The MARC record in my WorldCat Cataloging Partners file is for the wrong record, the match is wrong
Applies to
- WorldShare Collection Manager, including WorldCat Cataloging Partners (WCP)
OCLC uses many match points to match data from providers with existing OCLC records in the WorldCat database. Incorrect matches may happen because of incorrect or missing data in the match points, and this can cause an incorrect MARC record to be made available for download. An example might be when a MARC record for a print item is delivered, but it is an electronic item. OCLC records may be grouped together because they are records for the same item with some differences. Note: Groupings that you may see on a title in your OCLC WorldCat knowledge base for a specific title/OCN do not pertain to WCP.
When an incorrect match occurs, delete your holdings (OCLC symbol) from the incorrectly matched OCLC Control Number (OCN) and attach your holdings to the correct match.
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