WorldShare Record Manager
WorldShare Record Manager allows you to create new and enrich existing items in WorldCat with efficient, record-at-a-time metadata management for your physical and electronic materials using either a MARC 21 editor or a Text View editor. Plus, with Record Manager, you can set and delete WorldCat holdings and export bibliographic records.
- Record Manager user preferences
- Learn how to set search, export, label, and record editor preferences.
- Search
- Record Manager provides a variety of methods to search and browse WorldCat holdings. You can also set your search preferences to suppress authority and bibliographic search scopes and indexes.
- Authority records
- Record Manager supports the following authority records: Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), Canadiana, FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology), GND (German National Library), Library of Congress (LC), Māori Subject Headings, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), NTA Names (Dutch Royal Library) and Répertoire de vedettes-matière (RVM) authority files.
- Bibliographic records
- Record Manager allows you to create new and enrich existing items in WorldCat using either a MARC 21 editor or a Text View editor.
- Constant data
- With Record Manager, create constant data records for bibliographic and local holdings records to develop and maintain standards for use in all bibliographic or local holdings records, certain collections, or specific types of resources.
- Field strings
- When you are editing a MARC 21 WorldCat record or LBD information, you can save frequently used variable field information as a string that can be copied to other fields.
- My Labels
- You can create spine labels from information in an MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record or a local holdings records. Your list of labels is only viewable by you and not by other users in your institution.
- Local bibliographic data
- Using local bibliographic data (LBD), you can add local information to a bibliographic record that is specific to your institution’s title; however, other institutions will not be able to see that information in the MARC 21 WorldCat record and your users will only see your institution’s LBD.
- Local holdings records
- Using Record Manager, you can create and edit WorldCat local holdings records (LHRs). LHRs provide information about your item-specific holdings as well as lending and reproduction policies.
- Text strings
- When you are editing a MARC 21 WorldCat record or local bibliographic data information, you can save frequently used variable information as a string that can be copied to other fields.
- Record Manager institution settings
- Discover how to configure settings that apply to users across your institution in Record Manager.
- Simplified cataloging interface
- The simplified cataloging interface offers streamlined Record Manager functionality focused on providing a straightforward approach to cataloging.
- WorldShare Record Manager release notes and known issues
- Find WorldShare Record Manager release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- WorldCat Validation release notes and known issues
- Find WorldCat Validation release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- WorldShare Record Manager training
- Find training on WorldShare Record Manager here.
- OCLC Community Center: WorldShare Record Manager community
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current WorldShare Record Manager product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on product workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- After I set a WorldCat holding in Record Manager, when can it be viewed in other applications?
- Are text and field strings user-level or institution-level?
- Authority pop-ups are not populating
- A record is locked, who should I contact to unlock the record?
- A system error has occurred error message appears upon viewing a label print list
- Can inactive barcodes be searched if they're removed from an items LHR?
- Can I add a PDF document to a local holdings record?
- Can I delete a WorldCat bibliographic record?
- Can I export records from Record Manager to a network drive?
- Can I export records with LHRs using Record Manager?
- Can I obtain a list of my holdings placed during a subscription or time period?
- Can I use bold, italics, or other rich text formatting in MARC records?
- Can OCLC bulk add unique 856 field URLs to WorldCat records?
- Can we reuse item barcodes?
- Cataloging authorizations BIBCO, NACO and CONSER require separate user accounts
- Do actions in Connexion show up immediately in WorldShare Record Manager?
- Do searches count toward CatExpress usage?
- Error: Invalid code in Encoding Level (Leader/17) Not authorized to use | in Encoding Level (Leader/17)
- Error: Unable to add the record to the bibliographic record export list
- Error: "Unable to export the bibliographic record. Invalid or missing host name."
- When exporting bibliographic records, I get "An error occurred on the server; please try again later or contact support."
- Featured WorldShare Record Manager Troubleshooting articles
- Fixed fields are missing from the form when editing an LHR in Record Manager
- How can I add a shelving location to individual labels in a Label Print List?
- How can I change the default Label template in Record Manager?
- How can I change the font size in WorldShare?
- How can I combine separate copies into one multipart item?
- How can I configure a cataloging group so that I can view the Holdings in My Group tab in Record Manager?
- How can I edit a local holdings record showing incorrect holdings information in WorldShare ILL?
- How can I get a list of LBD control numbers for bulk editing?
- How can I move MARC field 876 to a new LHR?
- How can I request NACO authorization access for use in Record Manager?
- How can I see how many holdings we have by format in WorldCat?
- How can I see how many records we have been charged for CatExpress?
- How can I set up a label template for a continuous roll printer?
- How can I split a call number into more than two lines on a spine label in My Labels?
- How do I activate Record Manager in WorldShare?
- How do I catalog an online thesis?
- How do I change the order in which different LHRs for an item display in WorldCat Discovery?
- How do I copy and paste information from outside Record Manager into a MARC record?
- How do I delete a record from WorldCat?
- Unable to export bibliographic records from Record Manager to ALMA over TCP/IP
- How do I get volume or number enumeration to display together chronologically on LHR record details in Discovery?
- How do I get a MARC record into WorldShare Record Manager?
- How do I get textual holdings information to show in the Holdings Summary?
- How do I move more than 9,000 LHRs to another branch or shelving location using a Record Work List?
- How do I send a bibliographic record change request?
- How do I view a list of all records in the online save file in Record Manager?
- How do we delete holdings for a closed library?
- How do we get our records into WorldCat?
- How to disable WorldCat holdings audience levels
- How to Lock and Unlock a record in Record Manager
- How to remove duplicate item barcodes safely
- Incorrect record display in WorldShare Record Manager
- Is it possible to create a local holdings record without setting holdings on a record?
- Is it possible to exclude non-English subject headings from exporting in bibliographic records?
- Is it possible to undo a bulk action?
- Is it possible to undo a merge of inappropriately merged records?
- Is there a way to limit search results by year?
- How can I enter codes into the Literary Text Code for sound recordings field?
- I am getting an error message when trying to save a derived LHR.
- I can't update a bibliographic record
- Is there a way to bulk fix validation errors in Record Manager?
- I keep getting a Bib Read Failed Unexpectedly. How can I fix it?
- I need our authorization number for Sirsi Dynix's SMARTport. How do I get those credentials?
- I sent a record to the label lists, but nothing is showing in the label preview.
- How do I add a new name authority record to the LC authority file?
- Language () entry in the Languages of Cataloging field
- Left hand navigation drop-downs overflow into the main display in Record Manager
- Error: Message missing when sending to export list
- My Record Work List will not process. It is stuck in Queued status
- Records that have been moved to a new location are appearing in a search of the old location
- Error: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Contact your administrator to request authorization.
- Record Manager says a record exported but the record does not appear in local system
- Record Manager TCP/IP Export shows Host Message: Records are being read from port device name
- When I send my call numbers to the label print list a LC call number shows up. I have always used Dewey. What has happened and how do I fix it?
- Server Communication Failed error after clicking Go Back when printing labels in Record Manager
- Server Communication failed error referencing listAlert occurs when saving LHR in Record Manager
- "Server communication failed" error when exporting records
- System error message when attempting to save contents note
- The Label Print List is showing two labels for each record
- The LHR display in Record Manager is not displaying the item's ILL lending status.
- Unable to edit 830 field in Record Manager
- Unable to export to Sierra
- Error: Unable to save the authority saved in-progress record
- We deleted LHRs. This action removed holdings from our collection even though we have holdings set on the titles in the Knowledge Base.
- We just created a new record for issues of a journal. When we try to edit the items a server error pops up.
- What are the OCLC cataloging rules for full-level records related to ELvl "M" and local data?
- What does the bulk LHR edit error "Not Updated - Missing Summary" mean?
- What do the different Save options mean when working with bibliographic records in Record Manager?
- What happens if I go over my allotted number of titles in CatExpress
- What is the IP range for Record Manager?
- When editing the Item Details of a LHR, I get the error: "Unable to find the specified holding item"
- When I click on the print button to print my labels, nothing happens.
- When I create a new LHR using the Derive option, information that I do not want is brought over from the Bib
- When I try to add records to an Export List, I get the message, "An error occurred on the server, please try again later or contact support."
- Where is the control number in an LBD record?
- Why, with all cataloging roles, am I still unable to perform certain actions or view certain features in Record Manager?
- Why am I getting a validation error on the 040 tag?
- Why am I receiving the error "ELvl (Leader/17) - invalid code" or "ELvl (Leader/17) - not authorized to use I" when I try to validate a record?
- Why am I seeing the wrong Local holding code come up in the 049 tag in Record Manager?
- Why are duplicate records appearing in the Discover Items search?
- Why can't other users at my library see the label templates I created?
- Why can I not see the Customize Scripts tab in Record Manager?
- Why doesn't Record Manager allow me to create my Export list name?
- Why does an item have a shelving location that does not exist on our Holding Codes & Translation Table?
- Why does my export list show "No Format" as the export format when I create it?
- Why does the Create date for my new authority record show a date from years ago?
- Why do I see a second copy prefix in my LHR display in Record Manager?
- Error: Did not find End-of-Record when exporting to TCP/IP
- Why is our holding code reading as invalid in the 852 $b field of an LHR?
- Why is there no shelf location and call number displaying for an item I hold?
- Why is the layout for labels in Record Manager showing overlapping labels?
- Why is the number of items in the Branch Item Holdings by Shelving Location report greater than the same search in WorldShare Record Manager?