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OCLC Support

I am an ILLiad site and my Lenders say my email address is missing when I send out requests

  •  Lenders are saying that when they receive requests from your site, they are not seeing an email address. In Service Configuration, the correct email is there and your shipped date shows "-0," so it looks correct.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here is how to update Constant Data records in the ILLiad Client

  1. From the ILLiad Main screen, click on the System Ribbon on the top.
  2. Click on the Resource Sharing Settings link.
  3. Tabs apear.  Select the Constant Data tab.
  4. Click in the Name field.  Click on the first entry listed.  There may be only one entry and if if so it will be Default.
  5. Update the Shipped Date to a "-0" (minus zero). 
  6. Update the Email Address.
  7. Save the change.
  8. Go back to the Name field and click in it. If there are any other Constant Data records, update them until all of them are updated.

Close the Client and open it back up.  Any new request that goes out should now have the Email Address in it.  Verify them before sending.

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