Export error: Import failed. Reason: Logon failed-the Logon ID and/or password is/are not valid
- When trying to export a record(s) to your local system via Gateway or TCP/IP export, you get an error reading: "Import failed. Reason: Logon failed-the Logon ID and/or password is/are not valid."
Applies to
- Connexion client
- WorldShare Record Manager
This error message is coming from your local system/ILS. It means that the logon ID and/or password you've entered in your Gateway or TCP/IP export settings are not what the local system is expecting.
- If you're working in Connexion client, go to Tools > Options > Export, highlight your Gateway export option and click Edit. Check to make sure the logon ID and password are correct. If they seem correct and you're still getting the same error when exporting, contact your ILS support team for assistance. You may want to send a screenshot of these settings.
- If you're working in WorldShare Record Manager, go to User Preferences > Exporting - Bibliographic Records > TCP/IP. Check to make sure the ID and password are correct. If they seem correct and you're still getting the same error when exporting, contact your ILS support team for assistance. You may want to send a screenshot of these settings.