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Work with local holdings records

Using Record Manager, you can create and edit WorldCat local holdings records (LHRs). You add an LHR record to a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record.

Using Record Manager, you can create and edit WorldCat local holdings records (LHRs). You add an LHR record to a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record. The information contained in the LHR contains information that is specific to your institution.

Specific fields are appropriate for LHRs. Some of these fields contain information that is similar to fields in the MARC 21 WorldCat record; however, the information in the LHR is not appropriate for users outside your institution.

Local holdings records may be exported with bibliographic records. For more information, see Export preferences.


  • A bibliographic record may contain a maximum of 10,000 local holdings records.
  • If the local holdings record you are editing has been changed concurrently by another user or in a different session, you will receive an error message when you attempt to save your edits. Click Refresh and reapply your edits to save.
  • Some local holdings record actions can be performed on up to 100 records at a time. To perform an action on up to 9,000 records at a time, see Bulk actions for local holdings records.

 Learn more in a training video: Local holdings records for WMS libraries

Local Holdings Records accordion - Image

LHR accordion