Config.txt directives
This page provides an alphabetical listing of directives that can be used in the config.txt file to configure EZproxy and databases.
- Config.txt directive conventions
- Find information about the typographic conventions used in the EZproxy config.txt directive documentation.
- AddUserHeader
- Learn how to use the AddUserHeader EZproxy config.txt directive to include a header containing the username when proxying to a database.
- AllowIP
- Learn how to use the AllowIP config.txt directive to allow any number of address ranges to be allowed in EZproxy.
- AllowVars
- Learn how to use the AllowVars EZproxy config.txt directive to specify one or more special variables in starting point URLs.
- AnonymousURL
- Learn how to use the AnonymousURL config.txt directive to allow users to access select content in EZproxy without authenticating.
- Audit
- Learn how to use Audit logs view information about user and security related issues in EZproxy.
- AuditPurge
- Learn how to use the AuditPurge config.txt directive to set a retention period for your EZproxy audit log.
- AutoLoginIP
- Learn how to use the AutoLoginIP config.txt directive to identify computers that should be automatically logged into EZproxy.
- AutoLoginIPBanner
- Learn how to use the AutoLoginIPBanner config.txt directive to specify that a file should be sent to the users who gained access to automatic login in EZproxy.
- BinaryTimeout
- Learn how to use the BinaryTimeout config.txt directive to specify the number of seconds to wait before a remote web server times out when transferring binary content in EZproxy.
- Books24x7Site
- Learn how to use the Books24x7Site config.txt directive for EZproxy to specify a site identifier to use when authenticating
- ByteServe
- Learn how to use the ByteServe config.txt directive to take a URL specified as a case-insensitive regular expression in EZproxy.
- CASServiceURL
- Learn how to use the config.txt directive CASServiceURL to configure EZproxy to act as a CAS server.
- Charset
- Learn how to use the Charset config.txt directive to allow users to specify which character set is used for pages in EZproxy.
- ClientTimeout
- Learn how to use the ClientTimeout config.txt directive for EZproxy to specify the number of seconds to wait to timeout when transferring content in the user's web browser.
- ConnectWindow
- Learn how to use the ConnectWindow config.txt directive to link remote users to their session using the /connect endpoint in EZproxy.
- Cookie
- Learn how to use the Cookie config.txt directive in EZproxy to preload cookie values to be sent to specific remote web servers.
- CookieFilter
- Learn how to use the CookieFilter config.txt directive in EZproxy to specify how cookies are handled while proxying a website.
- DbVar
- Learn how to use the DbVar config.txt directive for EZproxy to associate a text string with a database definition.
- DenyIfRequestHeader
- Learn how to use the DenyIfRequestHeader config.txt directive to specify browse headers to indicate that access should be denied to EZproxy.
- Description
- Learn how to use the Description config.txt directive to provide descriptive text for a database stanza that will display in select EZproxy web pages.
- Learn how to use the DNS config.txt directive to enable EZproxy to act as a DNS server.
- DomainJavaScript (DJ)
- Learn how to use the DomainJavaScript config.txt directive to specify an Internet domain whose URLs should be rewritten by EZproxy and additional JavaScript processing should occur for pages proxied from corresponding pages.
- Domain (D)
- Learn how to use the Domain config.txt directive to specify an Internet domain whose URLs should be rewritten by EZproxy.
- EBLSecret
- Learn how to use the EBLSecret config.txt directive to specify a shared secret password from Ebook Library for authenticating EZproxy users.
- ebrarySite
- Learn how to use the ebrarySite config.txt directive to specify configuration information to authenticate ebrary single sign-on for EZproxy.
- EncryptVar
- Learn how to use the EncryptVar config.txt directive to specify the key used to encrypt variables sent as part of starting point URLs in EZproxy.
- ExcludeIP
- Learn how to use the ExcludeIP config.txt directive to identify computers that have IP addresses known by your database vendors in EZproxy.
- ExcludeIPBanner
- Learn how to use the ExcludeIPBanner config.txt directive to specify a file that should be sent to users who do not need to have their access proxied before they can access a resource through EZproxy.
- ExtraLoginCookie
- Learn how to use the ExtraLoginCookie config.txt directive to specify one or more additional cookies that should be set during login processing in EZproxy.
- Find & Replace
- Learn how to use the Find and Replace config.txt directives to locate and replace text in EZproxy as web pages are retrieved.
- FirstPort
- Learn how to use the FirstPort config.txt directive to allow EZproxy to use port 2048 if no FirstPort is provided.
- ForceHTTPSLogin
- Learn how to use the ForceHTTPSLogin config.txt directive to redirect users to a secure login page in EZproxy.
- FormSelect
- Learn how to use the FormSelect config.txt directive to specify an input tag for EZproxy to use with a dynamic URL form configuration.
- FormSubmit
- Learn how to use the FormSubmit config.txt directive to specify alternate HTML display when EZproxy has to redirect a user to a URL.
- FormVariable
- Learn how to use the FormVariable config.txt directive to protect passwords in EZproxy.
- Gartner
- Learn how to use the Gartner config.txt directive to enable Gartner Client Internet Portal integration with EZproxy.
- Groups
- Learn how to use the Groups config.txt directive to create groups of resources, define users and assign access in EZproxy.
- HAName
- Learn how to use the HAName config.txt directive with the HAPeer directive to create high-availability EZproxy configurations across servers.
- HAPeer
- Learn how to use the HAPeer config.txt directive with the HAName directive to create high availability EZproxy configuration across servers.
- HostJavaScript (HJ)
- Learn how to use the HostJavaScript config.txt directive to specify a protocol/host/port to be written by EZproxy and the additional JavaScript processing to occur for pages proxied from the corresponding server.
- Host (H)
- Learn how to use the Host config.txt directive to specify a protocol/host/port to be written by EZproxy.
- HTTPHeader
- Learn how to use the HTTPHeader config.txt directive to configure EZproxy to pass through custom HTTP headers created by browser applications to pass information to EZproxy.
- HTTPMethod
- Learn how to use the HTTPMethod config.txt directive to specify additional HTTP methods to be processed by EZproxy.
- Identifier
- This page describes options for using EZproxy's pseudonymous identifier feature using the Identifier config.txt directive.
- IncludeFile
- Learn how to use the IncludeFile config.txt directive to allow EZproxy to open a specified file and use it to configure EZproxy.
- IncludeIP
- Learn how to use the IncludeIP config.txt directive to interact with other directives in EZproxy.
- Interface
- Learn how to use the Interface config.txt directive to allow the specification of source IP addresses.
- IntruderIPAttempts
- Learn how to use the IntruderIPAttempts config.txt directive to configure a security option in EZproxy.
- IntruderLog
- Learn how to use the IntruderLog config.txt directive to specify a limit on the number of times to log failed login attempts in EZproxy.
- IntruderUserAttempts
- Learn how to use the IntruderUserAttempts config.txt directive to stop and discourage security breaches in EZproxy.
- IntrusionAPI
- Learn how to use the IntrusionAPI config.txt directive to provide the option to audit or block access from pirate or hacker IP addresses in EZproxy.
- LBPeer
- Learn how to use the LBPeer config.txt directive to specify hostnames and ports for load balanced servers in EZproxy.
- Location
- Learn how to use the Location config.txt directive to associate IP addresses with geographic locations in EZproxy.
- LogFile
- Learn how to use the LogFile config.txt directive to rename the default EZproxy log.
- LogFilter
- Learn how to use the LogFilter config.txt directive to refine the data in your EZproxy logs.
- LogFormat
- Learn how to use the LogFormat config.txt directive to customize the data recorded by EZproxy in the ezproxy.log.
- LoginCookieDomain
- Learn how to use the LoginCookieDomain config.txt directive to specify the domain EZproxy should use when setting a session cookie during login.
- LoginCookieName
- Learn how to use the LoginCookieName config.txt directive to specify an alternate name for the EZproxy session cookie.
- LoginMenu
- Learn how to use the LoginMenu config.txt directive to change the default behavior of EZproxy for destination URLs.
- LoginPort
- Learn how to use the LoginPort config.txt directive to specify a port on which EZproxy should listen for incoming requests using http.
- LoginPortSSL
- Learn how to use the LoginPortSSL config.txt directive to specify a particular secure port for EZproxy.
- LogSPU
- Learn how to use the LogSPU config.txt directive to create log files that only contain information about users' access to a particular starting point URL.
- MaxConcurrentTransfers (MC)
- Learn how to use the MaxConcurrentTransfers config.txt directive to specify the number of HTTP transfers that can be active concurrently in EZproxy.
- MaxLifetime (ML)
- Learn how to use the MaxLifetime config.txt directive to specify the maximum number of minutes an EZproxy session can be idle before it is automatically logged out.
- MaxSessions (MS)
- Learn how to use the MaxSessions config.txt directive to specify the maximum number of user sessions that can be active simultaneously.
- MaxVirtualHosts (MV)
- Learn how to use the MaxVirtualHosts config.txt directive to specify the maximum number of virtual web servers that EZproxy can create for proxying remote web servers.
- MessagesFile
- Learn how to use the MessagesFile config.txt directive to specify the name of an alternate file for logging text that is normally stored in the messages.txt file in EZproxy.
- MetaFind
- Learn how to use the MetaFind config.txt directive to specify special cookie handling for III MetaFind in EZproxy.
- MimeFilter
- Learn how to use the MimeFilter config.txt directive to process file types that EZproxy does not process by default.
- Name
- Learn how to use the Name config.txt directive to provide a host name in EZproxy.
- NeverProxy
- Learn how to use the NeverProxy config.txt directive to specify a domain that should never be proxied in EZproxy.
- Option AcceptX-Forwarded-For
- Learn how to use the Option AcceptX-Forwarded-For config.txt directive to specify which X-Forwarded-For headers EZproxy should trust.
- Option AllowWebSubdirectories
- Learn how to use the Option AllowWebSubdirectories config.txt directive to specify that files may be served to users in EZproxy.
- Option AnyDNSHostname
- Learn how to use the Option AnyDNSHostname config.txt directive to specify mini-DNS servers that EZproxy should respond to.
- Option BlockCountryChange
- Learn how to use the Option BlockCountryChange config.txt directive to block users who attempt to bypass restrictions in EZproxy.
- Option Cookie, Option DomainCookieOnly, Option NoCookie, Option CookiePassThrough
- Learn about the Option Cookie config.txt directives available in EZproxy.
- Option CSRFToken
- Learn how to use the Option CSRFToken config.txt directive to enable logic to detect and block Cross Site Request Forgery in EZproxy.
- Option DisableSSL40bit
- Learn how to use the Option DisableSSL40bit config.txt directive to specify SSL encryption algorithms that use only 40-bits to be disabled in EZproxy.
- Option DisableSSL56bit
- Learn how to use the Option DisableSSL56bit config.txt directive to specify SSL encryption algorithms that use only 56-bits to be disabled in EZproxy.
- Option DisableSSLv2
- Learn how to use the Option DisableSSLv2 config.txt directive to specify that SSL version 2 handshakes should not be permitted in EZproxy.
- Option ExcludeIPMenu
- Learn how to use the Option ExcludeIPMenu config.txt directive to specify how users access and see the EZproxy menu page.
- Option ForceHTTPSAdmin
- Learn how to use the Option ForceHTTPSAdmin config.txt directive to specify which page is presented when using https in EZproxy.
- Option ForceWildcardCertificate
- Learn how to use the Open ForceWildcardCertificate config.txt directive to allow EZproxy administrators to treat an installed SSL certificate as a wildcard certificate.
- Option HideEZproxy
- Learn how to use the Option HideEZproxy config.txt directive to specify how referring URLs proxy requests with web servers.
- Option HttpsHyphens
- Learn how to use the Option HttpsHyphens config.txt directive to change https in EZproxy.
- Option IgnoreWildcardCertificate
- Learn how to use the Option IgnoreWildcardCertificate config.txt directive to specify that EZproxy should treat a wildcard SSL certificate as though it is a non-wildcard certificate.
- Option IPv6
- Learn how to use the Option IPv6 config.txt directive to use IPv4 as the protocol for recognizing IP addresses.
- Option I choose to use Domain lines that threaten the security of my network
- Learn how to use the Option I choose to use Domain lines that threaten the security of my network config.txt directive to accept unrecommended domains in EZproxy.
- Option LoginReplaceGroups
- Learn how to use the Option LoginReplaceGroups config.txt directive to specify how group membership is assigned during authentication in EZproxy.
- Option LogReferer
- Learn how to use the Option LogReferer config.txt directive to specify if EZproxy should record its attempts at performing referring URL authentication.
- Option LogSAML
- Learn how to use the Option LogSAML config.txt directive to tell EZproxy how to store copies of SAML during Shibboleth authentication for debugging.
- Option LogSession
- Learn how to use the Option LogSession config.txt directive with other log directives in EZproxy.
- Option LogSPUEdit
- Learn how to use the Option LogSPUEdit config.txt directive to log transformations to Starting Point URLs in EZproxy.
- Option LogUser
- Learn how to use the Option LogUser config.txt directive to specify the username provided while logging into EZproxy with other log directives.
- Option MenuByGroups
- Learn how to use the Option MenuByGroups config.txt directive to specify that the EZproxy Menu Page should only display database stanzas that match the groups assigned to the user.
- Option MetaEZproxyRewriting
- Learn how to use the Option MetaEZproxyRewriting config.txt directive to specify that a special HTML meta tag may appear in HTML to direct EZproxy to disable its URL rewriting.
- Option NoCookie
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoCookie.
- Option NoHideEZproxy
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoHideEZproxy.
- Option NoHttpsHyphens
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoHttpsHyphens.
- Option NoMetaEZproxyRewriting
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoMetaEZproxyRewriting.
- Option NoProxyFTP
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoProxyFTP.
- Option NoUTF16
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoUTF16.
- Option NoX-Forwarded-For
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option NoX-Forwarded-For.
- Option ProxyByHostname
- Learn how to use the Option ProxyByHostname config.txt directive to specify that EZproxy should operate in proxy by hostname.
- Option ProxyFTP
- Learn how to use the Option ProxyFTP config.txt directive to support the retrieval of FTP files.
- Option RecordPeaks
- Learn how to use the Option RecordPeaks config.txt directive to enable recording of select operational values to messages.txt as they reach peak values in EZproxy.
- Option RedirectUnknown
- Find information about the EZproxy config.txt directive Option RedirectUnknown.
- Option ReferInHostname
- Learn how to use the Option ReferInHostname config.txt directive to specify that when EZproxy is creating a referring URL to authenticate the user into a remote web server.
- Option RelaxedRADIUS
- Learn how to use the Option RelaxedRADIUS config.txt directive to specify that RADIUS responses may be accepted from any IP address in EZproxy.
- Option RequireAuthenticate
- Learn how to use the Option RequireAuthenticate config.txt directive to allow machines that fall within ExcludeIP ranges to be treated as though they are remote instead of local in EZproxy.
- Option SafariCookiePatch
- Learn how to use the Option SafariCookiePatch config.txt directive to specify that EZproxy should use an alternate method to store its session cookie for users of the Safari browser.
- Option StatusUser
- Learn how to use the Option StatusUser config.txt directive to direct EZproxy to display the username associated with a login session on the Server Status page.
- Option TicketIgnoreExcludeIP
- Learn how to use the Option TicketIgnoreExcludeIP config.txt directive to specify that users who are sent to EZproxy with a ticket should always be logged in.
- Option UnsafeRedirectUnknown
- Find information about the Option UnsafeRedirectUnknown config.txt directive.
- Option UsernameCaretN
- Learn how to use the Option UsernameCaretN config.txt directive to configure username login options.
- Option UTF16
- Learn how to use the Option UTF16 config.txt directive to specify that content sent using UTF-16 is transformed into UTF-8 and processed by EZproxy.
- Option X-Forwarded-For
- Learn how to use the Option X-Forwarded-For config.txt directive to configure IP address forwarding addresses in EZproxy.
- OverDriveSite
- Learn how to use the OverDriveSite config.txt directive to allow EZproxy to authenticate to OverDrive content.
- PDFRefresh
- Learn how to use the PDFRefresh config.txt directive to manage how PDF documents display in EZproxy.
- PDFRefreshPre & PDFRefreshPost
- Learn how to use the PDFRefreshPre and PDFRefreshPost config.txt directives to manage the display of PDFs in EZproxy.
- PidFile
- Learn how to use the PidFile config.txt directive to manage the guardian process in EZproxy.
- ProxyHostnameEdit
- Learn how to use the ProxyHostnameEdit config.txt directive to specify rules for renaming hostnames in EZproxy.
- Proxy & ProxySSL
- Learn how to use Proxy and ProxySSL config.txt directives to specify a proxy server for EZproxy.
- Learn how to use the RADIUSRetry config.txt directive to configure the timeout time for RADIUS authentication in EZproxy.
- RedirectSafe
- Learn how to use the RedirectSafe config.txt directive to identify web sites that do not need to be proxied in EZproxy.
- Referer
- Learn how to use the Referer config.txt directive to direct EZproxy to use the referring URL instead of proxied access.
- RejectIP
- Learn how to use the RejectIP config.txt directive to block access from specific addresses in EZproxy.
- RemoteIPHeader, RemoteIPInternalProxy & RemoteIPTrustedProxy
- Find information about using Remote config.txt directives in EZproxy.
- RemoteTimeout
- Learn how to use the RemoteTimeout config.txt directive to specify the length of time to wait for a remote server to respond when transferring rewritten content in EZproxy.
- RunAs
- Learn how to use the RunAs config.txt directive to configure EZproxy running on Linus to start up automatically.
- ShibbolethDisable
- Learn how to use the ShibbolthDisable config.txt directive to specify a version of Shibboleth that should not be allowed for authentication to EZproxy.
- SkipPort
- Learn how to use the SkipPort config.txt directive to identify ports on which EZproxy should never attempt to create virtual web servers.
- SPUEdit
- Learn how to use the SPUEdit config.txt directive to allow EZproxy to control the starting point URL to which users are directed.
- SPUEditVar
- Learn how to use the SPUEditVar config.txt directive to assign values to variables that are used with SPUEdit directives in EZproxy.
- SQLiteTempDir
- This page describes the SQLiteTempDir config.txt directive.
- SSLCipherSuite
- Find information about the SSLCipherSuite config.txt directive in EZproxy.
- SSLHonorCipherOrder
- Find information about the SSLHonorCipherOrder config.txt directive.
- SSLOpenSSLConfCmd
- Find information about the SSLOpenSSLConfCmd config.txt directive.
- SSOUsername
- Learn about how to use the SSOUsername config.txt directive to specify what value to release for a username in EZproxy.
- Title
- Learn how to use the Title config.txt directive to start a new database stanza and specify a title to associate with the stanza in EZproxy.
- TokenKey
- Learn how to use the TokenKey config.txt directive to specify a token key for authentication to in EZproxy.
- TokenSignatureKey
- Learn how to use the TokenSignatureKey config.txt directive to specify the token signature key to authenticate to in EZproxy.
- UMask
- Learn how to use the UMask config.txt directive to mutually control who is able to access EZproxy files.
- URLAppendEncoded (replaced by URL -Append -Encoded)
- Find information about the URLAppendEncoded config.txt directive for EZproxy.
- URLRedirectAppendEncoded (replaced by URL -Redirect -Append -Encoded)
- Find information about the URLRedirectAppendEncoded config.txt directive for EZproxy.
- URLRedirectAppend (replaced by URL -Redirect -Append)
- Find information about the URLRedirectAppend config.txt directive for EZproxy.
- URLRedirect (replaced by URL -Redirect)
- Find information about the URLRedirect config.txt directive for EZproxy.
- URL (version 1)
- Learn how to use the URL (version 1) config.txt directive to specify the main entry point URL for a database in EZproxy.
- URL (version 2)
- Learn how to use the URL (version 2) config.txt directive to to access a remote web server based on EZproxy communicating with a remote server.
- URL (version 3)
- Learn how to use the URL (version 3) config.txt directive to construct a web browser form to bring a user into a web server in EZproxy.
- UsageLimit
- Learn how to use the UsageLimit config.txt directive to set limits on EZproxy usage.
- Validate
- Learn how to use the Validate config.txt directive to specify a username and password to submit using HTTP basic authentication in EZproxy.
- XDebug
- Learn how to use the XDebug config.txt directive to enable the recording of diagnostics to messages.txt in EZproxy.