Use the search field to find collections that you have already created of any collection-type. Alternatively, find collections and providers that are in the global WorldCat knowledge base.
Follow these instructions to search Collection Manager for:
- Knowledge base collections (collections available in the global WorldCat knowledge base and/or knowledge base collections you have already selected or created)
- Query collections you have already created
- Cataloging partner collections you have already created
- Providers
See Search for data sync collections for instructions to search for data sync collections that you have created.
Search for a collection
- Navigate to the WorldShare interface > Metadata tab > Collection Manager.
- Select Collection as the Data Type from the drop-down list.
- Select a scope to limit your search. Options include:
- My Selected Collections: Search across your library-specific collections that you have created or selected.
- All Collections: Search across items that are available in the global collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base and collections you have created.
- Not Selected Collections: Search for collections to add to your knowledge base that are not currently selected.

- In the Search Term(s) field, enter your terms or leave the field empty.
- Click Search.

- After search results are returned, you can filter your results by using the Filter by drop-down list at the top of the search results:
Note: Filter options will appear based on institution settings and your library's subscription level.
- Collection Type - From the second drop-down list, select a collection type.
- Cataloging Partner Collections
- Databases (Contains No Titles)
- Knowledge Base Collections
- Query Collections
- Collections I Created
- Contains Open Access Content
- Demand Driven Acquisitions Collections
- Discontinued
- Document Delivery Collections
- Google Scholar - From the second drop-down list, select enabled or disabled.
- Maintain WorldCat Holdings - From the second drop-down list, select enabled or disabled.
- MARC Record Delivery - From the second drop-down list, select enabled or disabled.
- OCLC Cataloged Collections
- Sharing - From the second drop-down list, select an option.
- Collections Shared By My Library
- Collections Shared To My Library
- Use Proxy
- (Optional) Add additional filters by using the green plus add icon (

- Click Filter to filter the results based on your specifications.
Search for cataloging partner collections
Search for cataloging partner collections that you have already created:
- Navigate to the search box in Collection Manager.
- Select Collection as the Data Type and My Selected Collections as the Scope.
- Click Search. The search will return all of the collections your library has selected or created.
- Select Cataloging Partner Collections from the Filter by drop-down list.
Search for OCLC cataloged collections
To find additional information about this collection type, see OCLC cataloged collections.
Filter for OCLC cataloged collections
- In the WorldShare interface, navigate to Metadata > Collection Manager.
- Select Collection as the Data Type and All Collections as the Scope.
- Leave the search box empty and click Search.
- To filter the search results, choose OCLC Cataloged Collections from the drop-down list and click Filter.

Collection search results
Items in your search results will be marked with a collection type and other details.
- Collection search results in Collection Manager - Table
Collection type |
Column |
Description |
Cataloging partner collections, Knowledge base collections, and Query collections |
Collection |
Click a collection name to view or edit the collection.
The Collection ID can be used in lieu of a collection name when discontinuing a feed.
Type / Attributes |
The type of collection.
- Cataloging partner collection - Available attributes
Attribute |
Description |
MARC Delivery Enabled |
The collection has the setting to Enable MARC Record Delivery enabled. |
MARC Delivery Disabled |
The collection has the setting to Enable MARC Record Delivery disabled. |
- Knowledge base collection - Available attributes
Attribute |
Description |
Demand Driven Acquisitions |
The collection is part of a Demand Driven Acquisitions program where OCLC is working with a feed from the provider to automatically update the collection metadata. |
Discontinued |
The collection is no longer being actively maintained or updated by knowledge base data updates. |
Document Delivery |
The collection is available for user with your library’s document delivery program. |
Google Scholar Disabled |
The titles in the collection are not submitted to Google to create links in Google Scholar. See Google Scholar for more information. |
Google Scholar Enabled |
The titles in the collection are submitted to Google to create links in Google Scholar. See Google Scholar for more information. |
License(s) Available |
The collection has licenses available. Click License(s) Available to see the status of the license (current, expired, etc.). For more information, see Edit, renew, or terminate a license. |
Locally Created |
The collection is a custom collection created by your institution. |
OCLC Cataloged |
The collection is cataloged by OCLC staff and made available through Collection Manager by the provider. |
Open Access |
The collection is an open-access collection. |
- Query collection - Available attributes
Attribute |
Description |
One-time delivery |
You will receive a file of records for the WorldCat query collection once. |
Ongoing delivery |
You will receive records on an ongoing basis. |
Provider |
The vendor or content provider who supplies the collection. Click a provider name to view all collections supplied by the provider. |
Updated |
The date and time the collection was last updated. |
Selections |
Indicates whether the collection has been added to your holdings and, if it has, how many titles from the collection are in your holdings.
To remove a cataloging partner collection and/or knowledge base collection from your holdings, click Deselect.
To remove a query collection from your holdings, click Delete.
Sharing |
Indicates whether you have shared the collection with another institution.
To view the libraries you shared the collection with, click the collection's name. Once you are in the collection, click the Sharing accordion.
Action |
Click Add to... to:
- Add the collection to a license (click Add to... > License)
- Create a new order (click Add to... > Order)
- Add the collection to a purchase request without leaving Collection Manager (click Add to... > Purchase Request)
Search for a title
- Navigate to the WorldShare interface > Metadata tab > Collection Manager.
- Select Title as the Data Type from the drop-down list.
- Select a scope to limit your search. Options include:
- My Selected Collections: Search across your library-specific collections that you have created or selected.
- All Collections: Search across items that are available in the global collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base and collections you have created.
- Not Selected Collections: Search for collections to add to your knowledge base that are not currently selected.
- Change the Title Index to one of the below options:
- Keyword
- Title
- OCLC Number

- In the Search Term(s) field, enter your terms or leave the field empty.
Note: Searching by the OCLC Number Title Index without search terms will fail to return results.
- Click Search.

- After search results are returned, you can filter your results by using the Filter by drop-down list at the top of the search results:
- Coverage - Date - Format date as YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.
- Coverage - Enumeration - Enter a volume and issue number.
- Coverage Depth - From the second drop-down list, select a coverage depth.
- Provider - From the second drop-down lists, select or search for a specific provider.
- (Optional) Add additional filters by using the green plus add icon (

- Click Filter to filter the results based on your specifications.
Search for a title within a collection
You can also search for a title directly from within a collection.
- Search for a collection and click on the collection name in the results to open your desired collection.
- In the collection details, click on Titles to expand the accordion.
- In the Search Title field, enter your terms.
- You can filter your results by expanding the Filter by drop-down beside the Search Title field. Options include:
- Coverage - Date - Format date as YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.
- Coverage - Enumeration - Enter a volume and issue number.
- Coverage Depth - From the second drop-down list, select a coverage depth.
- (Optional) Add additional filters by using the green plus add icon (

- Click Filter to filter the results based on your specifications.
Title search results
Items in your search results will be marked with a title and other details.
- Title search results in Collection Manager - Table
Column |
Title |
Title |
Click on a title to view or edit the title. |
Collection |
Click a collection name to view or edit the collection.
The Collection ID can be used in lieu of a collection name when discontinuing a feed.
Coverage Depth |
Indicates one of the following:
- Audio
- Ebook
- Image
- Journal - Abstracts
- Journal - Full Text
- Journal - Indexed
- Journal - Print
- Journal - Selected Full Text
- Other
- Video
Coverage |
Any coverage selections available for the title. Options include:
Identifiers |
Indicates the provided identifiers associated with the title. Options include:
Click on the pencil button ( ) to edit the title.
Selections |
Indicates whether the title has been added to your holdings.
To remove a title from your holdings, click Deselect Title.
Action |
Click Add to... to:
- Create a new order (click Add to... > Order)
- Add the title to a purchase request without leaving Collection Manager (click Add to... > Purchase Request)
Search for a provider
- Navigate to the WorldShare interface > Metadata tab > Collection Manager.
- Select Provider as the Data Type from the drop-down list.
- Select a scope to limit your search. Options include:
- My Selected Collections: Search across your library-specific collections that you have created or selected.
- All Collections: Search across items that are available in the global collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base and collections you have created.
- Not Selected Collections: Search for collections to add to your knowledge base that are not currently selected.

- In the Search Term(s) field, enter your terms or leave the field empty.
- Click Search.
Provider search results
Items in your search results will be marked with a provider and other details.
- Provider search results in Collection Manager - Table
Column |
Title |
Provider |
The vendor or content provider who supplies the collection. Click a provider name to view all collections supplied by the provider. |
Attributes |
Shared by my library |
Indicates that your library shared the collection. |
Shared to my library |
Click on the name of the provider who shared the collection with your library to view their profile. |
Locally Created |
Indicates that the collection was created locally. |
Selections |
Indicates how many collections the provider has, along with how many are selected. Click on a number to view all collections supplied by the provider or all selected collections.
Actions |
Click Local Provider Actions to:
- Delete Provider
- Edit Provider
Tips for using the search field
- Leave the search box empty to return all collections
- If you plan to filter your search results, first perform a search by leaving the search box empty. Note that if:
- My Selected Collections is selected, an empty search will return your library-specific collections.
- All Selected Collections is selected, an empty search will return collections in the WorldCat knowledge base.
- Not Selected Collections is selected, an empty search will return all collections not selected by your library.
- Use a truncation operator
- To search with a truncation operator, use an asterisk (*). For example:
- nature* returns all items starting with "nature"
- LHR* returns all items containing "LHR" in the Collection Name or Collection Type fields
- Search by OCLC number, ISBN, or ISSN
- To search by OCLC number, ISBN, or ISSN, choose Title from the drop-down list, choose the corresponding Title Index from the drop-down list, enter the number, and click Search.
- Search by Provider if searching by Collection is unsuccessful
- A knowledge base collection might be available but by a slightly different collection name than you expect. If searching by Collection does not return what you expect, try searching by Provider.
Watch a video
Search for collections
Run time: 7:26
This video demonstrates how to search in WorldShare Collection Manager, including how to limit a search query and use filters to refine a set of search results.
Search the Activity History
The Activity History in WorldShare Collection Manager applies to knowledge base collections, query collections, and cataloging partner collections. It does not include information about data sync collections.
Note: Activities are tracked for 90 days.

- Navigate to the Metadata tab > Collection Manager.
- Select Activity History from the Data Type drop-down menu.
- Select the Scope. Options include:
- My Institution's History: Search across collections that relate to your library.
- All Institution's History: Search across all institutions' history.
- In the Search Term(s) field, enter your terms or leave the field empty to return all Activity History.
- Click Search.
Search results will be ordered with the most recent activity first.
Filter Activity History search results
Filters in the Activity History are additive. You can combine filters and drop-down selections.

- Use the Filter by drop-down to select one of the available filter types.
- For each Filter by option, select one or more subfilters.
- Add a second filter row by using the green plus add icon
- Click Filter to filter the results based on your specifications.
Available Activity History search filters
Find information about the available filters and subfilters and to which collections types they are applicable.
- Expand to see all search filters and subfilters
Filter |
Subfilters |
Applies to knowledge base collections |
Applies to query collections |
Applies to cataloging partner collections |
More information |
Activity Date |
From [Date] - To [Date] |
Collection Activity |
Collection Created |
X (local collections only) |
X |
X |
Collection Updated |
X |
X |
X |
Collection Deleted |
X (local collections only) |
X |
X |
Collection Selected |
X (global collections only) |
Collection Deselected |
X (global collections only) |
Local Collection Promoted to Global Cooperative |
X (local collections only) |
The institution that submits the collection will see activity when they submit a collection, they withdraw it, when OCLC accepts or is unable to accept. The local collection will no longer exist once the collection becomes global. An event will remain. |
Collection Type |
Cataloging Partner Collection |
Knowledge Base - Global |
Knowledge Base - Local |
Query Collection |
Loads & Feeds |
KBART Upload |
X |
See Knowledge base collection Activity History, KBART Upload |
Provider Data Load |
X (global collections only) |
See Knowledge base collection Activity History, Provider Data Load |
Automatic Holdings Feed |
X (global collections only) |
See Knowledge base collection Activity History, Automatic Holdings Feed |
Alternate Knowledge Base Supplier Holdings File |
X (global collections only) |
See Knowledge base collection Activity History, Alternate Knowledge Base Supplier |
Provider |
[Dropdown menu of Provider names] |
X |
X |
Settings - Google Scholar |
Collection Settings - Google Scholar Enabled / Disabled |
X |
Institution Settings - Google Scholar Enabled / Disabled |
X |
Settings - MARC Records |
Collection Settings - MARC Records Enabled / Disabled |
X |
X |
X |
Institution Settings - MARC Records Enabled / Disabled |
X |
X |
X |
Settings - WorldCat Holdings |
Collection Settings - WorldCat Holdings Enabled / Disabled |
X |
X |
Institution Settings - WorldCat Holdings Enabled / Disabled |
X |
X |
Sharing Activity |
Share Accepted (by another Institution) |
X |
Shared By My Library (to another Institution) |
X |
Shared To My Library (from another Institution) |
X |
Work List Activity |
Title Work List Selected |
X |
Title Work List Deselected |
X |