WorldShare Circulation release notes, November 2021
Release Date: November 14, 2021
This release of WorldShare Circulation provides bug fixes and performance improvements.
Recommended actions
There are no recommended actions related to this release.
We encourage you to review all of the items in the release ntoes to determine whether there are items that might require additional action or follow up by your institution.
Bug fixes
Unexpected due dates for long loans if your library closes earlier on the calculated date
Long loans were extended if your library closes earlier on the initially-calculated due date than the time of day that the item was checked out. For example, an item checked out at 17:34 on Monday under a two-day loan would be due on Thursday if the library closes at 16:00 on Wednesday. As of this release, the two-day loan in this example would be due at midnight or at closing time on Wednesday, as expected.
Item's Issued YTD count displays incorrectly in WorldShare
In the item Statistics view, the Issued Count YTD displayed the same value as the total Issued Count. This display problem has been fixed with this release. No item statistics were lost or miscalculated as a result of this issue.
Known issues
See the Known Issues page.
Important links
Support website(s)
Support information for this product and related products can be found at: