Qualify keyword/numeric guided searches
Discover how to qualify keyword/numeric guided searches in Connexion client.
Qualify searches in the Keyword/Numeric Search area of the Search WorldCat window by selecting from lists or typing in a text box:
- Navigate to Cataloging > Search > WorldCat or press <F2>.
- In the Search WorldCat window, under Keyword/Numeric Search, after you enter search term(s) and select indexes, select or enter one or more of the following qualifiers:
- To limit by language - In the Language list, select a language.
Note: Use the default short list of the nine most used languages, or click the Personalize List button () to customize the short list, or click the Plus button (
) to expand to a comprehensive list of hundreds of languages valid for MARC records.
- To limit by format - In the Format list, select a format.
- To exclude or limit to internet resources - In the Internet list, select Not Internet or Internet, respectively.
- To limit to materials cataloged by the Library of Congress - In the Cataloging Source list, select DLC.
- To exclude or limit to microforms - In the Microform list, select Not Microform or Microform, respectively.
- To limit by publication years - In the Years text field, enter a year or range of years.
- To limit by specific material type - In the Material Type list, select a material type.
Note: Select from the default short list of material types, or click the Personalize List button () to customize the short list of material types, or click the Plus button (
) to expand to a comprehensive list of over 100 materials types indexed in WorldCat. See Connexion: Searching WorldCat Quick References for a comprehensive list of material types.
- To limit by language - In the Language list, select a language.
Default: Any or [blank]