Find out how to work with bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Get started
- Get started with cataloging in Connexion client.
- Search WorldCat
- Discover how to search WorldCat in Connexion client.
- Search WorldCat interactively
- Keyword, numeric, and derived search syntax and examples
- Customize WorldCat search and browse interfaces
- Qualify and combine searches
- Use WorldCat search results
- Browse WorldCat
- Enter WorldCat searches for batch processing
- Retrieve local system records using a Z39.50 connection
- Create bibliographic records
- Discover how to create bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Import bibliographic records
- Discover how to import bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Edit bibliographic records
- Discover how to edit bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Edit bibliographic records
- Reformat bibliographic records
- Validate bibliographic records online or offline
- Create or edit 006, 541, or 583 fields using guided entry
- Check spelling in bibliographic records
- Maintain URLs in bibliographic records
- Insert diacritics and special characters
- Report errors in bibliographic records
- Default keystroke shortcuts for diacritics and special characters
- Use bibliographic constant data
- Discover how to use bibliographic constant data in Connexion client.
- Save bibliographic records
- Discover how to save bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Take actions on bibliographic records
- Discover how to take actions on bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- Get started
- Set or delete holdings interactively or by batch
- Replace WorldCat bibliographic record interactively or by batch
- Exchange bibliographic records for peer review
- Report errors in bibliographic records
- Run batch processing for bibliographic records
- Batch set or delete holdings by OCLC number
- Procedures for cataloging agents
- Export bibliographic records
- Discover how to export bibliographic records in Connexion client.
- SCIPIO records
- Discover how to work with SCIPIO records in Connexion client.