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Save field information as a field string

Discover how to save bibliographic or local holdings record field information as a field string in WorldShare Record Manager.

 Note: The following characters are unsupported when entering a field string name: # ! , > < & : ( ) [ ] _ / \

Save bibliographic record field information as a field string

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, right-click the field that you would like to save as a field string.
  2. Select Create Field String... from the Field flyout menu.
  3. In the Create Field String dialog window, enter a Field String Name.
  4. Click Create.

Save local holdings record field information as a field string

  1. From the LHR editor, right-click the field that you would like to save as a field string.
  2. Click Save Field String....
  3. In the Create Field String dialog window, enter a Field String Name.
  4. Click Create.