Enter qualifiers and values
Discover how to enter search qualifiers and values in Connexion client.
Qualifier index (label) |
Available values | How to enter |
Type of material format (mt:) | Books (bks) Computer Files (com) Continuing Resources (res) Integrating Resources (int) Maps (map) Mixed Material (mix) Serials (ser) Scores (sco) Sound Recordings (rec) Visual Materials (vis) |
Command line search Enter as slash qualifier or use the index label with the following values: /bks or mt:bks /com or mt:com /res or mt:res /int or mt:int /map or mt:map /mix or mt:mix /ser or mt:ser /sco or mt:sco /rec or mt:rec /vis or mt:vis To exclude exclude a format, use not. Example: not mt:cnr |
Guided search In the Format list, select a format. See also more specific material type qualifiers below. |
qualifiers, and all three are listed in the Format list of the Search WorldCat window for limiting guided WorldCat searches. |
Note: Continuing Resources is now the primary MARC record format, which includes both Serials and Integrating Resources material types. All three are available as slash||
Years of publication (yr:) m = millennium c = century d = decade y = year |
Single year [mcdy] Decade [mcd?] Century [mc??] Single year and all later years [mcdy-] Single year and all earlier years [-mcdy] Range of years: [mcdy-y] [mcdy-dy] [mcdy-cdy] [mcdy-mcdy] No date [0000] |
Command line search Enter as a slash qualifier or enter with index label and colon: /1994 or yr:1994 To exclude a year or years, use not. Example: not yr:1994 |
Guided search In the Years box, enter a year or range of years. |
Examples: Single year: 1994 Decade: 199? Century: 19?? Single year and all later years: 1995- Single year and all earlier years: -1995 Range of years: 1980-3 1980-91 1980-920 1980-1920 No date: 0000 |
Microform or not microform (mf:) | Microform Not microform |
Command line search Enter as slash qualifier: /mf (microform) or /nm (not microform) Or Enter the index label and one of the following two values: mf:mic or mf:nmc |
Guided search In the Microform list, select Microform or Not Microform. |
Source (dl: - Library of Congress) Or Source phrase (cs= - followed by an OCLC symbol for a library) |
Library of Congress/Program for Cooperative Cataloging Or A library specified by OCLC symbol |
Command line search To limit to Library of Congress (LC), enter as slash qualifier: /dlc Or Enter the index label and value: dl:y To limit to another library, enter phrase index label and OCLC symbol: cs=abcde Note: The only value for LC is y. |
Guided search In the Source list, select Any or DLC. |
Internet (mt:) | Internet (Limit results to records for internet resources) Non-Internet (Exclude records for internet resources) |
Command line search Use the index label and one of the following two values: mt:url or not mt:url (Unavailable as a slash qualifier) |
Guided search In the Internet list, select Internet or Non-Internet. |
Language (la:) | A language you specify. (Limit results to records that describe works in a selected language.) Any: no language specified (Results can include records for works in any language.) |
Command line search Use the index label and the three-letter MARC code or the name of the language spelled out: la:spa or la:spanish (Unavailable as a slash qualifier) |
Guided search Under Language, in the default short list of the nine most used languages list, select a language. Or Click the Personalize List button ( ![]() Or Click the Plus button ( ![]() |
Material types (mt: or mt=) |
A material type you specify (Limits the search to records of that type only.) Any: no material type specified (Results contain records for all material types.) *Formerly called Serials; includes both serials and integrating resources material types Note: Material type indexes are also included in one of the primary MARC format indexes: Books, Computer Files, Continuing Resources*, Maps, Mixed Materials, Scores, Sound Recordings, Visual Materials |
Command line search Use the index label, a colon, and the three-letter code for the material type: mt:dvv Or Use the index label, an equal sign, a space and the full name of the material type: mt:dvd video |
Guided search Under Material Type, in the default short list of the ten most used material types, select a material type. Or Click the Personalize List button ( ![]() Or Click the Plus button ( ![]() types |
Material type name in Search WorldCat window list | Example: Enter system material type name |
International gov publication | mt=international government publication |
Juvenile (all types) | mt:juvenile |
National gov publication | mt:national government publication |
State or province gov pub | mt:state or province government publication |
See Searching WorldCat Indexes for comprehensive descriptions of indexes, including qualifier indexes.