Local Holdings Maintenance
Find support materials about the Local Holdings Maintenance service.
You can use the Local Holdings Maintenance service to maintain accurate, current holdings information and to create Local Holdings Records (LHRs) that enable you to share detailed holdings information with library staff, users, and other libraries. By providing your library's detailed holdings information for materials in any format, including serials, the service supports resource sharing, collection development, circulation and acquisitions activities.
- A holdings primer: Principles & standards for local holdings records
- Provides general information on Z39.71 Holdings Format and MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD); OCLC LDR format and SERHOLD format are also briefly discussed.
- Create and apply local holdings constant data
- Discover how to create, customize, and apply local holdings constant data records.
- Find local holdings records
- Discover how to search for local holdings records in WorldCat and use search results.
- Create and maintain local holdings records
- Discover how to create, edit, and delete local holdings records in WorldShare Record Manager.
- OCLC-MARC local holdings format and standards
- A detailed reference on the format for OCLC local holdings records. Defines fields, subfields, and indicators. Provides guidelines for creating and editing record content.
- Local Holdings Maintenance training
- Find training on Local Holdings Maintenance.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).