Prepare content for submission to the preservation archive using CONTENTdm
CONTENTdm includes an Archival File Manager that helps you prepare content for submission to the Archive. When you set up a project to load content to a collection in your CONTENTdm server, follow the directions for managing archival content at Archival File Manager.
These directions explain how to use the CONTENTdm Archival File Manager to prepare archival volumes on your CONTENTdm Project Client workstation. When you start a new project in Project Client, you specify the location of the archival volume in the Edit Project Settings dialog.
When you use the Archival File Manager for a project, Project Client uploads display files, thumbnail images, and metadata to the collection on your CONTENTdm server, and the original files are placed in archival volumes. These archival volumes act as a temporary staging area for your Digital Archive data.
When an archival volume is full, the Project Client will notify you that the current volume is closed and a new volume has been created. When an archival volume is closed, an electronic shipping manifest file is completed and added to the volume. The manifest is an administrative tool used by the Archive to track, identify and manage the files in the volume. The manifest includes information about the total number of items (ITEMTOTAL) included in that volume. The manifest includes
the following descriptive information about the files in the volume:
- Your Institution Name (OCLC symbol to be exact)
- Your CONTENTdm server host name
- The Collection Name
- The Archival Volume Name
- The File Name
When a volume is closed, it is ready to package and ship for ingest to the Archive.