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Connexion client

Connexion client 3.1

 Note: OCLC recommends backing up your existing profiles and macros before installing the new version.

  • Existing profiles: X:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\OCLC\Connex\Profiles (where X is the letter of your hard drive and <user> is your Windows user name.)
  • Macros
    • X:\Program Files (x86)\OCLC\Connexion\Program\Macros (where X is the letter of your hard drive.)
    • %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\OCLC\Connexion\Program\Macros (if applicable)

System and user requirements

Connexion client is a Windows desktop application. The system requirements are:

  • Windows 10, 64-bit, version 1803 or newer (including all versions of Windows 11).
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or newer.
  • 4 GB RAM minimum.
  • 2 GB of available hard-disk space.

 Caution: Connexion client 3.1 is not compatible with versions of Microsoft Office that are no longer supported by Microsoft.  If you are using an older, 32-bit version of Microsoft Office that is out of support, we suggest that you either upgrade your Microsoft Office to a newer, supported version; or, that you do not upgrade to Connexion client 3.1, but instead continue to use version 2.63.

Logon with local administrator-level privileges is either required or highly recommended for installing the client as noted in the following list of circumstances:

  • Required if you use Windows 10 - For these operating systems, you must log on with administrator-level privileges to install any software program.

 Note: If you have Windows 10, after you save the download file, right-click the *.exe installation file, and click Run as administrator to help prevent possible problems with installing.

Download and install Connexion client 3.1

For detailed instructions on downloading and installing Connexion client 3.1, see Install Connexion client.

  1. Save the ConnexionClient3.1.8196.exe file to your computer.
  2. Double-click the file to install. The OCLC Connexion Client v3.1.8196 dialog opens.
  3. Click Yes.
  4. Follow prompts to complete the installation.
    • For most users, accept the default settings throughout the installation. In most windows of the Setup program, simply click Next >.
    • In the License Agreement window, select the I Agree radio button and then click Next >.
    • In the Select Installation Folder window:
      1. Keep the default location for installing on your computer: X:\Program Files\OCLC\Connexion, where X = letter of your hard drive.
        Enter a different path name or click Browse to select a location, such as a folder on a server for installing to multiple computers.
      2. Click Next >.
  5. (Optional) To cancel the installation at any time, click Cancel and then click Yes to confirm. To resume installation after canceling, start the process over from the beginning.
  6. When the installation is complete, shut down and restart your computer before running the client.

Connexion client 2.63

System and user requirements

Connexion client is a Windows desktop application. The system requirements are:

  • Windows 10, version 1803 or newer (including all versions of Windows 11).
  • 4 GB RAM minimum.
  • 2 GB of available hard-disk space.

Logon with local administrator-level privileges is either required or highly recommended for installing the client
as noted in the following list of circumstances:

  • Required if you use Windows 10 or 11 - For these operating systems, you must log on
    with administrator level privileges to install any software program.

 Note: If you have Windows 10 or 11, after you save the download file, right-click the *.exe
installation file, and click Run as administrator to help prevent possible problems with installing.

Download and install

  1. Save the ConnexClient_263.exe file to your computer.
  2. Double-click the file to install. The OCLC Connexion Client v2.63 dialog opens.
  3. Click Yes.
  4. Follow prompts to complete the installation.
    • For most users, accept the default settings throughout the installation. In most windows of the Setup program, simply click Next >.
    • In the License Agreement window, select the I Agree radio button and then click Next >.
    • In the Select Installation Folder window:
      1. Keep the default location for installing on your computer: X:\Program Files (x86)\OCLC\Connexion, where X = letter of your hard drive.
        Enter a different path name or click Browse to select a location, such as a folder on a server for installing to multiple computers.
      2. Click Next >.
  5. (Optional) To cancel the installation at any time, click Cancel and then click Yes to confirm. To resume installation after canceling, start the process over from the beginning.
  6. When the installation is complete, shut down and restart your computer before running the client.

Auto-fix for Connexion client 2.63

This program may be run on Windows 11 and Windows 10 (x86 and x64).

You may want to install this program if your Connexion client is experiencing any of the following problems.

  • UAC (User Account Control) prompts every time the client is started
  • Getting a red X for network files in file manager
  • Can't find shared network files or must reconfigure them every time the client is opened
  • Configure paths not sticking when the client is closed and re-opened
  • The mapped network drive is not showing up in the client's file manager
  • Third-party programs such as Macro Express or Auto Hotkey not working with the client
  • Editing or creating macros causes the client to shutdown
  • Connexion client can't find network printer
There are two solutions to the problems you're experiencing
  • If possible, reduce the user’s Windows account to Standard User access. Connexion client does not need admin privileges to run.
  • If the account must remain as admin or power user for compatibility with other software, then applying the SDB auto-fix (application compatibility database definition) should resolve the problem.
Download and install
  1. Download the Auto-fix OCLC Connexion Client 2.63 file to your Desktop or Downloads folder.
  2. Right-click the file and select Run as Administrator. If you don't see Run as Administrator when you right-click, hold down the shift key and right-click again.
  3. A message box will ask if you to confirm. If you started the program by selecting Run as Administrator, select Yes. Otherwise, select No and run it again.

Connexion client OCLC macrobook 2019, with 2023 updates for Connexion 2.63 and 3.1


A new OCLC Macrobook (OCLC.mbk) for the Connexion Client is available for download. It contains 1 revised macro for 2023 and from 2019 2 revised macros and 2 new macros. The content of the other macros in the macrobook remains the same.

2023: GenerateERecord has been updated with the following changes:

  • The default field 588 first indicator position is now set to 0 and the source of description text has been modified accordingly
  • The macro no longer adds a 655 4Electronic books
  • The default ELvl code has been changed from K to 7

2019: Generate043 has been revised to generate 043 codes for new or changed names of countries including Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia (Republic)), and Cabo Verde (formerly Cape Verde).

2019: GenerateAuthorityRecord has been revised to:

  • Update the list of countries in used in field 370, used to create codes for field 043, and used to generate 781
  • Add the code lcdgt to the $2 menu for 374
  • Change the menu for 375 to plural terms with $2 defaulting to lcdgt
  • Fix a bug that resulted in some 781 fields being generated without a field tag

2019: PunctuationAdd is a new macro that adds punctuation to fields in either a single record or all records in a local or online save file. This macro could be used to locally add punctuation before exporting records that lack punctuation in accord with the new Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Optional punctuation policy. It adjusts the coding in Leader/18 (Desc) and in field 040 as needed. Do not use it to add or restore punctuation permanently to a WorldCat record that is correctly coded with Leader/18 c and does not contain punctuation.

2019: PunctuationDelete is a new macro that removes punctuation from fields in a single record or all records in a local or online save file. It is based on the PCC Optional punctuation policy and may be used by PCC catalogers who are authenticating a bibliographic record as pcc in accordance with the policy. It may also be used for local editing to remove punctuation from any record prior to export if desired. The macro adjusts coding in Leader/18 (Desc) and in field 040 as needed.

Download and install the Connexion client 3.1 OCLC macrobook 2023

  1. Save the oclc.mbk file to your computer.
  2. Select the oclc.mbk file and press <Ctrl><C> to copy the file.
  3. Navigate to the \Macros directory created by the Connexion client installation.
    Example: X:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\OCLC\Connex\Profiles, where X is the letter of your hard drive and <user> is your Windows user name.
  4. Press <Ctrl><V> to paste the file to the \Macros directory.
  5. Click Yes in the overwrite file confirmation dialog.
  6. Open the Connexion Client and navigate to Tools > Macros > Manage. Your macro book should now be listed and available for use in the Macro window.

Download and install the Connexion client 2.63 OCLC macrobook 2023

  1. Save the oclc.mbk file to your computer.
  2. Select the oclc.mbk file and press <Ctrl><C> to copy the file.
  3. Navigate to the \Macros directory created by the Connexion client installation.
    Example: X:\Program Files\OCLC\Connexion\Program\Macros, where X is the letter of your hard drive.
  4. Press <Ctrl><V> to paste the file to the \Macros directory.
  5. Click Yes in the overwrite file confirmation dialog.
  6. Open the Connexion Client and navigate to Tools > Macros > Manage. Your macro book should now be listed and available for use in the Macro window.

Cataloging Label Program

System and user requirements

Operating system

  • Microsoft ® Windows Vista
  • Microsoft ® Windows 7
  • Windows ® Windows 8/8.1

Windows hardware requirements

Requirements for Windows according to Microsoft:

  Minimum processor Minimum memory Minimum available hard disk space
Windows Vista Home Basic 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) processor 512 MB 15 GB
Windows Vista Home Premium/Business/Ultimate 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) processor 1 GB 15 GB
Windows 7/8/8.1 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) ro 64-bit (x64) processor 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit) 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

Additional available hard disk space required for the OCLC Cataloging Label program: 20 MB.

Caution for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users: Although the Label Program is compatible with Vista, the Label Program Help file is not compatible. Microsoft discontinued support for some legacy Help files (file extension *.hlp) with its Vista release. See more information on the Microsoft Web site. To continue using the Labels Help in Vista, you can download the legacy Help viewer from Microsoft.

User requirements

Install the Label Program

You need local administrator privileges when you install to allow the Label Program to update the necessary system files.

Run the Label Program

You must be a Power User to retain and modify settings and other program files system-wide.

The Label Program is not needed for the OCLC Connexion client

If you use the Windows-based client interface to OCLC Connexion, you do not need to install the Label Program. The Connexion client provides the same functions as the Label Program for viewing, editing, and printing labels, but as part of the software itself (go to the View menu and click Label or go to the File menu and click Print Label(s)). See Print Labels in Connexion client documentation for instructions.

OCLC Permissions software

OCLC Permissions is an administrative tool for Windows 10 and is provided for users of the OCLC Cataloging Label Program.

The Windows-based Cataloging Label Program requires Windows 10 users to be in the Power Users group to run because of the way the application writes to the Windows registry. Many system administrators are concerned about the security issues with users working in the Power Users group. OCLC Permissions resets permissions to allow the OCLC Cataloging Label Program to run in the Standard User (Non-Administrator) account.

Download and install
  1. As a local administrator, disable all anti-virus software running and install the OCLC Cataloging Label Program. You are prompted to reboot the machine at the end of the install so that InstallShield can finish updating system files. When rebooting, sign in as the local administrator. Start (by right-clicking and selecting Run as Administrator) and close the newly installed Label Program once before running the OCLC Permissions program. Starting the Label Program creates several of the keys/files that are modified by OCLC Permissions.
  2. Disable all anti-virus software running because rebooting the machine as instructed in Step 1 may result in anti-virus software restarting. Since OCLC Permissions must change both NTFS and registry permissions. Anti-virus programs interpret this as a possible attack and prevent it from making the necessary changes.
  3. Save the OCLC Permissions software file to the drive it is to modify.
     Note: OCLC Permissions must be run from the drive it is to modify. If not, all required keys/files are not properly updated. A good place to run the program from is the \OCLCAPPS\ folder (although it can be run from any location on the drive).
  4. Double-click the file to install.
  5. Right-click and select Run as Administrator the OCLC Permissions program. A screen listing the Cataloging Label Program registry keys and files appears:
    • Read access is shown in the Users Group column for the Label Program.
    • Not Installed displays next to other, now superseded, OCLC applications not installed.
  6. Click the Set Full Permissions button. Read changes to Read/write.
  7. Click Close. Log off as administrator and log on as the user. The OCLC application should now function as if it were a standard user.

Download and install the Cataloging Label Program

  1. Create a temporary folder in Windows File Explorer (e.g., create a folder named Label in the X:\temp folder, where X is the letter of your hard drive).
  2. Save the Cataloging Label Program 1.22.exe file to the temporary folder on your computer. A compressed, self-extracting *.exe file downloads to the temporary folder you created.
  3. In the temporary folder, double-click the *.exe file. In the Win-Zip Self Extractor window, click Unzip.
  4. Double-click the Setup.exe file.
    • If you are installing the Label Program for the first time, a Setup program opens. Follow prompts to complete installation.
    • If you are upgrading or reinstalling the Label Program, a Maintenance program may open. Select Repair to upgrade or reinstall.
  5. (Optional) Right-click the temporary folder containing the installation files and, on the shortcut menu, click Delete.

See Install the Label Program for further instructions on installing, upgrading, or reinstalling.

RLIN21 keyboards

About RLIN21 keyboards

RLIN21 Arabic, Cyrillic, and Hebrew keyboards

  • RLIN21 keyboards - Connexion client supports keyboards that were previously created by Research Libraries Group for use with RLIN21.
  • Windows input keyboards - You may use Microsoft Windows input keyboards or install and use RLIN21 keyboards to enter these scripts.
  • Difference - RLIN21 keyboards include characters specific to each script. Microsoft keyboards include characters specific to a language written in a particular script. For example, using the single RLIN21 Arabic keyboard, generate Arabic script characters for Arabic, Persian, and Urdu instead of switching among separate Microsoft keyboards for each language to enter script data.

     Note: For Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK), you must use Windows Input Method Editors (IMEs). For scripts outside the MARC-8 characters, use Windows keyboards.

RLIN21 Latin keyboard

  • The client supports two methods of entering diacritic and special characters.
  • Client function - Use the functionality in the client for entering a diacritic or special character, click Edit > Enter Diacritics and select the image or name for a character, or use assigned client keystrokes (see a complete list of client assigned keys in View > Assigned Keys).
  • RLIN21 Latin keyboard - Use RLIN21 methods and equivalent keystrokes to enter diacritics and special characters.

Download and install an RLIN21 keyboard


  • You must have local administrator rights for your workstation to download and install the RLIN21 keyboards.
  • After installing, you must make an installed keyboard available on your workstation—that is, select it under the English (United States) input locale for your workstation—before you can use the keyboard.

To install a keyboard:

  1. Save one of the following RLIN21 keyboard files to your computer.
  2. Double-click the file to install.
  3. Scroll to the end of the OCLC Software License Agreement and click I Agree.
  4. In the File Download window, check the *.exe name to be sure you are downloading the keyboard you want and then click Save.
  5. In the OCLC Software License Agreement window, click I Agree to confirm your acceptance of the agreement.
  6. In the Save as window, expand the Save in list if needed to navigate to the folder where you want to save the file. Select the folder and then click Save. The window title changes to Download Complete. A message in the window also confirms that the file is downloaded. You can now close the browser.
  7. In Windows File Explorer, navigate to the folder where you saved the *.exe file. Double-click the file or highlight it and press <Enter>. You receive an Installation Complete message. Click Close.
  8. Repeat this procedure to install additional RLIN21 keyboards if needed.
  9. Shut down and restart your computer before you use the keyboard(s).