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Image Rights

Learn how to manage Image Rights settings and apply Image Rights while editing items.

Use the Image Rights options to display copyright information or indicate ownership of image format files in your collection.  Image formats are TIFF, JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG and GIF.

Types of image rights:

  • Watermark: Centered, grayscale image per tile.
  • Brand: Logo or image placed on the lower-right on items.
  • Band: Color band with text across the bottom of items.
    • Bands are not visible on images that are 150 pixels or smaller (height or width) when users view images using the CONTENTdm viewers.

To take advantage of batch processing and to simplify item editing, it is recommended that you create and set your Image Rights options in the Project Client Project Settings Manager before adding images to your project.  You can save up to 100 options per collection. Only one of the three options can be applied at any one time while adding items.

  • For example, to use branding on some items and watermarking on others, add the items separately and edit the image rights settings from your brand option to your watermark option.

You also can apply image rights to items that are already in your project or your collection by editing those items in the project spreadsheet or individually using the item editing tab.

After establishing your Image Rights options, add a single item to evaluate your settings. If you are satisfied, add your items as usual.

 Note: For information about applying image rights options to items imported by using the Web-based Add option in CONTENTdm Administration, see Image Rights.

Manage Image Rights settings

Apply an image right option

  1. Navigate to the project tab.
  2. On the left task pane in Other Tasks, click Edit Project Settings.
  3. The Project Settings Manager displays the General page.
  4. Navigate to the Images & Thumbnails.
  5. On the Images & Thumbnails page, click Image Rights. The Image Rights property page displays.
  6. Select an existing image rights option.
  7. Click Apply to update the current settings.
  8. Click OK to close the property page and display the Images & Thumbnails page.

Add a new image right option

  1. From the Image Rights property page, click Create.  The Image Rights - Add property page displays.
  2. Select the type of option you are creating, either Watermark, Brand, or Band.
  3. Name the option. The name is for identification in CONTENTdm and is not displayed as part of the image right.
  4. Browse for the image you want to use or enter the Band Text if adding the Band option. 
  5. Set other options as appropriate, depending on type.
  6. Click Save. The Image Rights property page displays the new option.
  7. To apply the new option, select the option and click Apply.

Edit an image right option

  1. From the Image Rights property page, select the desired option and click Edit.
  2. The Image Rights - Edit property page displays.
  3. Modify the settings.
  4. Click Save.

 Note: If the image right you are editing is applied to items that have already been indexed in a collection, a confirmation dialog displays, confirming that you want to save the changes and apply them to all items.

Delete an image right option

  1. From the Image Rights property page, select the desired option and click Delete.
  2. A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK.

The option is deleted form the CONTENTdm Server and is removed from the image rights options list.

 Note: You cannot delete image right options that are applied to items that have already been indexed in a collection. You must remove the image right from all items before deleting.

Apply Image Rights while editing items

Although image rights can be applied as items are added to your project, you also can apply or change image rights for items that are already in your project or your collection by editing those items.

Apply an image right to one or more items already in your project or collection using the project spreadsheet:

  1. With the item added to your project, from the project spreadsheet, select the item or items.
  2. From the More Actions menu, select Add/Edit Image Rights.

Apply an image right to an item already in your project or collection using the item editing tab:

  1. With the item added to your project and open in the Item Editing tab, click the View link in the left task bar.
  2. Click the Apply Image Rights button in the toolbar.
  3. Select the image right to apply to the item.
  4. Click Apply, and then click OK to close the Image Rights property page.
  5. In the Item Viewer, click one of the zoom buttons to refresh the item view. The selected image right displays with the image.
  6. Close the Item Viewer and save your edits to the item.