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OCLC Support

Known issues

This page lists known issues in the WorldShare Record Manager application. Availability dates are subject to change.

Please see the OCLC System Status Dashboard for active issues.

Current issues


Issue Details
Users who have a role assigned to their user account that allows them to work in the Simplified cataloging interface and in addition have the Collection Manager Admin role will now see more options than those appropriate for the Simplified view, e.g. view a bibliographic record in Edit mode. Workaround: Remove the Collection Manager Admin role from the user account. If access to Collection Manager is needed, use the Collection Manager Supervisor role. 

Inconsistent or missing results with Title Browse search

When using the Title Browse search in Record Manager, results may not be returned as expected. 


Changes made to Local Holdings Records (LHRs) are taking longer than 10 minutes to appear in the LHR/Item Change History

When editing an LHR or adding a new LHR, it could take up to 15-20 minutes for the changes to appear in the LHR Change History table.

Cannot delete a text or field string if the name of the string contains diacritics

If diacritics are used within the name of the text or field string, the text or field string cannot be deleted from the Toolbox.
Workaround: Do not use diacritics in text or field string names until this issue has been resolved.  

Shortcut for label printing

When you are in an LHR and attempt to use the shortcut key for label printing twice in one field, you only receive one entry on the label list.

Workaround: Click on a new field within the LHR and execute the shortcut key again.

Fixed issues

Fixed issues - Table
Issue Fix date

Update to Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic role behavior

If the Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic are assigned with other Cataloging roles (for example Cataloging Admin or Cataloging Full), the fuller Cataloging roles will now be applied. The recommendation remains that the Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic roles should only be assigned to users that should be limited to the simplified cataloging interface.

21 November 2024

Record Work Lists are being removed the next day

Record Work Lists are being removed one day after they were created instead of when the expiration date (30 days) has been reached.

18 November 2024

Authority export list tab is showing for all users and institutions

The Authority export list tab is showing for all users and institutions under Export lists even if the user is working with a role that does not have access to authority data. 

2 May 2024

Errors when importing record file in local system

When attempting to import a bibliographic record file that was exported from Record Manager, errors about record length or incorrect characters display in a local system.  

25 March 2024

Record Manager statistics not refreshing in WorldShare Reports

Impacts: Institutions based in the United States data center or Australia data center

Record Manager activity statistics (located in Reports under Analytics->Reports->Metadata) have not been refreshed in these regions since 10 January 2024. A near-term fix is expected as soon as possible.

28 February 2024

Incorrect search results when using Boolean NOT

Search queries that contain a Boolean "NOT" operator do not return correct results if the  term linked with NOT is in local data (LBD or LHRs).

2 February 2024

Unable to export bibliographic records using TCP/IP with login ID authentication

When using TCP/IP exporting with login ID authentication, an export attempt will show a spinning, please wait message or an error message instead of exporting successfully. 

Export to a file and send to your computer or use Connexion client to export using TCP/IP if the login ID authentication method is required by your local system   

5 December 2023

Right-click menu in bibliographic records not displaying correctly

When right-clicking in a field that supports autosuggest for authority headings the menu flashes and then disappears.

When the cursor is in a field and you then right-click in the next field, the right-click menu shows options that are not appropriate to that field but to the previous field.

31 August 2023

Unable to delete LHRs when using the My LHRs barcode search 

When using the My LHRs barcode search and selecting 'Delete Barcoded Items' from the Actions drop-down menu, an error message appears and the LHRs are not deleted. 

13 July 2023

System error message displaying when using relator term in Library of Congress headings 

When adding subfield e relator term to a Library of Congress heading in a field, a system error message displays that says try again. 

15 June 2023

Authorized Access Points become uncontrolled when replacing a bibliographic record

When deriving or replacing bibliographic records or when using the "Control All Headings" option some authorized access points become uncontrolled. This happens intermittently and is being investigated.

30 May 2023

Unable to add records in bulk to a Record Work List from Local Holdings Records (LHRs) search results

When attempting to add records in bulk to a Record Work List from the Local Holdings Records (LHRs) search results page a server communication error message appears. 

6 May 2023

Error message "The specified copy item cannot be found" when adding items using Local Holdings Record (LHR) Text View Editor (also Copy/Items view editor in WorldShare Circulation and Acquisitions)

When adding a new item using the Local Holdings Record (LHR) Text View Editor in Record Manager (and also Copy/Items view editor in Circulation and Acquisitions), an error message “The specified copy item cannot be found” may appear temporarily for some users.  

15 March 2023

Red box in 008 field for "Illustrations" and "Nature of Contents Code"

When viewing an existing bibliographic record or creating a new bibliographic record a red box will appear for the 008 "Illustrations" and "Nature of Contents Code". The red box will not impact saving, replacing or validating a record.  

13 February 2023

Inconsistent or missing results with Call Number Browse search

When using the Call Number Browse search in Record Manager, results may not be returned as expected. 

31 October 2022

Receiving of serial issues blocked when new caption/853 is required

If you are receiving a serial issue that requires a new caption (for enumeration or chronology) in the 853 field of the Local Holdings Record (LHR), the system will currently not allow you to receive the serial issue. This applies to all of the following screens/workflows:

  • Receiving serials issues via serials management
  • Receiving serial holdings for a copy/LHR in Discover Items
  • Adding a new 863 for a LHR in Record Manager
15 October 2022

Print PDF error or blank page when printing labels using My Labels

When printing labels in a label print list in My Labels an error message appears that says the PDF is not loaded for printing or the print page is blank.  

29 August 2022

Institutions with a diacritic in the Institution Registry Name cannot enable settings in Institution Settings

Institutions with a diacritic in the Institution Registry Name are unable to access the LHR Change History settings under Institution Settings and receive the error “Unable to retrieve the Institution Settings”.

12 July 2022

Local holdings record summary is removed when moving an LHR to a different bibliographic record

When you move an LHR to a different bibliographic record, the summary for the LHR is removed which can impact the item availability display for libraries using WorldCat Discovery.

June 29 2022

Incorrect Simplified/Read-only View when you expect a full cataloging role

When you view the Record Manager panel and interface, you only see a simplified or read-only view and less options.

7 June 2022

Inconsistent or missing results with Call Number Browse search

When using the Call Number Browse search in Record Manager, results may not be returned as expected. The search may return a list of 10 results instead of 20 results or results might be missing title information.  It may take longer than two minutes for newly added Local Holdings Records (LHRs) to appear in the Call Number Browse search results.

6 May 2022
Error when adding over fifty barcodes to an LHR 

When attempting to add and save an LHR that has more than fifty new barcodes in 8XX fields in the LHR editor, a error message may appear.

8 April 2022
049 field is retained in the WorldCat record

If a bibliographic record is replaced in Record Manager, the 049 field is being retained in the record.
18 May 2021
Unable to replace bibliographic records that contain 006 field

If a bibliographic record contains a 006 field, an error “006 is too short.” displays and the bibliographic record is not replaced.
18 May 2021

When applying constant data to a bibliographic record, the edit icon does not display on the tab

When you have a bibliographic record open and select Record > Bibliographic Constant Data > Apply, when constant data is applied to the record, the orange edit icon is not appearing on the tab to show the record was edited.

28 February 2021

When applying constant data to a Local Holdings Record from the preview constant data page, the indicator values for the 852 field do not apply

When you are on the preview constant data page and attempt to apply constant data, the indicator values for the 852 field in the LHR constant data record will not apply to the record being edited.

31 October 2020

Delete bibliographic record option does not appear in Record drop-down menu when moving LHRs and deleting the holding 

When you move LHRs from a bibliographic record that was created by your institution (040 $c shows your OCLC symbol) and remove the holding, the Delete option is missing from the Record drop-down menu until you close the tabs and reperform your search for the bibliographic record.  

25 July 2020

Cursor does not appear in search term box with one click in Advanced Search for Google Chrome

When you are in Advanced Search and click in the "Enter search term(s) text box, your cursor does not appear until you click a second time when using the Google Chrome browser. 

25 July 2020

When using "Add Equivalent Subject Headings" from the Record menu in an existing bibliographic record, the edit icon does not display on the tab

When you have an existing bibliographic record open and select RecordAdd Equivalent Subject Headings, if subject heading fields are added to the bibliographic record, the edit icon is not appearing on the tab to show the record was edited. 

25 July 2020

Find and Select Bibliographic Record dialog out of view when using the Move to Different Bibliographic Record action from Local Holdings Records Search results

When you use the Move to Different Bibliographic Record action from the Local Holdings Records search results, select the Find and Select Record option, and search for a bibliographic record the dialog box might appear out of your view in the browser window and you will need to scroll up on the page to find it.

30 May 2020

Server communication failed error message dialog when adding LHRs to Record Work Lists

A server communication failed error message may appear when adding a large number of LHRs to the Record Work List by barcode. If the server communication failed error message appears, the dialog box cannot be closed or accepted.

25 April 2020

Diacritics or punctuation in script names
Diacritics or punctuation in script names will cause the filter to be unable to filter to that script name.

1 March 2020

Update Temporary Shelving location for LHRs

When trying to update the Temporary Shelving Location for Local Holding Records in Record Manager from a search results list the option “Change Shelving Location” in the Actions menu is grayed out and cannot be selected.

29 February 2020