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Acquisitions reports

View all available Acquisitions standard reports in WorldShare Reports.

Acquisitions Dashboard

Data history start date: Date since the institution started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

This report provides an "at-a-glance" view of acquisition activity at your institution through the following graphics:

  • Top 10 Expenditures By Fund
  • Top 10 Expenditures By Vendor
  • Top 10 Expenditures By Material Format
  • Top 10 Expenditures By Classification

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Acquisitions Dashboard interface

Acquisitions Dashboard

Acquisitions Dashboard - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Report attributes
    Top 10 Expenditures by Fund Top 10 Expenditures by Vendor Top 10 Expenditures by Material Format Top 10 Expenditures by Classification
Start Date (required) Start Year Month Copies Expended Copies Expended Copies Expended Call Number Main Class
End Date (required) End Year Month Expended Amount Expended Amount Expended Amount Copies Expended
Fund Name Vendor Name Material Format Expended Amount

Acquisitions Data Last Refreshed

Data history start date: Snapshot (current data only)

The Acquisitions Data Last Refreshed report displays when acquisitions data was last refreshed. It provides information about the reports affected, how often the data is refreshed, and the date last refreshed. You can use this report to see when the acquisitions data was last updated.

Acquisitions Data Last Refreshed interface

Acquisitions Data Last Refresh Date

Acquisitions Data Last Refreshed - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
There are no prompts defined on this report. To define a new prompt, switch the report to Design mode (only available with report authoring permission). There are no input controls defined on this report. To define a new input control, switch the report to Design mode (only available with report authoring permission). Source Data
Last Data Refreshed Date
Data Frequency

Fund Balance

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Fund Balance Report displays a summary of fund balance activity for a specified budget period. It provides a snapshot of your fund and includes the details of amount budgeted, encumbered, and expended. This report can be used to determine the status of all of your funds.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Fund Balance Report interface

Fund Balance Report

Fund Balance Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
Budget Status Budget Period Fund Name (Top level)
Fund Status Fund Name (2nd level)
Fund Name (3rd level)
Fund Name (4th level)
Fund Name (5th level)
Amount Budgeted
Amount Encumbered
Amount Expended
Remaining Fund Balance
Remaining Fund %

Open Encumbrances

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Open Encumbrances Report displays a list of items ordered but not fully paid within a specified period of time. It provides information about outstanding orders including bibliographic information, fund, and order information. You can use this report as part of your fiscal close process to identify orders that are still open and need to be dealt with based on local workflows.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Open Encumbrances Report interface

Open Encumbrances Report

Open Encumbrances Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Order Date Budget Period Title
To Order Date Branch Name Author
Budget Status Shelving Location (Destination) OCLC Number
Order Type Edition
Acquisitions Type Publisher
Processing Type Publication Date
Material Format Material Format
Fund Code Order Date
Encumbered Amount
Copies Ordered
Copies Received
Processing Type
Order Type
Order Number
Acquisitions Type
Vendor Name
Fund Name
Fund Code
Branch Name
Shelving Location
Call Number
Requestor Name

Paid Invoice Summary Report

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Paid Invoice Summary Report displays a summary of paid invoices within a specified period of time. It provides a list of invoices that have been paid within a specified time period and includes the invoice number, the vendor, and amount paid. You can use this report to provide a summary of invoices that need to be paid to an external department that issues payments on behalf of the library.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Paid Invoice Summary Report interface

Paid Invoice Summary Report

Paid Invoice Summary Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
Payment Start Date (required) Vendor Name System Invoice Number
Payment End Date (required) Vendor Invoice Number
Fund Code Vendor Name
Vendor Invoice Number Paid Date
Invoice Total

Paid Invoice Item Detail Report

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Paid Invoice Item Detail Report lists detailed information about a paid invoice. It provides details of invoice number, invoice item quantity, and invoice item unit price.  You can use this report to provide details of invoiced items to external departments that issue payments on behalf of the library. To launch this report, use the drill-down links in the System Invoice Number column in the Paid Invoice Summary Report.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Paid Invoice Item Detail Report interface

Paid Invoice Item Detail Report

Paid Invoice Item Detail Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
Paid Start Date There are no input controls defined on this report. To define a new input control, switch the report to Design mode (only available with report authoring permission). System Invoice Number
Paid End Date Vendor Name
Fund Code Title
Vendor Invoice Number Local Vendor Number
Invoice Number Invoice Number
Vendor Name Invoice Date
Paid Date
Invoice Item Number
Fund Code
Invoice Item Quantity
Invoice Item Unit Price
Invoice Item Discount Amount
Invoice Item Service Charges
Invoice Item Shipping Charges
Invoice Item Tax 1
Invoice Item Tax 2
Invoice Item Total

Payment Activity by Classification

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Classification Report displays a summary of payment activity by classification within a specified budget period. It provides details of copies and the amount expended as well as average expenditure. You can use this report to see the number of items purchased and the amount paid by classification (e.g. Library of Congress). Expenditures for each classification type are further broken out into subclasses. You can further analyze the data by selecting a filter, such as budget period, material format, order type, etc. You can select a specific classification subclass to see the details of the items ordered for that subclass. 

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Classification Report interface

Payment Activity by Classification Report

Payment Activity by Classification Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date Budget Period Classification
To Payment Date Processing Type Classification Subclass
Shelving Scheme (required) Material Format Copies Expended
Classification (required) Order Type Amount Expended
Branch Name Part of Monographic Series Indicator Average Expenditure
Shelving Location (Destination)

Payment Activity by Fund

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Fund Report displays a summary of payment activity by fund within a specified budget period. It provides details of copies and amount expended. A number of filters allow you to scope the report to show particular activity, such as order type, processing type, vendor, etc. You can use this report to see how many items have been ordered on a fund and the associated expenditures. You can select a specific fund expenditure to see the details of the items ordered for that fund.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Fund Report interface

Payment Activity by Fund Report

Payment Activity by Fund Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date Budget Period Fund Name (Top level)
To Payment Date Order Type Fund Name (2nd level)
Budget Status Acquisitions Type Fund Name (3rd level)
Branch Name Processing Type Fund Name (4th level)
Shelving Location Material Format Fund Name (5th level)
Vendor Name Invoice Item Type Copies Expended
Part of Monographic Series Indicator Amount Expended
Total Copies Expended Including Child Funds
Total Amount Expended Including Child Funds

Payment Activity by Location

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Location Report displays a summary of payment activity by branch and shelving location within a specified period of time. It provides details of copies and amount expended as well as average expenditure. You can use this report to see the number of copies purchased and the amount paid for each location in the library. You can further analyze the data by selecting a filter, such as order type, processing type, format, etc. You can select a specific expenditure for a location to see the details of the items ordered for a specific location.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Location Report interface

Payment Activity by Location Report

Payment Activity by Location Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date Budget Period Branch Name
To Payment Date Acquisitions Type Shelving Location
Budget Status Order Type Copies Expended
Vendor Name Processing Type Amount Expended
Material Format Average Expenditure
Part of Monographic Series Indicator

Payment Activity by Material Format

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Material Format Report displays a summary of payment activity by material format within a specified period of time. It provides details of copies and amount expended as well as average expenditure per copy. You can use this report to see the number of items purchased and the amount paid by material format. You can further analyze the data by selecting a filter, such as acquisitions type, processing type, invoice item type, etc. You can select a specific material format to see the details of the items ordered for that format.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Material Format Report interface

Payment Activity by Material Format Report

Payment Activity by Material Format Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date Budget Period Requestor
To Payment Date Order Type Copies Expended
Budget Status Acquisitions Type Amount Expended
Requestor Name Processing Type Average Expenditure (Per Copy)
Branch (Destination) Material Format
Shelving Location (Destination) Invoice Item Type
Vendor Name Part of Monographic Series Indicator

Payment Activity by Processing Type

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Processing Type Report displays a summary of payment activity by processing type within a specified period of time. It provides details of copies and amount expended as well as average expenditure per copy. You can use this report to see the number of items purchased and the amount paid for e-products, serials, and single volume works. Expenditures for each processing type are further broken out by material format. You can further analyze the data by selecting a filter, such as order type, location, vendor, etc. You can select a specific processing type and format expenditure to see the details of the items purchased. 

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Processing Type Report interface

Payment Activity by Processing Type Report

Payment Activity by Processing Type Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date Budget Period Processing Type
To Payment Date Acquisitions Type Material Format
Budget Status Order Type Copies Expended
Branch (Destination) Part of Monographic Series Indicator Amount Expended
Shelving Location Average Expenditure (Per Copy)
Vendor Name

Payment Activity by Requestor

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Requestor Report displays a summary of payment activity by requestor within a specified period of time. It provides details of copies and amount expended as well as average expenditure per copy. You can use this report to see a summary of what you have purchased at the request of a specific library user. You can further analyze the data by selecting a filter, such as order type, acquisitions type, processing type, etc. You can select a specific requestor to see the details of the purchased.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Requestor Report interface

Payment Activity by Requestor Report

Payment Activity by Requestor Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date Budget Period Requestor
To Payment Date Order Type Copies Expended
Budget Status Acquisitions Type Amount Expended
Requestor Name Processing Type Average Expenditure (Per Copy)
Vendor Name Material Format
Branch Name Invoice Item Type
Shelving Location Part of Monographic Series Indicator

Payment Activity by Vendor

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Payment Activity by Vendor Report displays a summary of payment activity by vendor and material format within a specified period of time. It provides details of copies and amount expended as well as average expenditure. You can use this report to see the number of items purchased and the amount paid by vendor. Expenditures for each vendor name are further broken out by material format. You can further analyze the data by selecting a filter, such as order type, processing type, material format, etc. You can select a specific vendor name and material format to see the details of items ordered to see the details of the items purchased.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Payment Activity by Vendor Report interface

Payment Activity by Vendor Report

Payment Activity by Vendor Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Payment Date From Payment Date Vendor Name
To Payment Date Order Type Material Format
Budget Status Acquisitions Type Copies Expended
Branch Name Processing Type Amount Expended
Shelving Location Material Format Average Expenditure
Invoice Item Type
Part of Monographic Series Indicator

Receiving Activity by Location

Data history start date: Receive dates >= August 2014

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Receiving Activity by Location report displays a summary of receiving activity by branch and shelving location within a specified period of time. It provides details of copies received by branch name as well as shelving locations.

 Note: Receive Dates prior to August 2014 are not available. Queries for data prior to August 2014 will produce unexpected results.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Receiving Activity by Location interface

Receiving Activity by Location

Receiving Activity by Location - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Received Date (required) Budget Period Branch Name
To Received Date (required) Order Type Order Type
Budget Status Acquisitions Type Copies Received
Processing Type
Material Format

Serials Received Summary Report

Data history start date: Date since institution started using Serials module

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Serials Received Summary Report displays a summary of serials received by publication frequency within a specified period of time. It provides the title, ISSN, and number of issues received by publication frequency. You can use this report for statistics on currently received journal titles.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Serials Received Summary Report interface

Serials Received Summary Report

Serials Received Summary Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Received Date (required) Publication Frequency Publication Frequency
To Received Date (required) Binding Status Title
OCLC Number
Issues Received

Title Copy Detail Report

Data history start date: Data since institutions started using WMS Acquisitions

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Title Copy Detail Report lists detailed information about payment activity. It provides bibliographic details of the title, Knowledge Base, purchase order, and invoice information. This report is launched through a payment activity report. You can use this report to view the details of all the items purchased based on the report that you accessed it from. To launch this report, use the drill-down links in the:

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Title Copy Detail Report interface

Title Copy Detail Report

Title Copy Detail Report - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
Institution Name There are no input controls defined on this report. To define a new input control, switch the report to Design mode (only available with report authoring permission). Title
From Payment Date OCLC Number
To Payment Date KB Collection Identifier
Acquisitions Type KB Title Identifier
Order Type Author
Processing Type Edition
Material Format Publisher
Vendor Name ISBN
Shelving Location ISSN
Fund Name Preferred ISBN/ISSN Type
Fund name (5th level) Preferred ISBN/ISSN Value
Fund name (2nd level) Publication Date
Fund name (3rd level) Material Format
Fund name (4th level) Budget Transaction Date
Budget period Status Order Number
Classification Subclass Order Vendor Name
Budget Period Order Type
Requestor Name Order Name
Branch Name Order Item Number
Shelving Scheme Order Item Acquisitions Type
Classification Code Order Item Processing Type
Invoice Item Type Order Item Requestor
Order Item Total price
Order Item Quantity
Vendor Invoice Number
System Invoice Number
Invoice Item Number
Invoice Item Description
Invoice Item Type
Invoice Item Percentage
Invoice Item Budget Period
Invoice Item Fund Code
Invoice Item Level 1 Fund Name
Invoice Item Level 2 Fund Name
Invoice Item Level 3 Fund Name
Invoice Item Level 4 Fund Name
Invoice Item Level 5 Fund Name
Amount Expended
Number of Copies Expended
Destination Branch
Destination Shelving Location
Call Number / Cutter
Item Barcode
Refresh report with modified prompt values to generate new title copy list

By default, the Title Copy Detail Report lists detailed information based on the drill-down link from the chosen payment activity report. You can generate a new detailed list by modifying existing prompt values.

  1. From the Title Copy Detail Report, click the Refresh button (Refresh button). The Prompts window opens.
    Launch Prompts window - Example

    Refresh report

    Prompts window details
    Prompts window details
  2. From the Prompts Summary pane, click the prompt you would like to modify.
     Note: If you select a prompt that is not currently populated, proceed to step 4.
  3. In the Selected Prompt pane, double-click the prompt value to remove it.
    Remove prompt value - Example

    Remove prompts from Title Copy Detail Report

  4. In the selected prompt pane, click Refresh Values.
  5. Select the prompt value(s) you want to add to the report and then click the right arrow button (>).
     Note: To select multiple prompt values, click the first prompt value and then hold the Ctrl key as you click additional prompt values.
    Add prompt values - Example

    Add prompts to Title Copy Detail Report

  6. Click OK to rerun the report. 

Vendor Performance

Data history start date: Receive dates >= August 2014

Date refresh rate: Nightly

The Vendor Performance report displays a summary of vendors and the average number of days to fulfill items within a specified period of time. It provides a chart and table that show the length of time between when the order is sent and received by vendor. You can use this report to identify the best and worst performing vendors. 

 Note: Receive Dates prior to August 2014 are not available. Queries for data prior to August 2014 will product unexpected results for the Average Days to Fulfillment value.

This report's data is updated nightly. The data will be updated by 6 a.m. of your institution's data center time. Data will be "as of" the end of the previous day.

Vendor Performance interface

Vendor Performance

Vendor Performance - Report objects
Prompts Input Controls Columns
From Order Date Shipping Type Vendor Name
To Order Date Order Type Copies Ordered
Processing Type Copies Received
Average Days to Fulfillment
Copies Cancelled
Cancellations Per Copies Ordered