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OCLC Support

I am adding a new location in ILLiad, how do I update this information to Lenders?

  • You have added a new location in ILLiad, and you want to make sure your Lending and Borrowing sites know about the new location
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

If the site is an ILLiad site, they will need to update their LenderAddress table information for your site.  It will only affect ILLiad sites, so on the other side if they are Borrowing or Lending, they will have to add the new location to their system so they will send and return items to the correct location.  You need to do the following to make sure your information is correct:   

  1. You should update your Constant Data records so you have the correct information set up for the additional location.
  2. When you are in your Workform in Borrowing, you will apply your Constant Data for the new site.
  3. You will need to make sure you have updated your Delivery Location information in ILLiad by following the instructions for Adding Delivery Locations.
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