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OCLC Support

Link scheme values and overrides

About link scheme values

The link scheme value instructs the WorldCat knowledge base how to create articles links for a particular record or set of records. The link scheme value is represented at the collection level and corresponds to the oclc_linkscheme column in the KBART file. Libraries can override the link scheme value on a per title basis.

The link scheme field is optional for many collections. OCLC recommends that libraries only attempt to add metadata to the field when it is truly necessary.

Collection-level link schemes

Link schemes are needed to resolve to full-text for articles. Without a link scheme, link resolution is to the journal home page.

Custom collections of electronic serials use link schemes. Custom collections are those that are not in the global WorldCat knowledge base that you create via the "Create a Collection" button in the Collection Manager interface. After you create a custom collection of electronic serials and add it to your knowledge base, OCLC will create a link scheme for your titles. You do not need to try to configure your own link schemes.

Many eBook collections do not use link schemes. To determine if your eBook collection requires a link scheme, test your eBook collection. If you are successfully accessing full text, you do not need a link scheme.

Print serials do not use link schemes.

To find the Link Scheme field at the collection-level:

  1. Navigate to the collection. 
  2. Expand Linking and find the Link Scheme field.

Request OCLC create a link scheme for your collection (optional)

Link schemes are needed in order for articles to resolve to full text. Regardless of how the collection is created (one title at a time or via file upload) you need a link scheme for e-journal collections to resolve to full-text for articles. Without a link scheme, article citations will link to the journal’s homepage instead of the article.

OCLC can create a link scheme for you, but only if:

  • All titles are on the same platform
  • The provider uses consistent structure for their linking syntax, and
  • The platform supports article level linking

How to request link schemes for knowledge base collections you create

Send the following information to OCLC Support:

  1. The Provider Name and the Collection Name.
  2. The Collection ID (in the Properties accordion of the collection).
  3. sample search from your current provider that resolves to full text.
  4. user name and password that will allow OCLC to proxy through to the full text.

Find instructions to override proxy and provider ID settings

See collection-level Linking settings to override your institution’s provider setting or proxy information:

Title-level link schemes

Locally-created collections should adhere to the linking standards of the Provider. Use the Override Link Scheme setting at the title level if there is an individual title from the provider that requires special handling.

The title-level link scheme value will be used when creating links instead of the collection-level link scheme value. Contact OCLC Support for assistance in choosing the correct value.

How to override title-level link schemes

To attempt to override the setting yourself:

  1. See the Link scheme values spreadsheet to see the link scheme values that are supported by the WorldCat knowledge base.
  2. Navigate to the title-level settings by searching for the collection and clicking on it to open the collection.
  3. In the collection, expand the Titles accordion.
  4. Click on a title to open the title metadata.
  5. In the Linking Overrides section, edit the Override Link Scheme field in the Local tab so that the title link scheme will override the collection-level link scheme.