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OCLC Support

Transaction failed error when searching the authority file

  • When searching the authority file, either get a Transaction failed message.
Applies to
  • Connexion client

There are several potential reasons for this error to come up when searching in Connexion client under Authorities > Search > LC Name  and Subjects

  • Your search terms contain an unneeded space or incorrect number. For example, the search "an:n 2008151737" will bring up an error due to the space  before the number. 
  • You searched using the wrong index. For example, make sure you are searching by an: to search for an Authority Record Number, but ln:  for an LC Authority number. 
  • The record in question has been changed or deleted by LC and is now in the LC History file. 

There is more on Authority record indexes used in Connexion client as well as the authority search process

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