Knowledge base collections
Use Collection Manager to manage your electronic resources and automatically maintain WorldCat holdings. Use your collection data with other OCLC services, display full-text links, and get WorldCat records.
- About knowledge base collections in Collection Manager
- See an overview of the Collection Manager interface as it relates to knowledge base collections. Find a list of collections available in the global WorldCat knowledge base.
- Choose a method to add or create a knowledge base collection
- Choose a method to add your knowledge base collection data in Collection Manager. Most libraries adding more than one collection use more than one method.
- Add open access content
- Create a database-only collection
- Create a knowledge base collection
- Create a print serial collection
- Map titles from an alternate knowledge base supplier
- Modify a collection to select your subset of titles
- Providers and contacts for Automatic Holdings Feeds
- Request government document collections
- Select a knowledge base collection in full
- Share knowledge base collections
- Configure institution settings
- Configure institution settings for knowledge base collections such as proxy settings, setting WorldCat holdings, etc.
- Get WorldCat MARC records for knowledge base collections
- Collection Manager delivers WorldCat records for titles in knowledge base collections. It automatically outputs new, updated, and delete records so your collections, access URLs, and title metadata stay up-to-date. Follow the instructions to enable MARC record delivery and customize your records.
- Use collection data with other services
- See how to use knowledge base collection data with other OCLC services. Find instructions to use your data for full-text links, in conjunction with a resource sharing deflection policy, and more .
- Display full-text links and elevate links from a specific provider
- Download knowledge base data to analyze your selections or for a third-party
- Get It Now (unmediated service)
- Get reports on patron use of e-resources
- Deflect lending requests in WorldShare ILL and Tipasa with knowledge base collections
- Integrate OpenAthens proxy with the WorldCat Knowledge Base
- Knowledge base publication types: Links in your A-to-Z list and WorldCat Discovery
- Manage license information and settings
- Surface your materials in Google Scholar
- Use WorldCat knowledge base to feed proxied e-resources to Google Scholar
- Maintain your knowledge base collections
- Find everything you need for KBART formatting. See how to use the Activity History, report errant OCLC numbers, and request link schemes to maintain your knowledge base collections in Collection Manager.
- About DDA collections
- Deselect a collection or a title
- Discontinued knowledge base collections
- Download large files for Internet Archive and HathiTrust collections and for My Selected Titles (KBART)
- KBART values and formatting
- Link scheme values and overrides
- Manage broken link reports from WorldCat Discovery
- Mismatched records and best practices for cooperative edits
- Report errant knowledge base links
- Report errant OCLC numbers
- Upload and download locations for knowledge base collections
- Cooperative management
- Help manage global knowledge base data by using the cooperative management features. Update title information, add a new collection, and approve or deny changes made by other libraries to the global knowledge base.
- Knowledge base collection Activity History
- Find information about using the Collection History, Title History, and Loads and Feeds Activity History for knowledge base collections.