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KBART Upload

Find information about the Activity History for KBART Uploads in Knowledge base collections.

Find details about KBART Uploads

To find information about KBART uploads:

  1. Navigate to Collection Manager Search.
  2. Choose Activity History as the Data Type.
  3. Select My Institution's History as the Scope.
  4. Leave the search box blank.
  5. Click Search.
  6. At the top of the screen, select the Loads & Feeds filter. From the drop-down menu that appears, choose KBART Upload.
  7. Click Filter.
  8. In the search results, click the KBART Upload of interest to see additional details.
    • There are often two activities listed for a single KBART Upload.
  9. Click on Title Changes.
    • To download a report, click on the Download Detailed Report button.

Activity History search results

Activities for KBART are listed as Collection Updated via KBART in the main Activity History. You will see two activities for your KBART upload if you use a KBART file for a global collection and make local edits and/or selections and make global edits.

For other libraries, your institution name will appear next to global edits, not your personal name.

Title Changes page(s)

After clicking on Collection Updated via KBART, a page will open. Click on Title Changes. You can filter the list of title changes. Not all of the filters will apply.

Clicking on a Title Name will bring you to the title's Title History. The changes from your file will populate titles' histories.

Download a detailed report

The Title Changes page has a downloadable report option. Find the Download Detailed Report button at the top of the page.

The report will be a KBART file containing all of the titles from the uploaded file as well as any titles that were already present in your collection at the time of your upload. An additional column header RESULT will appear to the far right of the file and each title will have this populated with a value describing the way the title was processed.

The meaning of the RESULT value depends on if you used ACTION values in your file, the upload Scope you chose (Update changes only or Replace holdings in collection), and if a collection is a global or local collection.

Scope options for KBART uploads

Update changes only (default)

The Update changes only scope causes the system to look only for changes in the file and to use the specified ACTION value to determine how to process the changes. Choose this option if:

  • You are creating a collection for the first time
  • You have made changes to title data and are using the "overlay" or "covoverlay" ACTION value

Replace holdings in collection

The Replace holdings in collection scope causes the system to delete or deselect any existing title selections in the collection and replace them with the information in the new file you are uploading. Choose this option if you are using a file to delete or deselect titles from a collection.

RESULT values   Definition Applies to

The title was missing from your KBART upload and was deleted from a local collection.

 Note:  Titles cannot be added or deleted via a KBART upload. Titles can be added from the Titles accordion. Refer to Add new titles to an existing collection


Local collections

The title was recently added to a local or global collection.

 Note:  Titles cannot be added or deleted via a KBART upload. Titles can be added from the Titles accordion. Refer to Add new titles to an existing collection

Global collections; Local collections
selected The title was selected as a result of a file upload to a global collection. Global collections
updated The title was changed by a file upload to a global collection where "overlay" or "covoverlay" was used as the KBART ACTION value.

Alternatively, you will see this value if you create a local collection and upload titles to it using the "Upload changes only" upload scope. 
Global collections; Local collections
duplicate or duplicate_rows The row is a duplicate of another row in the file.  
invalid_character_oclc_entry_id A character in a row of the oclc_entry_id column was invalid.  
invalid_collection_uid_mismatch The Collection ID in your file did not match that in the collection.  
invalid_date_format The date format was not valid.  
invalid_dup_title_ids There were two of the same title IDs with different titles. Both titles were rejected.  
invalid_headers The columns in your KBART file are missing, out of order, or are invalid in some way.  
missing_oclc_entry_id A value in the oclc_entry_id column is required to select and deselect records, but the value was not present in the file. Global collections
previously_selected_in_upload The record was in the uploaded file and was previously selected. Nothing has been changed/been updated or overlayed in the title and it remains selected.  

The record was not in the uploaded file but was previously selected. Nothing has changed/been updated or overlayed in the title and it remains selected in some circumstances.

However, this result value sometimes indicates that the title was deselected. If you chose the upload scope "Replace holdings in collection" when you uploaded the KBART file, the result value means the title was deselected.

Global collections; Local collections
unmatched For uploads for shared-to-me collections, the record was not matched to any record in the collection. No action was taken.