Enter a guided browse
Discover how to enter a guided browse in Connexion client.
Use the Browse WorldCat window only to do a guided index scan (browse):
- Log on to the system.
Navigate to Cataloging > Browse > WorldCat, click the Browse WorldCat button (), or press <F2>. The client will prompt you to log on before opening the browse window.
- In the Browse for field of the Browse WorldCat window, enter the exact term (word or phrase) you want.
Guidelines:- Begin a phrase with the first word of the field or subfield.
- Omit initial articles in a title phrase.
- Do not enter the Scan command (sca).
- Select an index from the default short list of the 10 most used indexes, or customize the short index list, or switch to the full list of over 50 available indexes (the list displays the label and correct punctuation for each index).
- See Customize WorldCat search and browse interfaces for details.
- See a comprehensive list of WorldCat indexes with descriptions, guidelines, examples, and fields/subfields indexed in Searching WorldCat Indexes.
- Click OK or press <Enter>. A WorldCat Browse List opens. See How browse results display for more information.