Why am I receiving an error when running Compact Repair on a local save file?
- "Transaction failed. Internal local file error Please see the log file for specific error"
- "The search key was not found in any record."
Applies to
- Connexion Client 2.63
- Connexion Client 3.x
These error are indicative of a local save file that is likely bloated with formerly deleted records. Microsoft Access will be needed to correct the file. If possible, you may follow the below steps to do so.
We recommend making a copy of your local save so as not to completely corrupt the file.
If you do not feel comfortable following these steps, please contact OCLC Support to assist. Please send them a copy of your local save file, a screenshot of the error you are receiving, as well as a link to this page.
- Make a copy of your local save file
- Open the Windows menu
- Search for Run
- Enter %appdata%% in the search bar
- Go to OCLC>Connex>Db
- Find the local save file ending in .db and copy it to a new location, such as your desktop
- Right-click the copy and select Rename
- Rename the ending from .db to .mdb
- ex. DefaultBib.bib.db to DefaultBib.bib.mdb
- If you have Microsoft Access, you will now be able to open the file in Microsoft Access
- Select tblRecords on the left-hand side
- Any line marked as #Deleted will need to be selected and deleted
- Once those lines are deleted, or if there are no lines marked as #Deleted, select the Database Tools ribbon
- Select Compact and Repair Database
- Once finished, Save
- Exit Microsoft Access
- Rename the file back to the DefaultBib.bib.db format from Step 3
- Copy and paste the file back into OCLC>Connex>Db. You will want to either replace the old local save file with this corrected file, or swap them out to retain the original local save file, in case the above steps have not resolved the issue.
- Open the Connexion Client and run a Compact/Repair on the file