Configure institution settings for knowledge base collections
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Configure institution settings
Institution settings apply across all your collections. Use caution when changing existing settings as the changes might impact other collections. Please remember to click Save after you select settings. If your session times out, you could lose your work.
Navigate to the institution settings:
- Sign in to the WorldShare interface at your library's WorldShare URL. Replace yourlibrary with your library's identifier:
- Navigate to Metadata > Collection Manager > Institution Settings.
Configure the following institution settings:
- OCLC Symbol
- Verify that your OCLC Symbol is selected
Use the OCLC Symbol setting to verify that your institution's OCLC symbol is selected. Collection Manager uses the symbol displayed here to maintain WorldCat holdings and to output records.
- WorldCat Holdings
- Enable WorldCat holdings maintenance across your collections
Collection Manager allows libraries with an OCLC Cataloging Subscription or CatExpress subscription to set holdings in WorldCat based on titles in their Collection Manager instance. Collection Manager will automatically maintain holdings in WorldCat as titles in dynamic collections are added, deleted, or updated.
By default, the WorldCat Holdings setting is disabled in institution settings. WorldCat Holdings settings are not applicable to query collections or to collection-level settings to create data sync collections in Collection Manager.
To enable holdings maintenance across all of your collections:
Navigate to Institution Settings > WorldCat Holdings. Set Maintain holdings in WorldCat to Yes. Now that you have enabled WorldCat Holdings in the institution settings, the setting activates default settings across your collections. Review the list of default collection-level settings:- Enabled for all collections you have selected or will select from the global WorldCat knowledge base and enabled for knowledge base collections you have created
- Disabled for open-access knowledge base collections
- Enabled for cataloging partner collections you have created or will create. The settings will take effect when you activate your cataloging partner collections. You have the option to use the collection-level setting in cataloging partner collections to delay setting holdings in WorldCat by up to 180 days
To change a collection-level WorldCat Holdings setting:
Search for the collection. See Search for collections in Collection Manager. Click on the name of the collection to open it and expand the collection-level Holdings accordion. Adjust the setting within the collection. The options are:- Use institution setting (Enabled)
- Disable for this collection
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa libraries: Make sure you have an appropriate deflection policy in place. See How to deflect lending requests (knowledge base collections) or, if you have a subscription to License Manager, see How to deflect lending requests (License Manager). Most libraries experience an immediate increase in lending requests after setting holdings in WorldCat.
- Proxy and Authentication
- Enter your proxy information so off-campus patrons are directed through a proxy server
Collection Manager helps you manage patron access to materials by directing off-campus patrons through your proxy server. Collection Manager will prepend your proxy information to catalog links. Both on-campus and off-campus patrons will be given proxy links. Consult the documentation for your proxy server to determine how to configure your proxy settings to ignore on-campus patrons so they do not have to sign in.
You can override proxy information for a single collection within a collection's collection-level settings. See Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections.
Proxy Type
- Navigate to Institution Settings > Proxy and authentication > Proxy.
- Select Proxy:
- None (default)
- EZproxy
- III WAM Proxy
Base URL
- EZproxy users:
- Enter your Base URL. Example of a EZproxy base URL:
- III WAM Proxy users:
Caution: Do not include a space after the Base URL.
Username and Password
(Optional) Enter your Username and Password. Providing username and password information is used by OCLC for de-bugging purposes only.
Allow Proxy for Open Access Collections
Determine whether to allow for proxy use in open access collections. Once this setting is set to Yes, open access collections will allow users to enable proxy settings at the collection level. This gives libraries the option to surface open access content with proxy information in mixed collections.
The default setting is No.
Note: It is possible to update the collection-level proxy settings before enabling this setting. Once set to Yes, the settings will be recognized and applied. The proxy settings will be visible, but not applied if the setting is No. This can be verified in the Sample Title Link.
(Optional) Select to Temporarily disable for WorldCat Discovery and
- Staff members can use this setting to temporarily disable proxy information for WorldCat Discovery and link display without impacting MARC records. If there is a problem with the library's proxy service, this will allow library users to continue to access library resources within the library network.
- Provider Settings
- If your provider is listed, enter your provider-specific identifier needed for your links to resolve
Find information about Provider Settings in WorldShare Collection Manager.
About linking IDs
Collections from certain providers require identifiers specific to the provider in order for links to resolve to full-text. The ID is often included in the URL you use to access the provider's platform. For example, if you have an ID "XXX" from a provider:
- You might access the provider's platform with the URL:
- In Collection Manager, "XXX" would be the ID needed for Provider ID / Customer ID settings and once entered, the ID would be:
- Automatically included in MARC records if outputting records from Collection Manager. For example: =856 40$u$zClick for resource
- Referenced in corresponding links in your discovery interface. For example:
Configure provider settings
- First, see the table below to see if you have a collection from a provider that requires a linking ID. If your provider is listed, continue with the steps below. If you do not know your ID, contact your provider before you proceed:
- Navigate to Institution Settings > Provider Settings.
- Select your provider from the drop-down list.
- Enter the identifier from your provider.
Note: In special situations, you might need to override a linking ID for a particular collection. For help, see Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections, Use Proxy.
Providers that require an ID Setting is always required Setting is only required when custom linking has been set up with the provider Vendor Specific Linking ID Askews and Holts x VLeBooks Organisation ID CSA x Base URL China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) x Base URL EBSCO A-to-Z x Customer ID EBSCOhost x Authentication Type EBSCOhost EJS (EBSCOonline) x EBSCOonline Customer Code
Elsevier x Scopus Partner ID
Expert Consult ID
Factiva x Factiva XS-ID Gale Cengage x Location ID Get It Now WorldCat Discovery libraries configure Get It Now as an unmediated service which allows end users to purchase articles immediately. See How to configure Get It Now (unmediated service) for instructions.
WorldShare ILL libraries configure Get it Now as a mediated service.See Purchasing articles from Get It Now for instructions.
ILL Email Address
Bill to Email Address
Order Source
IRIS Education x IRIS Education Library ID Infobase x Infobase Library ID JSTOR x OpenAthens Domain Name Kanopy x Kanopy Library ID LOCKSS x Base URL LexisNexis x LexisNexis MIP MD Consult x National Library of Medicine x Outside Tool User Name Naxos Digital Services Ltd x Naxos Library ID OCLC x Odilo x Base URL OverDrive x Base URL Ovid x Base URL ProQuest x ProQuest account ID ProQuest Ebook Central x ProQuest ebook Library ID ProQuest Safari x ProQuest Safari UI Code
O'Reilly Connection String for SAML SSO Access x Library ID Recorded Books x Library ID Skillsoft EZproxy Domain x EZproxy Server Springer x Base URL Swank Digital Campus x Swank Library ID Teton Data Systems x Group Alias The HistoryMakers x Site ID VIP x Base URL Vandeplas Publishing x Vandeplas Publishing Custom URL Path Westlaw Campus x Westlaw Site ID e-libro x e-libro ID-channel
- MARC Records
- Enable MARC records and customize your records
If your library wants WorldCat MARC records for titles in knowledge base collections, we recommend that you finish configuring your institution settings and then follow the instructions to Configure institution MARC Records settings for knowledge base collections.
- Reports
- Enable emailed reports
If you enable reports in Institution Settings > Reports, reports will be available via email around the time when files of records have been output and/or after there are changes to your holdings in WorldCat. When your first report is available, you will get an email from with the subject field: "The report [name of report] you requested for [YYYYMMDD]."
You will not receive an email on days when there is no activity. Reports are also available in the OCLC Usage Statistics Portal and they are identical to the reports that come by email. See how to access reports in the OCLC Usage Statistics Portal.
To receive emailed reports:
- Navigate to Institution Settings > Reports.
- Select Yes to Receive Email Reports.
- Enter your cataloging authorization or an admin code. This is a 9-digit number starting with 100. Only one authorization code is needed per institution.
- Expand and select the Report Types you want to receive.
- To find details about the content of each report type see Understand emailed reports.
- Enter the Email Address(es) the reports will be sent to. If you are adding more than one email address, separate each email address with a semi-colon (;). Do not put a space before or after the semi-colon (;) separating the email addresses.
- Modify the Report Format if needed. Options include:
- Excel
- Modify the Receive as settings if needed. Options include:
- Email Attachment
- Users will receive the report as an attachment in the format specified above.
- Hyperlink
- Users will receive a hyperlink to the OCLC Usage Statistics page.
- Email Attachment
- Click Save.
There is not a way to select only certain reports per email. The email address(es) entered will receive all selected reports.
Many libraries that have collections that output records on an ongoing basis select the Updated Records report. The report will notify you of critical changes like OCLC number merges and the reason you received an updated record even if you have not enabled WorldCat updates.
Your library might be interested in institution settings not listed above. For a complete list and details about institution settings, see Collection Manager Institution settings. See Use collection data with other services for workflows and settings associated with specific products and services.
Caution: If your library does not have an OCLC Cataloging Subscription, you will not be able to set holdings in WorldCat.