Find support materials about Dewey, WebDewey, and the Dewey Cutter program.
Dewey Decimal Classification glossary
You can view the Dewey Decimal Classification glossary in the Librarians' Toolbox > OCLC glossaries.
- WebDewey user guide
- Find information about setting options, searching, browsing, and working with results in WebDewey.
- Create and manage Dewey user notes
- Find information about how to create and manage personal and institutional Dewey user notes.
- Dewey Cutter Program
- Find information about the Dewey Cutter Program, a software program that automatically provides cutter numbers from the OCLC Four-Figure Cutter Tables (Cutter Four-Figure Table and Cutter-Sanborn Four-Figure Table) upon input of text. It works with most Windows versions, and enhances your classification efficiency. It does not work with Macintosh computers.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Can I use the Dewey Decimal Classification to organize information on my Web site?
- Dewey number-363.4 does not appear in browsing or searching results
- Does the Dewey Cutter program support non-Latin alphabets?
- Featured WebDewey Troubleshooting articles
- How do I collapse the comments box in WebDewey?
- How do I get a print copy of the latest Dewey Decimal Classification?
- How do I get updates to the DDC23 and Abridged 15?
- How do I order WebDewey?
- Is there a Macintosh version of the Dewey Cutter program, or plans to upgrade the Windows program to a 64-bit version
- I can't log into WebDewey or I log in do a search and it reverts me back to the login screen
- Where do I get my authorization number and password for WebDewey?
- Dewey Linked Data
- Explore the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) represented as linked data.