do I delete records from the OCLC Save file or Local save file?
- How do I export bib and authority records to different files in Connexion client?
- How do I find and save my Local Save File?
- How do I install an alternate language keyboard for cataloging?
- How do I move the Merge menu pop up window in Connexion client?
- How do I obtain a cataloging subscription?
- How do I remove a GLIMIR holding when my holdings no longer display on the bibliographic record?
- How do I report errors in records when logged into a cataloging service?
- How do I setup an export destination in Connexion client?
- How do we setup a default login for the Connexion Client?
- How many records can be stored in a local save file?
- How many records can I delete at one time from the Online Save File?
- How to batch export records from a list of ISBNs in Connexion
- How to completely uninstall and reinstall Connexion client 3.x
- How to Copy records from one local file to another in Connexion client
- How to do a hand-install of the Label program on x64 Windows
- How to do a silent install of the OCLC Dewey Cutter Program
- How to find my Default Connexion client local files
- How to find my Microsoft Office version info
- How to get and set up the RDA Toolkit with Connexion client
- How to obtain cataloging usage statistics
- How to perform a manual install of Connexion client 3.x
- How to perform a silent install of OCLC Connexion client 2.63 and its auto-fix
- How to perform a silent install of OCLC Connexion client 3.x
- How to perform a silent uninstall of OCLC Connexion client
- How to prevent SP1 spine labels from moving left across a sheet
- How to prevent spine (SP1) labels from creeping up the page when printed
- How to remove file type associations in Windows 10
- How to retain searches in Connexion client
- How to run Connexion client on a Mac
- How to search by subject heading (su:)
- How to unlock OCLC WorldCat Authority or Bibliographic records
- How to update your local save file path
- I'm seeing an error when opening an authority record in my online save file
- I've forgotten my authorization number and password
- If a macro is not working or Connexion client freezes when using a macro
- Illegal character entity error when validating in Connexion
- Instructions for sharing Connexion client authorization and toolbar (options.xml) settings among computers
- Invalid username and password error when trying to perform batch process in Connexion client
- Issues with Special Characters in Some Records Retrieved from Z39.50 source
- Is an IP address needed or configured to access Connexion client?
- Is it possible to add additional subject heading vocabularies or authority files in Connexion?
- Is it possible to open multiple instances of the application at once in Connexion 3.x?
- Is it possible to search by only the first subject tag in the MARC record?
- Is there a Connexion client batch export limit?
- Is there a cost to add a new cataloging authorization?
- Is there a limit for the batch search length?
- Is there a limit to how many machines onto which we can install Connexion client?
- Is there a limit to the number of people I can have logged on to Connexion at one time?
- Is there a way to pull up only what we have listed in Connexion so that I can update WorldCat holdings?
- Is the Connexion Client IPv6 compatible?
- I accidentally created a bibliographic record in Connexion; how do I delete it?
- I added a record to WorldCat, but when I exported it today it looks very different. What happened?
- I am certain that records are missing from my search result in Connexion.
- I am getting "Unhandled Exception has occurred in your application" error after installing Connexion client 3.x.
- I am getting an error message: "Update Holdings failed".
- I am getting an error when working with a record in my local save file.
- I am getting the error "Unable to open file in exclusive mode".
- I am getting the message: "An error has occurred with your search, please retry"
- I am getting unexpected duplicate labels when I print from Connexion client
- I am not able to see the file path for our shared file in Connexion client
- I am receiving an error that states: "Your chosen default location was not found." Please choose another.
- I am trying to add constant data to my imported records, but the fixed fields do not populate.
- I am trying to launch WebDewey from Connexion client, but I receive the error "Name and password not valid."
- I am unable to access the OCLC-Cat listserv
- I can't find a record in Connexion with any search except for OCLC number
- I Cannot maximize Connexion client from a minimized position in the task bar
- I can't print records in Connexion client
- I could export records to my computer in the past but the export file no longer appears after processing the batch
- I get the message "Error-couldn't create label file"
- I have forgotten my authorization for Connexion.
- I have just installed Connexion client, but I get the error: "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider' is not registered on the local machine."
- I have records ( holdings ) in my Local save file that won't delete using Batch.
- I participate in the OCLC Member Merge project. Why can't I bring up the LinkBib Dialog box?
- I ran a batch ISBN search in Connexion client, how can I filter the records by number of holdings?
- I receive an error "Too many matches" after performing a Bibliographic search keys search
- I used produce instead of update. Is OCLC going to send me a catalog card?
- Label program List All screen is blank or unreadable
- Languages where script is supported in Connexion client
- Lao script is not displaying correctly on records in Connexion Client
- My Connexion client crashes or I get an error when I try to run macros
- Why did my local save file records disappear after updating holdings?
- Name cannot begin with the 0 character error
- Not authorized to add 040 subfield d
- No records found for your search error when applying constant data
- No results found for your search message when trying to bring up Local Save file
- OCLCPermissions shows Not Installed
- OCLC Connexion crashes when exporting a record to our local system
- OCLC Dewey Cutter Program not retaining last table selected
- OCLC macrobook (oclc.mbk) updated
- Odd 066 tag and a second 245 tag with "<>." in MARC record with no non-Latin characters
- Odd beeps coming from Connexion client when pasting
- Possible causes for corrupt Connexion client local files
- "Records are being read from port device name Bib and item records will be created" export error
- Records in your Local Save File will not open or you can't make changes to them
- Record window not maximized
- Connexion settings, toolbar and shortcut icons, are not being retained - Renaming Options.xml
- Replace corrupt connects.ini file
- Request to obtain a SOC 2 type 2 or SOC 3 reports from OCLC
- Sharing Connexion client authorization and toolbar settings among computers
- Still getting an Unhandled Exception error upon attempting to open Connexion 3.0 after install and reinstall
- Textbox windows are very small and lists do not appear in Connexion client
- The Apply language of cataloging limiter checkbox is not returning the correct results
- The character used to designate subfields in records has changed from a dagger symbol, how do I change it back?
- The Ctrl+D shortcut to insert the subfield delimiter stopped working
- The message "Printer not found in network" is showing in my Connexion client printing options
- The N’ko script is not displaying in OCLC records
- The grey shading between fields is not showing in Connexion client
- The tool bars are appearing vertically instead of horizontally. How do I correct the display of the tool bars?
- This advertised application will not be installed because it might be unsafe
- "Transaction failed. Your host connection may have been lost" error in Connexion client
- Unable to control heading on 830 tag
- Unable to create either a new macro book or new macro under an existing book title
- Unable to export from Connexion
- Unexpected GLIMIR message when searching in Connexion
- URL address and port ranges for Connexion client
- Value cannot be null Parameter name format when opening Help
- WebLinks.xml prompts to update each time Connexion client is opened
- What are our local login credentials for the OCLC Gateway Export in Connexion?
- What are the steps for completing the Access and Authorization form?
- What are the supported file types for Connexion import files?
- What does the Display GLIMIR clustering check box do?
- What does this error mean? "data at the root level is invalid, line 1, position 1"
- What file format types does OCLC export?
- What is exempt from OCLC's Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR)?
- What is FAST?
- What is the correct format for the 949 tag?
- What is the difference between “Install for Everyone” and “Install for Just me”?
- What is the URL address for Connexion client?
- What programming language is OCLC Macro Language (OML) built on?
- What Z39.50 information do I need to configure OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging?
- When doing a Batch in Connexion client I receive an error "Logon failed - Authorization or Password incorrect."
- When exporting to an ILS, it is creating a new bibliographic record instead of overlaying in the ILS
- When I print labels in Connexion client, it's only printing blank pages or garbled characters
- When I processed a batch of records after searching for a list of OCLC numbers the search failed, why?
- When I select a list of multiple records containing LHRs in Local save file and try to delete holdings the records fails
- When I try to open my local file or to set it as default, I get the error message: "Local file could not be opened."
- When I try to submit an error report I get the error: "There was a problem creating your error report."
- When saving a record to the online save file, I get the error message "unable to save", why?
- When signing into Connexion, I get an error that says "Error creating logon response".
- When trying to print a label, I see the following error message: An unsupported operation was attempted
- When I try to install Connexion client, I get an install screen for Label program or Aleph
- Where can I change the Operator name assigned to my Cataloging Authorization number?
- Where is my Arial Unicode font in Windows 10
- Why am I getting "A call number field must be present and correctly formatted" error when printing labels?
- Why am I getting a validation error that states a field in the OCLC Fixed Field appears too many times?
- Why am I receiving an error when running Compact Repair on a local save file?
- Why am I receiving a "Not authorized to replace record" error?
- Why am I receiving the error "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined" when I try to access Connexion?
- Why am I seeing blocks where the delimiter should be in Connexion client
- Why can't I find this article from in Connexion?
- Why aren't my shortcut keys working as expected?
- Why are none of the field numbers display in name authority records?
- Why are records not appearing when I search for authority records in Connexion client?
- Why can't I control any of the personal name headings in a record?
- Why are the Navigate Next/Previous options greyed out when browsing the LC Authority File?
- Why can't I print from the File menu in Connexion Client?
- Why can I not log into Connexion with my authorization?
- Why does Connexion prompt each record when batch exporting via the OCLC Gateway and MARC Listener to Sirsi Symphony?
- Why do I get the Host Message "Import failed. Reason: NOT ADDED LOCKED" when exporting bib records to Alma?
- Why do I get this error message when searching Connexion “No records found for your search”?
- Why do I not see a Replace Record option in the titles I imported into Connexion client?
- Why do I receive an error when trying to import foreign language records into Connexion client?
- Why do I receive an HTTP 404 error when trying to use the Web Harvester in Connexion client?
- Why do I receive the error "Unable to save record"?
- Why is Connexion timing out and giving a 5500 error when I try to use the export function?
- Why is my Connexion client local file size so large when it only contains a few records?
- Why is the pop-up window blank when I try to open Control Single Heading?
- Why is the search failing when I search for a record in a different language in Connexion client?
- Why should I install the Connexion client auto-fix?
- Why when I open a record in Connexion a blank 092 field is generated
- With Internet Explorer 11 being the final version of the browser, what will happen when following the workflow to view an LCCN for an unqualified name?
- XPODLL32 error in Connexion client 3.x
- OCLC Community Center: Cataloging and Metadata community
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Connexion product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on cataloging workflows and attend webinars providing updates from other catalogers and OCLC product staff.