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OCLC Support

"Server communication failed" error when exporting records


  • You may be exporting records via TCP/IP. When exporting records, you get an error message saying "Server communication failed"

Applies to

  • WorldShare Record Manager


Field exclusions in your export settings could be the cause.

  1. In Record Manager, go to User Preferences > Exporting - Bibliographic Records > General
  2. Take a screenshot of your settings so you can restore them if needed after troubleshooting.
  3. Take note of all the Exclusions, then delete them save and re-add them back and re-save.
  4. Try exporting a record.

If you are still getting a "Server communication failed" message after removing your exclusion, contact OCLC Support with a description of the problem and a screenshot of your current settings under User Preferences > Exporting - Bibliographic Records > General.

Additional information

Record Manager user preferences

Page ID