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View all available report objects available to build custom queries and retrieve data for custom and standard reports in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer.
Report object name Description
12 Month Filter Do not use.
12 Month Range Do not use.
Abstract Flag A flag indicating if the e-resource is an abstract or not.
Accrual Indicator A flag (‘Y’ or ‘N’) to indicate if an order item’s encumbrance as well as future invoice item expenditures are split among multiple budget periods based on the portion of the subscription start and end dates that fall within each budget period.
Acquisitions Type How an item is being acquired. Possible values include: Subscription or One-Time. Subscription indicates an ongoing commitment to purchase goods or services. One-Time indicates the purchase request is likely completed in a single transaction.
Arrival Date The date when a copy of an ordered item arrived at an institution.
Arrival Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a copy of an ordered item arrived at the institution.
Arrival Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a copy of an ordered item arrived at the institution.
Arrival Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) a copy of an ordered item arrived at the institution.
Arrival Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a copy of an ordered item arrived at the institution.
Arrival Year The year a copy of an ordered item arrived at the institution.
Article Total Item Requests (IR_A1) The total number of times the full-text of an item (i.e., Journal Article) was requested. Sourced from the IR_A1 report.
Article Unique Item Requests (IR_A1) The number of unique full-text items requested in a user-session. Sourced from the IR_A1 report.
Authentication Code A value from the 042 $a of a cataloging record which indicates that the record has been reviewed by a particular authentication agency, e.g., pcc.
Author Name Individual or corporate entity responsible for the production of a work.
Auto-Received Request Count The number of ILL requests that were automatically received by the borrowing institution.
Average Expenditure =If ([Copies Expended]) = 0) Then 0 Else [Zero Check Avg Expenditure]
Average Expenditure (Per Copy) =[Expended Amount]/[Copies Expended]
Base Collection Do not use.
Base Collection ID Unique identifier for a discrete collection.
Bills Cancelled The number of bills cancelled.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Bills Cancelled Amount The monetary amount of the cancelled bills.
Bills Created The number of bills created.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Bills Created Amount The monetary amount of the created bills.
Bills Created (Avg) =Round(([Bills Created]/[Day Count]);2)
Bills Paid The number of bills paid.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Bills Paid Amount The monetary amount of the paid bills.
Bills Paid (Avg) =Round(([Bills Paid]/[Day Count]);2)
Bills Refunded The number of bills refunded.
Bills Refunded Amount The monetary amount of the refunded bills.
Bills Waived The number of bills waived.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Bills Waived Amount The monetary amount of the waived bills.
Bills Waived (Avg) =Round(([Bills Waived]/[Day Count]);2)
Binding Status Status which determines where in the binding process a specific serial issue is (e.g., Not Bound, Pending, Sent to Bindery, Bound)
Borrower Auto-Received Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the request was automatically received by the borrowing institution.
Borrower Cancelled Date/Time The date and time when the borrowing institution cancelled the request.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Borrower Cancelled Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the borrowing institution cancelled the request.
Borrower Cancelled Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the borrowing institution cancelled the request.
Borrower Cancelled Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the borrowing institution cancelled the request.
Borrower Cancelled Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the borrowing institution cancelled the request.
Borrower Cancelled Date Year The year when the borrowing institution cancelled the request.
Borrower Max Cost Maximum monetary amount that the borrower was willing to pay for the item. If the borrower did not provide a value, they are responsible for whatever the lender charges.
Borrower Max Cost Currency Currency of the maximum amount that the borrower was willing to pay for the item (e.g., UNITED_STATES_DOLLAR).
Borrower Need Before Date The date by which the borrower wanted to receive the item.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Borrower Received Date/Time The date and time when the item was received by the borrowing library.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Borrower Received Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the item was received by the borrowing library.
Borrower Received Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the item was received by the borrowing library.
Borrower Received Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the item was received by the borrowing library.
Borrower Received Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the item was received by the borrowing library.
Borrower Received Date Year The year when the item was received by the borrowing library.
Borrower Request Tags Custom labels that can be applied by the borrower to group and keep track of requests.
Borrower Returned Date/Time The date and time when the borrowing library returned the item to the lender.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Borrower Returned Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the borrowing library returned the item to the lender.
Borrower Returned Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the borrowing library returned the item to the lender.
Borrower Returned Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the borrowing library returned the item to the lender.
Borrower Returned Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the borrowing library returned the item to the lender.
Borrower Returned Date Year The year when the borrowing library returned the item to the lender.
Borrower WMS Temporary Item Barcode The unique, machine readable code used to temporarily identify a borrowed item in WorldShare Circulation.
Borrowing Institution Country Name The country of the organization requesting an item, e.g., SOUTH AFRICA.
Borrowing Institution Group Affiliations The self-reported group affiliations of the organization requesting an item.
Borrowing Institution Latitude The latitude of the organization requesting an item.
Borrowing Institution Longitude The longitude of the organization requesting an item.
Borrowing Institution Name The name of the organization requesting an item.
Borrowing Institution State/Province/Region The state, province, or region of the organization requesting an item.
Borrowing Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the organization requesting an item. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Borrowing Off-System Name The name of the off-system organization requesting an item.
Branch Name A specific location within an institution. An institution may have one or more branches.
Budget Period Amount of time allotted to a given budget. Calculated by finding the amount of time between the budget start date and budget end date.
Budget Period Created Date The date and time that the budget period was created.
Budget Period Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the budget period.
Budget Period End Date Date that a budget period ends. Library can close the budget after its end date.
Budget Period ID Identifier generated by the system and used by the WorldShare Platform to uniquely identify a budget (e.g., BU-2014-1).
Budget Period Last Modified Date The date and time that the budget period was last modified.
Budget Period Last Modified Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last modified the budget period.
Budget Period Start Date Date that a budget period begins. Library typically begins using a budget on or near the start date.
Budget Status Status of the budgeted period which determines how a budget can be used or not used by the library. Includes Closed, Current, Bookable, and New.
Budget Transaction Date Date a transaction was made against a budget.
Budget Transaction Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a transaction was made against a budget.
Budget Transaction Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a transaction was made against a budget.
Budget Transaction Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) a transaction was made against a budget.
Budget Transaction Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a transaction was made against a budget.
Budget Transaction Status Flag that indicates whether a budget transaction of type encumbrance is active or not. If inactive, no money will be encumbered.
Budget Transaction Type Category identifying how the budget is affected by a transaction (e.g., encumbered or expended).
Budget Transaction Year The year a transaction was made against a budget
Budget Transaction Year Month The year and month a transaction was made against a budget.
Budgeted Amount Monetary amount an institution allocates to a fund for spending over the course of the budget period. Also called "Fund Allocation" or "Allocated Amount."
Calendar Date Full calendar date.
Calendar Quarter Numeric value (from 1-4) indicating the quarter number of a given year. The four quarters that make up the year are: January, February and March (1); April, May and June (2); July, August and September (3); and October, November and December (4).
Calendar Year Numeric value representing the year (e.g., 2015).
Calendar Year Month Value representing the calendar year and month number, e.g., 2014-12.
Call Number Local call number set by the institution that defines the location of an item on the shelf in the library according to a particular shelving scheme.
Call Number (Normalized) A normalized call number suitable for sorting. Derived from a valid Call Number when shelving scheme is set to Dewey or Library of Congress.
Call Number Classification The part of the call number that defines the subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS3545.E6 for Library of Congress Classification or 021.138 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
Call Number / Cutter Concatenation of Call Number and Call Number Cutter values.
Call Number Cutter Part of a call number that allows the institution to distinguish between multiple items with the same classification number on the shelf. Usually based on the author's name.
Call Number Main Class Part of a call number that defines the subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme.
Call Number Prefix Value that defines the first part of the call number. Often used to designate the type of the material (e.g., reference material).
Call Number Subclass Part of call number that defines the secondary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme.
Call Number Suffix Value to distinguish items with the same classification number and cutter on the shelf. Often a date or copy number.
Cancellations Per Copies Ordered =If [Copies Cancelled]=0 Then 0 Else If [Copies Ordered]=0 Then 0 Else [Copies Cancelled]/[Copies Ordered]
Cancelled Request Count The number of requests that have been cancelled by the borrowing institution or patron.
Cataloging Language Name Based the 040 $b of the bibliographic record representing the language of cataloging in the record. The three character code is converted to the language name as defined by MARC Code List for Languages.
Circulation Activity Count The sum of Items Checked Out + Items Renewed + Holds Fulfilled + Items Soft Checked Out + Item Consultations.

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Circulation Count The sum of Items Checked Out + Items Renewed + Items Soft Checked Out + Item Consultations.

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Claim Count Number The number of claims for a specific item.
Claimed User Full Name The user's full name that issued a claim on an item.
Classification Cd Lov Do not use.
Collection Description Description of a group of electronic titles sold together by a provider.
Collection ID & Name Unique identifier for a discrete collection and the name given by a provider to a group of electronic titles sold as a package.
Collection Name The name given by a provider to the group of electronic titles sold as a package.
Collection Owning Institution Name Organization that has selected part or all of a collection of titles in the WorldCat knowledge base.
Collection Owning Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the organization that has selected part or all of a collection of titles in the WorldCat knowledge base.
Collection Source Institution Name Organization (i.e. OCLC, a library, etc.) that created or contributed a collection to the WorldCat knowledge base.
Collection Source Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the organization (i.e., OCLC, a library, etc.) that created or contributed a collection to the WorldCat knowledge base.
Collection Type The type of WorldCat knowledge base collection, e.g., Global, Local, Private, and Shared.
Collection UID Unique identifier for a discrete collection.
Comparison Collection  Do not use.
Conspectus Category The second level of the OCLC Conspectus. Each category represents a topic within a specific division. See also Division, Subject.
Conspectus Division The first and broadest level of the OCLC Conspectus. Each division represents a broad discipline of knowledge.
Conspectus Subject The third and most detailed level of the OCLC Conspectus. Each subject provides the most detailed identification within a specific category. See also Division, Category.
Content A term to indicate what type of content an E-Resource is. Examples can include: electronic book, fulltext journal, abstracts journal, image, etc.
Copies Cancelled Number of copies cancelled for an acquisition order item.
Copies Claimed Number of copies claimed previously for this order item.
Copies Encumbered Number of copies encumbered for a specific budget transaction.
Copies Expended Number of copies expended for a specific budget transaction.
Copies Invoiced Number of copies invoiced for an acquisition order item.
Copies Ordered Number of copies ordered by the library for an individual item.
Copies Outstanding Number of copies not received for this order item.
Copies Paid Number of copies of an acquisition order item that have been purchased using library funds.
Copies Received Number of copies received for an acquisition order item.
Copies Requested The quantity of items requested in a purchase request. Once a purchase request is added to an order and the order is placed, this value will be equal to the Copies Ordered measure.
Copy Cancellation Date Date a copy was cancelled.
Copy Cancellation Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a copy was cancelled.
Copy Cancellation Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a copy was cancelled.
Copy Cancellation Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) a copy was cancelled.
Copy Cancellation Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a copy was cancelled.
Copy Cancellation Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who cancelled the copy.
Copy Cancellation Year The year a copy was cancelled. 
Copy Claim Count The number of claims for a specific copy of an order item. 
Copy Claiming Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a copy was claimed.
Copy Claiming Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a copy was claimed.
Copy Claiming Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) a copy was claimed.
Copy Claiming Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a copy was claimed.
Copy Claiming Year The year a copy was claimed.
Copy Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the copy.
Copy Number A unique value that identifies a specific copy of an order item. For example, if an item was ordered with quantity of 5, there would be 5 unique copy numbers. (e.g., PO-2018-318-1-1, PO-2018-318-1-2, PO-2018-318-1-3, etc.)
Copy Order Status The status of a copy based on how it is related to the supplier. Examples include: OPEN, ORDERED, CANCELLED, CANCELLATION_REQUESTED
Copy Previously Returned Indicator A flag (Y or N) to indicate if the copy that is now received was previously returned to the vendor by the user.
Copy Receipt Status The status of a copy based on whether it has been received or not. Examples include: NOT_RECEIVED, PARTIALLY_RECEIVED, RECEIVED.
Copy Received Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who received the copy at the institution.
Copy Return Reason The reason chosen by staff for returning a copy or copies of an order item. This can be a system-provided reason or a user-configured reason.
Count Items The number of items.
COUNTER Access Method An attribute used to determine if usage was generated by a human user or a "Text and Data Mining" process, e.g., Regular.
COUNTER Access Type Term that identifies the access control restrictions placed on a piece of content at the time the content was accessed, e.g., Controlled.
COUNTER Article Version The version of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Authors The person/people who wrote/created the items whose usage is being reported.
COUNTER Database Name The name of a collection of electronically stored resources and/or bibliographic records with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of data.
COUNTER Item DOI Digital Object Identifier that persistently identifies and facilitates access to a piece of intellectual property on a digital network, irrespective of its current location.
COUNTER Item Data Type Term that defines the format of the item, e.g., book, database, journal, etc.
COUNTER Item Name A collective term for content that is reported at a high level of granularity (i.e., a full length video).
COUNTER Item Platform An interface from an aggregator, host, publisher or service that delivers content to the user and provides the COUNTER usage reports.
COUNTER Online ISSN The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify an online periodical publication at a specific media type.
COUNTER Parent Article Version The version of the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent Authors The person/people who created the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent DOI The digital object identifier given to the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent Online ISSN The online ISSN of the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent Print ISSN The print ISSN of the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent Proprietary ID The unique identifier given by publishers to the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent Title The title of the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Parent URI The Universal Resource Identifier e.g., a URL or URN, for the publication of the article being accessed.
COUNTER Print ISSN The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print periodical publication at a specific media type.
COUNTER Proprietary ID Identifier for a title or database as designated by a vendor, institution, or other organization.
COUNTER Publication Date The date of release by the publisher to the customers of an item.
COUNTER Publisher ID The COUNTER publisher's unique identifier.
COUNTER Publisher Name A person or company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works.
COUNTER Release Value that indicates the version of the COUNTER Code of Practice used to generate the usage data, e.g., 4.
COUNTER Report Total The total number of uses according to the external provider COUNTER reports.
COUNTER Source Value that indicates the COUNTER release and report type that served as the source of the usage data, e.g., C4DB1 indicates data from a COUNTER Database Report 1 generated using the COUNTER Code of Practice Release 4.
COUNTER Title The descriptive name used to identify an intellectual work such as a book, film or other composition.
COUNTER Title DOI Digital Object Identifier that persistently identifies and facilitates access to a piece of intellectual property on a digital network, irrespective of its current location.
COUNTER Title eISBN International Standard Book Number is a unique numeric commercial identifier for ebooks or other digital monographs. The old format is 10 digits, the new format is 13 digits.
COUNTER Title eISSN An Electronic International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify an electronic periodical publication.
COUNTER Title ISBN International Standard Book Number is a unique numeric commercial book identifier. The old format is 10 digits, the new format is 13 digits.
COUNTER Title ISSN An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication at a specific media type.
COUNTER URI The Universal Resource Identifier, e.g., a URL or a URN, for the item.
COUNTER Vendor ID From WorldShare Acquisitions' Vendor Information Management (VIC) database, the identifier of the publisher or other online information provider that delivers its own licensed content and has a contractual relationship with the library.
COUNTER Vendor Name From WorldShare Acquisitions' Vendor Information Management (VIC) database, the name of the publisher or other online information provider that delivers its own licensed content and has a contractual relationship with the library.
COUNTER YOP The YOP (year of publication) for the item.
Coverage End Date The date on which the coverage period for an e-resource ends.
Coverage Start Date The date on which the coverage period for an e-resource begins.
Created Request Count The number of requests that were created in an OCLC application.
Currency Code Three-letter alphabetic codes that represent the currency of the institution. ISO Currency Codes are specified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which provides standards for businesses, governments and societies.
Current Date Do not use.
Database Automated Searches The number of searches conducted by a discovery layer or similar technology where multiple databases are searched simultaneously with a single query from the user interface. The end user is not responsible for selecting which databases are being searched.
Database Federated Searches The number of searches conducted by a federated search application that allows users to simultaneously search multiple databases hosted by the same or different vendors with a single query from a single user interface. The end user is not responsible for selecting the database being searched.
Database Limit Exceeded Denials The number of times access to a database was denied because the licensed simultaneous-user limit for the user's institution was exceeded.
Database No License Denials The number of times access to a database was denied because the user's institution did not have a license to the content.
Database Regular Searches The number of searches conducted by a user on a host where the user is in control over which databases can be searched.
Database Total Item Investigations The total number of times a content item or information related to a content item was accessed.
Database Total Item Requests The total number of times a content item was requested (i.e., the full text or content was downloaded or viewed).
Date Filter Do not use.
Date Range Do not use.
Data Frequency Description of how often the source data is scheduled to be refreshed, e.g., Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Day Count Do not use.
Day Name of Week Name of the day (e.g., Wednesday).
Day Name of Month Numeric value representing the day of the month.
Dewey Call Number Classification of books and other publications utilizing the Dewey Decimal system. It uses the numbers 000 to 999 to cover the general fields of knowledge and subdivides each field by the use of decimals and letters. Named after its inventor, Melvil Dewey.
Dewey Division Name The name of the second level of subdivision in the DDC (e.g., Biology).
Dewey Division Number The second level of subdivision in the DDC, represented by the first two digits in the notation (e.g., 62 in 620 Engineering and allied operations).
Dewey Main Class Name The name of one of the ten major classes in the DDC (e.g., Science).
Dewey Main Class Number One of the ten major subdivisions of the DDC, represented by the first digit in the notation (e.g., 3 in 300 Social Sciences).
Discount Amount Monetary amount deducted from the retail price for a specific item.
Discount Percentage The percentage deducted from the retail price for a specific item.
Document Delivery Filled Count The number of document delivery requests completed in the ILL system.
Document Delivery Filled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a request to be completed via Document Delivery, i.e. created to closed.
Due Dates Changed The number of events for due dates changed.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
eBook Total Item Requests (TR_B1) The number of times that users requested the full content of an item. Sourced from the TR_B1 report.
eBook Unique Title Requests (TR_B1) The number of unique titles requested in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_B1 report.
eBook Total Item Investigations (TR_B3) The total number of times a content item, or information related to a content item, was accessed. Sourced from the TR_B3 report.
eBook Total Item Requests (TR_B3) The number of times a user requested the full content of an item. Sourced from the TR_B3 report.
eBook Unique Item Investigations (TR_B3) The number of unique content items investigated in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_B3 report.
eBook Unique Item Requests (TR_B3) The number of unique content items requested in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_B3 report.
eBook Unique Title Investigations (TR_B3) The number of unique titles investigated in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_B3 report.
eBook Unique Title Requests (TR_B3) The number of unique titles requested in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_B3 report.
Edition A specific version of a work (e.g., the seventeenth edition of Webster's Dictionary).
eJournal Total Item Requests (TR_J1) The number of times that users requested the full content (i.e. full text) of an item. Sourced from the TR_J1 report.
eJournal Unique Item Requests (TR_J1) The number of unique full-text articles requested in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_J1 report.
eJournal Total Item Investigations (TR_J3) The number of times users accessed the content (i.e. full text) of an item, or information describing that item (i.e. an abstract). Sourced from the TR_J3 report.
eJournal Total Item Requests (TR_J3) The number of times that users requested the full content (i.e. full text) of an item. Sourced from the TR_J3 report.
eJournal Unique Item Investigations (TR_J3) The number of unique content items investigated in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_J3 report.
eJournal Unique Item Requests (TR_J3) The number of unique full-text articles requested in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_J3 report.
eJournal Total Item Requests (TR_J4) The number of times that users requested the full content (i.e. full text) of an item. Sourced from the TR-J4 report.
eJournal Unique Item Requests (TR_J4) The number of unique full-text articles requested in a user-session. Sourced from the TR_J4 report.
Encoding Level From the leader/17 of the bibliographic record, the description to indicate the degree of completeness of the machine-readable (MARC) record.
Encumbered Amount Monetary amount held or reserved on a fund. Typically used when an item has been ordered but not yet invoiced or paid.
End Date (YYYY-MM) Value representing the calendar year and month number, e.g., 2014-12.
E-Resource Title Count The number of e-resource titles for a given set of criteria.
Event AM/PM The 12 hour clock value (AM/PM) for an event.
Event Bill Accounting Code The code associated with the reason for the circulation fiscal transaction.
Event Bill Reason The reason that a bill was assessed for an event. Examples include: Overdue, Lost Item, Processing.
Event Bill Tax Rate The percentage that an institution must apply in taxes to a fiscal transaction.

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Event Bill Tax Type Code The code for the tax type associated with the reason for the circulation fiscal transaction.
Event Bill Tax Type Description The description of the tax type associated with the reason for the circulation fiscal transaction.
Event Billing Institution Name The billing institution for an event.
Event Billing Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Event Borrower Category The borrower category of the patron associated with an event.
Event Branch Name The branch name associated with an event.
Event Charging Institution Name The institution whose policies or staff created a bill against a patron's account.
Event Charging Institution Symbol The institution symbol for the institution whose policies or staff created a bill against a patron’s account.
Event Count The total number of events.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Event Currency The fiscal currency of an event.
Event Date The date of an event.
Event Date/Time The date/time of an event.
Event Date/Time of Payment The date/time of an event when a payment was made.
Event Day Name of Week The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) for an event.
Event Day of Month The day of the month for an event.
Event Due Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month of the due date for an item in an event.
Event Due Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) of the due date for an item in an event.
Event Due Date Month The month of the due date associated for an item in an event.
Event Due Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) of the due date for an item in an event.
Event Due Date Year The year of the due date for an item in an event.
Event Due Date/Time The date and time of the due date for an item in an event.
Event Fiscal Amount Paid The monetary amount paid for a given bill.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Event Hold Approval Status Value that indicates if the item selected to fulfill the hold request needs to be approved by library staff before the patron is notified that the item is ready for pickup. E.g., NOT_REQUIRED, REQUIRED, PROVIDED.
Event Hold Forwarding Level Value that indicates whether the pickup institution or the entire circulation group is eligible to fulfill a title-level hold. E.g., INSTITUTION, GROUP, or N/A.
Event Hold Fulfillment Method The method of fulfillment preferred by the hold request’s pickup location, at the time of the event. E.g., COLLECT or IN_HOUSE_USE.
Event Hold Preparation Status Value that indicates if the item selected to fulfill the hold request needs to be prepared by library staff before the patron should be notified that the item is ready for pickup. E.g., NOT_REQUIRED, REQUIRED, PROVIDED.
Event Hold Request Origin The origin of the hold request. Values include: ILL, PATRON, STAFF.
Event Hold Request Scope The level at which a hold request is placed for an event: BIB (any copy) or ITEM (a specific copy of the title).
Event Hour of Day 12 The hour of the day on a 12 hour clock for an event.
Event Hour of Day 24 The hour of the day on a 24 hour clock for an event.
Event Institution Name The institution where an event occurred.

 Note: If your institution participates in a group circulation setting, this value may default to the Item Owning Institution rather than matching the institution associated with the Event Branch Name. You may utilize your group reporting administrator to locate and report on these events for your group.

Event Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.

 Note: If your institution participates in a group circulation setting, this value may default to the Item Owning Institution rather than matching the institution associated with the Event Branch Name. You may utilize your group reporting administrator to locate and report on these events for your group.

Event Item Last Seen Branch Location The service location at a library branch where an item was last seen by library staff, at the time of the event.
Event Item Last Seen Location Note The custom location note that describes where an item was last seen by library staff, at the time of the event.
Event Loan Policy The name of the policy that specifies the conditions under which a library item is checked out to a patron in an event. The loan policy specifies whether a specific material format may be checked out to a specific patron borrower category and, if so, for what period of time.
Event Minute of Hour The minute of the hour for an event.
Event Month Name The month name (e.g., November) for an event.
Event Month of Year The enumerated month of the year (1-12) for an event.
Event Original Checkout Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month for the original checkout of an item for an event.
Event Original Checkout Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) for the original checkout of an item for an event.
Event Original Checkout Date Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) of the original check out date of an item for an event.
Event Original Checkout Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) for the original checkout of an item for an event.
Event Original Checkout Date Year The date and time of the original check out date of an item in an event.
Event Original Checkout DateTime The date and time of the original check out date of an item in an event.
Event Patron Membership Expiration Date The expiration date of the patron's membership period at the time of the event.
Event Patron Membership Policy Name The name of the library's membership policy that applies to the patron's membership at the time of the event.
Event Patron Membership Start Date The date when a patron's membership fee was fully paid or waived, and the membership period began at the time of the event.
Event Patron Membership Status The patron's membership status at the time of the event, e.g., Active, Pending, etc.
Event Patron Suspended Until Date The date and time when the user's suspension period was scheduled to end as-of the event.
Event Patron Suspension Reason The reason that a suspension event occurred. Reason values are defined by the institution.
Event Payment Method The form of payment used to pay a bill transaction for an event. Payment methods are defined by the library and usually include categories such as cash, check and credit.
Event Pending Payment ID The identifier of the pending payment that was provided to the online payment processor.
Event Pickup Branch Location The service location at a library branch where an item is sent to fulfill a hold request.
Event Pickup Branch Name The branch where an item is sent to fulfill a hold request.
Event Previous Due Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month for the previous due date of an item for an event.
Event Previous Due Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) for the previous due date of an item for an event.
Event Previous Due Date Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) for the previous due date of an item for an event.
Event Previous Due Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) for the previous due date of an item for an event.
Event Previous Due Date Year The date and time of the previous due date for an item in an event.
Event Previous Due Date/Time The year of the previous due date for an item in an event.
Event Staff Family Name The surname (family name) of the staff member that performed an event.
Event Staff Full Name The full name (given name and surname) of the staff member who performed an event.
Event Staff Given Name The first (given) name of the staff member that performed an event.
Event Suspension Institution Name The institution whose policies or staff initiated a suspension event.
Event Suspension Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the institution whose policies or staff initiated a suspension event.
Event Transaction Source The service or agent that originated the event.
Event Type The kind of event that has occurred. Examples include checkout, place order, waive bill, etc.
Event Year The calendar year in which the event occurred.
Event Year Month The calendar year and month in which the event occurred.
Expended Amount The monetary amount an institution has spent on acquired items.
Expired Request Count The number of requests that were not filled before the need before date.
External Invoice ID Alphanumeric string representing an external financial system's ID for a specific invoice in Acquisitions.
External Order ID Alphanumeric string representing an external financial system's ID for a specific order in Acquisitions.
External Request ID The identifier that represents the request in the interlibrary loan or other external service, e.g., 189032044, PO-2018-6415, etc.
External Request Institution Name The organization that borrowed or supplied an item via an interlibrary loan or other external service.
External Request Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the organization that borrowed or supplied an item via an interlibrary loan or other external service.
External Request Role A value that indicates if the library was the borrower (REQUESTER) or lender (SUPPLIER) for the interlibrary loan or other external request.
External Request Source The interlibrary loan or other external service where a request originated, e.g., WSILL, WMS ACQ, ZFL, etc.
Federated Search Count The number of times an item is searched for using a Federated or Automatic Search method. Data comes from the external provider DB1 and PR1 COUNTER reports.
Fieldtype Do not use.
Fiscal Accounting Code The code associated with the reason for the fiscal transaction.
 Note: This field is only available for transactions with a Fiscal Action Type of ASSESS.
Fiscal Action Type The kind of fiscal transaction. Examples include: ASSESS, CANCEL, PAY, PEND, REFUND, WAIVE.
Fiscal Bill Note Note associated with a fiscal transaction that provides additional information for other library staff (e.g., the reason that the bill was waived, canceled, or refunded, the interlibrary loan request associated with the bill, etc.).
Fiscal Bill Reason The reason for the fiscal transaction. Examples include: Overdue, Lost Item, Processing.
Fiscal Charging Institution Name The institution whose policies or staff created a bill against a patron's account.
Fiscal Charging Institution Symbol The institution symbol for the institution whose policies or staff created a bill against a patron's account.
Fiscal Currency The three-character code (e.g., CAD, EUR, USD) that designates the monetary unit in which the fiscal transaction is recorded. The currency code is based on the ISO-4217 standard.
Fiscal Last Modified Institution Name The institution that performed the most recent activity for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Last Modified Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the fiscal last modified institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Fiscal Last Modified Staff Full Name The full name (given name and surname) of the staff member who performed the most recent activity for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Payment Method The form of payment used to pay a fiscal transaction. Payment methods are defined by the library and usually include categories such as cash, check and credit.
Fiscal Tax Rate The percentage that an institution must apply in taxes to a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Tax Type Code The code for the tax type associated with the reason for the fiscal transaction.
 Note: This field is only available for transactions with a Fiscal Action Type of ASSESS.
Fiscal Tax Type Description The description of the tax type associated with the reason for the fiscal transaction.
 Note: This field is only available for transactions with a Fiscal Action Type of ASSESS.
Fiscal Transaction Amount The monetary amount of a fiscal transaction, inclusive of taxes and other related charges.
Fiscal Transaction Date The date of a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Date/Time The date and time of a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Day The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Day Name The enumerated day (1-31) of the month for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Institution Name The institution that levied the fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the fiscal transaction institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Fiscal Transaction Item Due Date The due date of the item on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Item Due Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month for the due date on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Item Due Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) for the due date on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Item Due Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) for the due date on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Item Due Month Name The month name (e.g., November) for the due date on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Item Due Year The year of the due date on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Date The date of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month of the last modification on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) of the last modification on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) of the last modification on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Month Name The month name (e.g., November) of the last modification on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Year The year of the last modification on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Payment Date The date of the last payment on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Payment Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month of the last payment on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Payment Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) of the last payment for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Payment Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) of the last payment on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Payment Month Name The month name (e.g., November) of the last payment on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Payment Year The year of the last payment for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Update Date The most recent date a bill was linked to a PAY, WAIVE, CANCEL, or REFUND transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Update Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Update Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Update Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Update Month Name The month name (e.g., November) of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Last Update Year The year of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Month Name The month name (e.g., November) for a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Net Amount The monetary amount of a fiscal transaction, exclusive of taxes and other related charges.
Fiscal Transaction Outstanding Amount The remaining monetary amount of a bill, inclusive of taxes and other related charges, after any payment has been applied.
Fiscal Transaction Outstanding Net Amount The remaining monetary amount of a bill, exclusive of taxes and other related charges, after any payment has been applied.
Fiscal Transaction Outstanding Tax Amount The remaining monetary portion of a bill charged for tax after any payment has been applied.
Fiscal Transaction Staff Family Name The surname (family name) of the staff member that performed the fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Staff Full Name The full name (given name and surname) of the staff member that performed a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Staff Given Name The first (given) name of the staff member that performed a fiscal transaction.
Fiscal Transaction Tax Amount The monetary portion of a bill charged for tax.
Fiscal Transaction Year The calendar year in which the fiscal transaction occurred.
Fiscal Transaction Year Month The calendar year and month in which the fiscal transaction occurred.
Fund Balance =[Budgeted Amount]-[Fund Encumbered Amount]-[Fund Expended Amount]
Fund Code Identifier provided by the institution for a specific fund on a budget. Each fund code must be unique per budget.
Fund Created Date The date and time when the fund was created.
Fund Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the fund.
Fund Encumbered Amount The summary monetary amount held or reserved on a fund. Typically used when an item has been ordered but not yet invoiced or paid.
Fund Expended Amount The summary monetary amount an institution has spent on acquired items for a fund.
Fund Future Encumbered Amount The monetary amount on a fund that is encumbered on future budget period(s) upon budget close.
Fund Last Modified Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last modified the fund.
Fund Last Update Date The date on which a fund was last updated.
Fund Level Number The level in the hierarchy on which a fund resides. Currently a value between 1-5.
Fund Name Name provided for a fund. Used to provide an internal way to reference the fund by the institution.
Fund Name Level 1 Fund name of the top level fund in the fund hierarchy.
Fund Name Level 2 Fund name of the second level fund in the fund hierarchy.
Fund Name Level 3 Fund name of the third level fund in the fund hierarchy.
Fund Name Level 4 Fund name of the fourth level fund in the fund hierarchy.
Fund Name Level 5 Fund name of the fifth level fund in the fund hierarchy.
Fund Notes Note(s) for a fund on a budget that describes the allowed uses of a fund, changes to a fund over time, etc.
Fund Prepaid Amount The monetary amount an institution has spent on acquired items for a specific fund and budget period that will be expended in future budget period(s) upon closing of the budget.
Fund Status =If IsNull([Fund_Input2]) Then "All Funds" Else LeftTrim([Fund_Input2])
Future Encumbrance Amount The monetary amount on a fund that is encumbered on future budget period(s) upon budget close. 
Group Activity Date Full calendar date.
Group Activity Date Range Do not use.
Group Activity Day Numeric value representing the day of month.
Group Activity Day Name Name of the day (e.g., Wednesday).
Group Activity Month Numeric value representing the month of the year (e.g., 12).
Group Activity Month Name Name of the month.
Group Activity Year Numeric value representing the year (e.g., 2015).
Group Activity Year Month Value representing the calendar year and month number (e.g., 2014-12).
Group Name A cooperative association of libraries that provides for the systematic and effective coordination of resources for improving services to the clientele of such libraries.
Group User Full Name Do not use.
Hold Approval Status Value that indicates if the item selected to fulfill the hold request needs to be approved by library staff before the patron is notified that the item is ready for pickup. E.g., NOT_REQUIRED, REQUIRED, PROVIDED.
Hold Count The number of items currently on hold.
Hold Earliest Needed Date The earliest date that an item can fulfill an outstanding hold request.
Hold Earliest Needed Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month on which the earliest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Earliest Needed Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) on which the earliest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Earliest Needed Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) in which the earliest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Earliest Needed Month Name The month name (e.g., November) in which the earliest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Earliest Needed Year The year in which the earliest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Expiration Date The date of the hold expiration. 
Hold Expiration Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month of the hold expiration.
Hold Expiration Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) of the hold expiration.
Hold Expiration Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) of the hold expiration.
Hold Expiration Month Name The month name (e.g., November) of the hold expiration.
Hold Expiration Year The year of the hold expiration.
Hold First Used In-House Date The date and time when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold First Used In-House Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold First Used In-House Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold First Used In-House Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold First Used In-House Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold First Used In-House Year The year when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold Fulfillment Method The method of fulfillment preferred by the hold request's pickup location (e.g., COLLECT or IN_HOUSE_USE).

 Note:  See Admin/General for definitions of hold fulfillment method options.

Hold In-House Use Count The number of times that library staff have issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
Hold Institution Name The institution where a hold occurred.
Hold Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a hold institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Hold Item Consultations The number of times that a staff user issued a requested item to a patron for in-house use.

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Hold Last Used In-House Date The date and time when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session. This value will be the null equivalent ('0001-01-01') if the held item is not currently in use.
Hold Last Used In-House Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session.
Hold Last Used In-House Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session.
Hold Last Used In-House Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session.
Hold Last Used In-House Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session.
Hold Last Used In-House Year The year when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session.
Hold Needed Before Date The latest date that an item can fulfill an outstanding hold request.
Hold Needed Before Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month on which the latest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Needed Before Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) on which the latest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Needed Before Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) in which the latest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Needed Before Month Name The month name (e.g., November) in which the latest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Needed Before Year The year in which the latest date needed to fulfill a hold request falls.
Hold Notification Count The number of hold notices sent concerning the item that is currently on hold for the patron. This number is reset once the item is checked out to the patron.
Hold Notification Due Date The date on which the most recent hold notification was sent to the patron.
Hold Notification Due Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month on which the most recent hold notification was sent to the patron.
Hold Notification Due Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) on which the most recent hold notification was sent to the patron.
Hold Notification Due Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) in which the most recent hold notification was sent to the patron.
Hold Notification Due Month Name The month name (e.g., November) in which the most recent hold notification was sent to the patron.
Hold Notification Due Year The year in which the most recent hold notification was sent to the patron.
Hold on Hold Date The date that an item was placed on hold for a requesting patron.
Hold on Hold Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that an item was placed on hold for a requesting patron.
Hold on Hold Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) of the triggered hold event.
Hold on Hold Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) that an item was placed on hold for a requesting patron.
Hold on Hold Month Name The month name (e.g., November) of the triggered hold event.
Hold on Hold Year The year that an item was placed on hold for a requesting patron.
Hold Originator Institution Name The institution from which a hold request was initiated.
Hold Originator Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a hold originator institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Hold Pickup Branch Location The service location at a library branch at which an item that fulfills a hold request should be held for pickup by the patron.
Hold Pickup Branch Name The library branch at which an item that fulfills a hold request should be held for pickup by the patron.
Hold Preparation Status Value that indicates if the item selected to fulfill the hold request needs to be prepared by library staff before the patron should be notified that the item is ready for pickup. E.g., NOT_REQUIRED, REQUIRED, PROVIDED.
Hold Queue Priority The position of an outstanding hold request relative to other requests for the same title (e.g., third of ten requests).
Hold Request ID The system-supplied value that uniquely identifies a circulation hold request, e.g., eef6135f-3cd1-4f99-8e1b-2fa23bcf1b16.
Hold Request Note Note about a hold request that can be viewed and edited by library staff and requesting patron.
Hold Request Placed Date The date on which the hold request was placed.
Hold Request Placed Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month on which the hold request was placed.
Hold Request Placed Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) on which the hold request was placed.
Hold Request Placed Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) on which the hold request was placed.
Hold Request Placed Month Name The month name (e.g., November) on which the hold request was placed.
Hold Request Placed Year The year in which the hold request was placed.
Hold Request Scope The level at which a hold request is placed: BIB (any copy) or ITEM (a specific copy of the title).
Hold Request Staff Note Note about a hold request that can only be viewed and edited by library staff.
Hold Request Type Do not use.
Hold Suspension End Date The date on which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request ends.
Hold Suspension End Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month on which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request ends.
Hold Suspension End Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) on which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request ends.
Hold Suspension End Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) in which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request ends.
Hold Suspension End Month Name The month name (e.g., November) in which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request ends.
Hold Suspension End Year The year in which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request ends.
Hold Suspension Start Date The date on which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request begins.
Hold Suspension Start Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month on which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request begins.
Hold Suspension Start Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) on which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request begins.
Hold Suspension Start Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) in which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request begins.
Hold Suspension Start Month Name The month name (e.g., November) in which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request begins.
Hold Suspension Start Year The year in which the suspension period for fulfilling a hold request begins.
Holds Approved The number of hold approvals.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Cancelled The number of holds cancelled.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Completed The number of holds marked complete by the library staff.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Expired The number of holds expired.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Fulfilled The number of holds fulfilled.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Fulfilled (Avg) =Round (([Holds Fulfilled]/[Day Count]);2)
Holds Picked Up The number of holds picked up
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Placed The number of holds placed.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Holds Prepared The number of holds prepared.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
HTML Access Count The number of Full Text HTML Requests Total for the Reporting Period according to multiple external provider COUNTER reports.
HTML Mobile Access Count The number of Full Text HTML mobile Requests for the Reporting Period according to multiple external provider COUNTER reports.
IFM Transaction Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the request triggered a valid Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM) transaction.
ILL Borrower Filled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a requested item to be received by the borrowing institution, i.e. produced to received.
ILL Borrower Unfilled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a request to expire, exhaust the lender string, or be cancelled by the borrowing institution or patron, i.e. produced to expired, exhausted, or cancelled.
ILL Exhausted Request Count The number of ILL requests that exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.
ILL Filled Copy Count The number of ILL requests that the lender has shipped in the system as copies.
ILL Filled Loan Count The number of ILL requests that the lender has shipped in the system as loans.
ILL Filled Request Count The number of ILL requests that the lender has shipped in the system.

 Note: This measure is the sum of ILL Filled Copy Count and ILL Filled Loan Count. It can be used in either borrower or lender scope in WorldShare Report Designer by including the Borrowing Institution Symbol or Lending Institution Symbol as a query filter and entering the OCLC symbol for either the borrowing or lending institution.

ILL Lender Filled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a lender to supply a request, i.e. lender assigned to shipped.
ILL Lender Unfilled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a request to expire, exhaust the lender string, or be cancelled by the borrowing institution or patron, i.e. produced to expired, exhausted, or cancelled.
ILL Produced Request Count The number of requests that were submitted to potential lenders by the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation).
ILL Received Request Count The number of ILL requests that were automatically or manually marked as received by the borrowing institution.
Index Term A term from the 655 field of a bibliographic record indicating the form, genre, and/or physical characteristics of the materials being described, e.g., audiobooks, academic dissertations, lithographs, etc.
Index Term Genre A term from the 655 field of a bibliographic record indicating the form, genre, and/or physical characteristics of the materials being described (e.g., audiobooks, academic dissertations, lithographs, etc.).
Index Term Source The MARC code from 655 $2 that identifies the source list from which the index term was assigned, e.g., dct, lcgft, ngl, nzcoh, etc.
Indexed Flag A flag indicating if the e-resource is indexed or not.
Institution Name Organization (e.g., library, museum, or consortium) that uses one or more OCLC services.
Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Institution Title Holdings Count Count of the number of titles in each institution.
Invoice Amount (Institution Currency) Amount (in institution’s currency) of the invoice.
Invoice Amount (Vendor Currency) Amount (in vendor’s currency) of the invoice.
Invoice Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the invoice item.
Invoice Currency Unit of monetary currency used for an invoice (e.g. Canadian dollars). If the invoice currency is different than the currency of the institution, funds will be expended using the amount of the invoice item multiplied by the invoice exchange rate. The invoice currency applies to all items on an invoice.
Invoice Date The date a vendor issued an invoice to the institution.
Invoice Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a vendor issued an invoice to the institution.
Invoice Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a vendor issued an invoice to the institution.
Invoice Exchange Rate Number (up to six decimal places) used to calculate the value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another when the invoice currency differs from the currency of the institution.
Invoice Item Accrual End Date The end date used by the system when calculating how much of the payment price is to be expended in a particular budget period for accrual mode items. This date is only different from the Subscription End Date if the user changes the end date of an order item when there are invoice items that are paid, ready to pay, or awaiting payment.
Invoice Item Accrual Start Date The start date used by the system when calculating how much of the payment price is to be expended in a particular budget period for accrual mode items. This date is only different from the Subscription Start Date if the user changes the start date of an order item when there are invoice items that are paid, ready to pay, or awaiting payment.
Invoice Item Created Date Date invoice item was created.
Invoice Item Created Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an invoice item was created.
Invoice Item Created Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an invoice item was created.
Invoice Item Created Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) an invoice item was created.
Invoice Item Created Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an invoice item was created.
Invoice Item Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the invoice item.
Invoice Item Created Year The year an invoice item was created.
Invoice Item Custom Field Label

The label used to describe a library-defined field of an acquisitions invoice item.

  • There are 20 Invoice Item Custom Field Labels available to your institution.
  • See Custom fields for more details on the usage of custom fields in Acquisitions.
  • Each Field Name corresponds with an Analytics Field ID. The Field Name will appear in the Item Custom Field Label for the corresponding Analytics Field ID.
    Acquisitions Field Name and Analytics Field ID
    In the image above, the value will be in Invoice Item Custom Field Label 2.
Invoice Item Custom Field Value

A library-defined field used to store additional information about an acquisitions invoice item.

  • There are 20 Invoice Item Custom Field Values available to your institution.
  • See Custom fields for more details on the usage of custom fields in Acquisitions.
  • Option names will appear in the Custom Field Value object of the corresponding Analytics Field ID.
    Acquisitions Option Name
    In the image above, value(s) would be in Invoice Item Custom Field Value 2.
Invoice Item Description Description provided by the user of a non-bibliographic invoice item.
Invoice Item Expenditure Type Category selected by the user identifying the relationship between the invoice item and its original order item. Types include: Credit, Refund, Debit, and Supplemental. The type also determines whether money is expended or unexpended to the fund.
Invoice Item Invoiced Percentage Percentage of the original order item that is being invoiced on an invoice item. For instance, if the vendor were invoicing the institution in quarterly installments, the invoice percentage would be 25% for each installment.
Invoice Item Last Modified Date The date and time that an invoice item was last modified.
Invoice Item Last Modified Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the invoice item was last modified.
Invoice Item Last Modified Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the invoice item was last modified.
Invoice Item Last Modified Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the invoice item was last modified.
Invoice Item Last Modified Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the invoice item was last modified.
Invoice Item Last Modified Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last modified an invoice item.
Invoice Item Last Modified Year The year the invoice item was last modified.
Invoice Item Notes Note(s) for an invoice item entered by the library to designate special instructions or facts about this item for other library staff. Multiple notes are concatenated using a pipe (|) delimiter.
Invoice Item Number Identifier for an invoice item automatically generated by the system and unique for that institution across all vendors.
Invoice Item Prepaid Amount The monetary amount an institution has spent on an invoice item that will be expended on a fund in future budget period(s) upon closing of the budget.
Invoice Item Product Type Category representing the type of product being invoiced (i.e., Bibliographic or Non-Bibliographic).
Invoice Item Quantity Integer representing the number of units or copies of an invoice item.
Invoice Item Service Charges (Per Unit) Monetary amount indicating the service charges to be paid to a vendor for a single unit of an Item on an invoice. Entered by the user or calculated by dividing the invoice item services charge amount (item level) by the invoice item quantity.
Invoice Item Shipping Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount indicating the shipping to be paid to a vendor for a single unit of an item on an invoice.
Invoice Item Tax 1 Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount charged for the primary tax on a single unit of an invoice item.
Invoice Item Tax 1 Percentage A percentage value (of up to 3 decimal places) entered by the user and indicating the tax 1 of the item. This value is multiplied by the price to calculate the tax amount.
Invoice Item Tax 2 Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount charged for the secondary tax on a single unit of an invoice item.
Invoice Item Tax 2 Percentage A percentage value (of up to 3 decimal places) entered by the user and indicating the tax 2 of the item. This value is multiplied by the price to calculate the tax amount.
Invoice Item Unit Price Monetary amount representing the base price of a single unit of an invoice line-item before any discounts, service charges, shipping costs or taxes are applied.
Invoice Last Modified Date The date and time a vendor invoice was last modified.
Invoice Last Modified Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the vendor invoice was last modified.
Invoice Last Modified Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the vendor invoice was last modified.
Invoice Last Modified Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the vendor invoice was last modified.
Invoice Last Modified Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the vendor invoice was last modified.
Invoice Last Modified Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last updated an invoice.
Invoice Last Modified Year The year the vendor invoice was last modified.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Date The date entered by staff for when an invoice was paid. May be different than the date on which the status actually changed. For example, can indicate when payment for the invoice was actually transferred to the vendor.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month entered by staff for when an invoice was paid. May be different than the date on which the status actually changed. For example, can indicate when payment for the invoice was actually transferred to the vendor.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) entered by staff for when an invoice was paid. May be different than the date on which the status actually changed. For example, can indicate when payment for the invoice was actually transferred to the vendor.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last paid the vendor invoice.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) entered by staff for when an invoice was paid. May be different than the date on which the status actually changed. For example, can indicate when payment for the invoice was actually transferred to the vendor.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Month Name The month name (e.g., November) entered by staff for when an invoice was paid. May be different than the date on which the status actually changed. For example, can indicate when payment for the invoice was actually transferred to the vendor.
Invoice Last Paid Staff Year The year entered by staff for when an invoice was paid. May be different than the date on which the status actually changed. For example, can indicate when payment for the invoice was actually transferred to the vendor.
Invoice Last Paid System Date The date and time a vendor invoice was last marked by the system as paid.
Invoice Last Paid System Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an invoice was last marked by the system as paid.
Invoice Last Paid System Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an invoice was last marked by the system as paid.
Invoice Last Paid System Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) an invoice was last marked by the system as paid.
Invoice Last Paid System Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an invoice was last marked by the system as paid.
Invoice Last Paid System Year The year an invoice was last marked by the system as paid.
Invoice Last Unpaid Date The date and time a vendor invoice was unpaid.
Invoice Last Unpaid Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an invoice was unpaid.
Invoice Last Unpaid Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an invoice was unpaid.
Invoice Last Unpaid Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) an invoice was unpaid.
Invoice Last Unpaid Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an invoice was unpaid.
Invoice Last Unpaid Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last unpaid the vendor invoice.
Invoice Last Unpaid Year The year an invoice was marked unpaid.
Invoice Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) a vendor issued an invoice to the institution.
Invoice Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a vendor issued an invoice to the institution.
Invoice Notes Text entered by the user commenting on an invoice.
Invoice Number Identifier provided by a vendor for an invoice. Number must be unique for a specific vendor, institution, and invoice date.
Invoice Paid Date Date/time an invoice was marked as paid.
Invoice Paid Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an invoice was marked as paid.
Invoice Paid Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an invoice was marked as paid.
Invoice Paid Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) an invoice was marked as paid.
Invoice Paid Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an invoice was marked as paid.
Invoice Paid Year The year an invoice was marked as paid.
Invoice Status Financial or workflow status of the invoice (e.g., open, ready (for payment), paid).
Invoice Year The year a vendor issued an invoice to the institution.
ISBN An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier. The old format is 10 digits; the new format is 13 digits.
ISSN An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication at a specific media type.
Issues Received Number of issues received for an acquisition order item.
Item Available Processed Date The date the item was made available for circulation. Items are considered 'in processing' if the available processed date is in the future.
Item Available Processed Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the item was made available for circulation. Items are considered 'in processing' if the available processed date is in the future.
Item Available Processed Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the item was made available for circulation. Items are considered 'in processing' if the available processed date is in the future.
Item Available Processed Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that the item was made available for circulation. Items are considered 'in processing' if the available processed date is in the future.
Item Available Processed Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that the item was made available for circulation. Items are considered 'in processing' if the available processed date is in the future.
Item Available Processed Year The year that the item was made available for circulation. Items are considered 'in processing' if the available processed date is in the future.
Item Barcode The unique, machine readable code used to identify the item when performing library functions such as check in, check out, etc.
Item Branch Name A specific location within an institution. An institution may have one or more branches.
Item Call Number Value that defines the location of an item on the shelf in the library according to a particular shelving scheme.
Item Call Number (Normalized) A normalized call number suitable for sorting. Derived from a valid Item Call Number when shelving scheme is set to Dewey or Library of Congress.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Number Classification From 852 $h, part of the call number that defines the subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS3545.E6 for Library of Congress Classification or 021.138 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Call Number Cutter From 852 $i, item part designation of the call number that allows the institution to distinguish between multiple items with the same classification number on the shelf.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Call Number Main Class Derived from 852 $h, the primary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., P for Library of Congress Classification or 200 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Call Number Prefix From 852 $k, value that defines the first part of the call number. Often used to designate the type of the material (e.g., reference material).
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Call Number Subclass Derived from 852 $h, the secondary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS from Library of Congress Classification or 020 from Dewey Decimal Classification.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Call Number Suffix From 852 $m, value to distinguish items with the same classification number and cutter on the shelf. Often a date or copy number.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Days in Transit The number of days that have passed since an item was sent to but has not yet arrived at a different location.
Item Days in Transit Greater Than The number of days that have passed since an item was sent to but has not yet arrived at a different location.
Item Days Overdue The number of days that an item has been checked out to a patron beyond its due date.
Item Declared Absent Date The date the item was declared absent.
Item Declared Absent Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item was declared absent.
Item Declared Absent Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item was declared absent.
Item Declared Absent Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the item was declared absent.
Item Declared Absent Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item was declared absent.
Item Declared Absent Year The year the item was declared absent.
Item Deleted Date The date that the item was withdrawn from the circulation system. Items are considered 'Withdrawn' if the deleted date is in the past and the item record has not yet been deleted per the Deleted Items retention policy.
Item Deleted Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the item was withdrawn from the circulation system. Items are considered 'Withdrawn' if the deleted date is in the past and the item record has not yet been deleted per the Deleted Items retention policy.
Item Deleted Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the item was withdrawn from the circulation system. Items are considered 'Withdrawn' if the deleted date is in the past and the item record has not yet been deleted per the Deleted Items retention policy.
Item Deleted Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) that the item was withdrawn from the circulation system. Items are considered 'Withdrawn' if the deleted date is in the past and the item record has not yet been deleted per the Deleted Items retention policy.
Item Deleted Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that the item was withdrawn from the circulation system. Items are considered 'Withdrawn' if the deleted date is in the past and the item record has not yet been deleted per the Deleted Items retention policy.
Item Deleted Year The year that the item was withdrawn from the circulation system. Items are considered 'Withdrawn' if the deleted date is in the past and the item record has not yet been deleted per the Deleted Items retention policy.
Item Due Date The date the item is due.
Item Due Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item is due.
Item Due Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item is due.
Item Due Flag Do not use.
Item Due Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the item is due.
Item Due Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item is due.
Item Due Year The year the item is due.
Item Edition A specific version of a work (e.g., the seventeenth edition of Webster's Dictionary).
Item Enumeration and Chronology The numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
Item Former Shelving Location The former location within a branch where an item is shelved.
Item Holding Location The four-character code that designates the holding location for an item.
Item Holdings Quantity

The number of items held by an institution.

Item Holdings Quantity is derived from your institution's local holdings records (LHRs). For more information about LHRs, see OCLC Local Holdings Format and Standards.

The following rules are used to determine Item Holdings Quantity:

Single-Part items (1 item counted)

  • LHR includes the basic, required fields only (leader, 007, 008, and a single 852).
  • LHR includes the required fields in addition to one or more unlinked 866 field or 876 field without a value of $p.

Multipart & serial items (2+ items counted. Assumes all required fields are present)

  • If an LHR includes an 863-865 field that is linked to an 853-855 field (via linking number $8), then each linked 863-865 field is counted as an item.
  • If an LHR includes an 863-865 field that is linked to an 866-868 field (via linking number in $8) and/or to an 876-878 field (via $8), then each such occurrence of 863-865 is counted as an item.
  • If an LHR includes an 866-868 field with a $8 of zero (0) and there are no 853-855, 863-865, or 876-878 fields, then each such occurrence of 866-868 is counted as an item.
  • If an LHR includes an 866-868 field with a $8 of zero (0) that is linked to 876-878 field (via $a to $3 respectively) but without 853-855 or 863-865 fields, then each linked 876-878 field is counted as an item.
  • If an LHR includes an 866-868 field with a $8 of zero (0), includes one or more unlinked 876-878 fields with a value of $p, but does not include 853-855 or 863-865 fields, then each linked 866-868 and 876-878 field is counted as an item.
  • If an LHR includes an unlinked 876-878 field with a value of $p, then that 876-878 field is counted as an item.
Item In-House Count The number of times an item has been issued for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not increment this value.
Item Inventoried Count The number of times that the item has been checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Issued Count The number of times an item has been checked out or renewed. May also include statistics from a previous ILS.

For more information, see View circulation statistics.
Item Issued Count YTD The number of times an item has been checked or renewed out since 1 January of the current calendar year.

For more information, see View circulation statistics.
Item Last Inventoried Date The date that the item was last checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Last Inventoried Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the item was last checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Last Inventoried Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the item was last checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Last Inventoried Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that the item was last checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Last Inventoried Month Name The month name (e.g., 11) that the item was last checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Last Inventoried Year The year that the item was last checked into WMS in inventory mode.
Item Last Issued Date The date that the item was last checked out.
Item Last Issued Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the item was last checked out.
Item Last Issued Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the item was last checked out.
Item Last Issued Institution Name The name of the institution where an item in your collection was last checked out. This field is only relevant for groups using WMS that allow in-group circulation.
Item Last Issued Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the institution where the item was last checked out. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Item Last Issued Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that the item was last checked out.
Item Last Issued Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that the item was last checked out.
Item Last Issued Patron Barcode The barcode of the patron who last checked out the item.
Item Last Issued Patron Proxy Barcode The proxy account barcode of the patron who last checked out the item.
Item Last Issued Year The year that the item was last checked out.
Item Last Modified Date/Time The date and time that the circulation item was last modified.
Item Last Modified Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the circulation item was last modified.
Item Last Modified Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the circulation item was last modified.
Item Last Modified Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that the circulation item was last modified.
Item Last Modified Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that the circulation item was last modified.
Item Last Modified Date Year The year that the circulation item was last modified.
Item Last Seen Branch Location The service location at a library branch where an item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Branch Name The library branch where an item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Date The date when an item was last seen by library staff.

 Note: For more information, see View statistics and reminders sent.
Item Last Seen Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Institution Name The institution where an item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the institution where the item was last seen by library staff. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Item Last Seen Location Note The custom location note that describes where an item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Seen Year The year the item was last seen by library staff.
Item Last Soft Issued Date The date that the item was last checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Last Soft Issued Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the item was last checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Last Soft Issued Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the item was last checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Last Soft Issued Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that the item was last checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Last Soft Issued Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that the item was last checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Last Soft Issued Year The year that the item was last checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Last Used In-House Date The date and time that the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
Item Last Used In-House Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
Item Last Used In-House Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
Item Last Used In-House Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
Item Last Used In-House Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
Item Last Used In-House Year The year the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
Item Lending Policy The name of the policy that specifies the conditions under which a library item is checked out to a patron. The loan policy specifies whether a specific material format may be checked out to a specific patron borrower category and, if so, for what period of time.
Item Loan Due UTC Date The date the item is due in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Item Long Overdue Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item went to a long overdue state, per library policy.
Item Long Overdue Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item went to a long overdue state, per library policy.
Item Long Overdue Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the item went to a long overdue state, per library policy.
Item Long Overdue Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item went to a long overdue state, per library policy.
Item Long Overdue Date Year The year the item went to a long overdue state, per library policy.
Item Long Overdue Date/Time The actual date and time that an item went to a long overdue state, per library policy.
 Note: Any title that is overdue, but not long overdue, will display an Item Long Overdue Date/Time of 9999-01-01.
Item Long Overdue Policy Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an item will be considered long overdue if it is retained by the patron past its due date. This day is set according to library policy when the item is checked out to the patron and is updated whenever the item is renewed or otherwise has its loan period extended.
Item Long Overdue Policy Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an item will be considered long overdue if it is retained by the patron past its due date. This day name is set according to library policy when the item is checked out to the patron and is updated whenever the item is renewed or otherwise has its loan period extended.
Item Long Overdue Policy Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) an item will be considered long overdue if it is retained by the patron past its due date. This month is set according to library policy when the item is checked out to the patron and is updated whenever the item is renewed or otherwise has its loan period extended.
Item Long Overdue Policy Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an item will be considered long overdue if it is retained by the patron past its due date. This month name is set according to library policy when the item is checked out to the patron and is updated whenever the item is renewed or otherwise has its loan period extended.
Item Long Overdue Policy Date Year The year an item will be considered long overdue if it is retained by the patron past its due date. This year is set according to library policy when the item is checked out to the patron and is updated whenever the item is renewed or otherwise has its loan period extended.
Item Long Overdue Policy Date/Time The date and time that an item will be considered long overdue if it is retained by the patron past its due date. This date and time is set according to library policy when the item is checked out to the patron and is updated whenever the item is renewed or otherwise has its loan period extended.
Item Material Format A category of an item that defines the physical or digital nature of the item (e.g. book, CD, eBook, etc.). Also known as material type.
Item OCLC Number The OCLC Control Number is a unique, sequentially assigned number associated with a record in WorldCat. The number is included in a WorldCat record when the record is created. The OCLC Control Number enables successful implementation and use of many OCLC products and services, including WorldCat Local and WorldCat Navigator.
Item Owner Institution Name The institution which owns the item.
Item Owner Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify an item owning institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Item Owning Institution Name The institution which owns the item.
Item Owning Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Item Permanent Shelving Location The permanent location within a branch where an item is shelved.
Item Primary Institution Name The institution holding the item.
Item Primary Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Item Publication Date Date resource was published.
 Note: This is a string field, so math operations against it may produce unexpected results as values include typical cataloging examples (e.g., 19uu, uuuu, 2010, etc.).
Item Recall Due Date The date the item is due based on a recall.
Item Recall Due Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item is due based on a recall.
Item Recall Due Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item is due based on a recall.
Item Recall Due Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the item is due based on a recall.
Item Recall Due Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item is due based on a recall.
Item Recall Due Year The year the item is due based on a recall.
Item Recalled Date The date the item was recalled.
Item Recalled Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item was recalled.
Item Recalled Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item was recalled.
Item Recalled Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the item was recalled.
Item Recalled Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item was recalled.
Item Renewal Count The number of times the item has been renewed by the current patron.

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Item Record Type The type of item described in the holdings statement, e.g., SINGLE_PART, MULTI_PART, SERIAL, etc. Derived from the coded value in position 6 of the LHR leader.
Item Shelving Scheme From the first indicator value of field 852, determines the classification used to organize an item on the shelf. Possible values include: Library of Congress, Dewey, National Library of Medicine, among others.
 Note: Data will appear as "N/A" when the circulation item does not have an associated LHR item (e.g., a temporary item (Item Type = TEMPORARY or CIRC_MANAGED) or a withdrawn item.
Item Soft Issued Count The number of times that the item has been checked into WMS in non-loan return mode.
Item Soft Issued Count YTD The number of times that the item has been checked into WMS in non-loan return mode since 1 January of the current calendar year.
Item Sort Title An adjusted title name for purposes of sorting bibliographic titles (e.g., removes “The” or “An” from the beginning of a title name).
Item Status Current Status The circulation state of an item, one of: Available, Unavailable, On Order, On Loan, On Hold, Transit, Dispatched, Lost, Missing, Claimed Returned, Claimed Missing, Withdrawn.
Item Status Destination Branch The library branch to which an item that fulfills a hold request is being sent for pickup by the patron.
Item Status Loan Policy Name The name of the policy that specifies the conditions under which a library item is checked out to a patron. The loan policy specifies whether a specific material format may be checked out to a specific patron borrower category and, if so, for what period of time.
Item Status Long Overdue Policy Name

The name of the policy that specifies the conditions under which a library item currently checked out to a patron beyond its due date is considered long overdue. The long overdue policy specifies the

  • Duration of time past the original due date after which the item will be considered long overdue.
  • Preferred method of determining the replacement cost (from the cost in the item record or a default value per material format).
  • Separate processing charge.
Item Status Origin Branch The library branch from which an item is being sent to fulfill a hold request.
Item Status Previous Status The previous circulation state of an item, one of: Available, Unavailable, On Order, On Loan, On Hold, Transit, Dispatched, Lost, Missing, Claimed Returned, Claimed Missing, Withdrawn.
Item Status Primary Institution Name The institution holding the item.
Item Status Primary Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Item Status Transfer Routing Reason The reason an item is being moved to another location (e.g., hold, repair, reshelve).
Item Temporary Shelving Location The temporary location within a branch where an item is shelved.
Item Title The descriptive name used to identify an intellectual work such as a book, film or other composition.
Item Title Keyword The descriptive name used to identify an intellectual work such as a book, film or other composition.
Item Transfer Routed Date The date the item was moved to a different location.
Item Transfer Routed Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item was moved to a different location.
Item Transfer Routed Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item was moved to a different location.
Item Transfer Routed Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the item was moved to a different location.
Item Transfer Routed Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item was moved to a different location.
Item Transfer Routed Year The year the item was moved to a different location.
Item Type

The category that identifies how an item is classified within WorldShare Management Services. Values include:

  • VOLUME - regular items that are represented by local holdings records in WorldCat
  • CIRC_MANAGED (TEMPORARY) - temporary items
  • FREE_TEXT - items that were created as a result of a free-text hold request from the patron interface
Item Variant OCLC Numbers A set of OCLC numbers that represent alternative bibliographic records that are eligible to fulfill a hold request, e.g., bibliographic records that describe the same edition of a work.
Items Checked In The number of items checked in.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Checked In (Avg) =Round(([Items Checked In]/[Day Count]);2)
Items Checked Out The number of items checked out.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Checked Out (Avg) =Round(([Items Checked Out]/[Day Count]);2)
Items Dispatched The number of items dispatched.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Edited The number of items edited.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Found The number of items that were checked in from a previous status such as “Lost” or “Missing."
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Recalled The number of items recalled.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Received The number of items received.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Received (Avg) =Round(([Items Received]/[Day Count]);2)
Items Renewed The number of items renewed.

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Items Renewed (Avg) =Round(([Items Renewed]/[Day Count]);2)
Items Routed The number of items routed.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Soft Checked Out The number of items marked as used within the library (i.e., non-loan returns).
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
Items Soft Checked Out (Avg) =Round(([Items Soft Checked Out]/[Day Count]);2)
Items Withdrawn The number of items withdrawn.
 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.
KB Collection Identifier A specific value used to identify an e-resource collection from the Knowledge Base. SAMPLE VALUE: customer.74264.Compendex
KB Collection Name The name used to identify an e-resource collection from the Knowledge Base. SAMPLE VALUES: eBooks on EBSCOhost, Taylor & Francis Journals
KB Provider Code The short code for the commercial entity from which the library orders and receives materials.
KB Provider Name The entity from which the library licenses materials.
KB Provider URL The URL for the entity from which the library orders and receives materials.
KB Title Identifier A specific value used to identify an e-resource title from the Knowledge Base. SAMPLE VALUE: ebrary.ebooks39 9103241
Language Code Short code for the primary language in which a work is published.
Language Name The primary language in which a work is published.
Last 12 Month Prompt Do not use.
Last 12 Month Prompt Op Do not use.
Last Claim Date Date institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Claimed Date Date institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Claimed Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Claimed Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Claimed Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) an institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Claimed Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Claimed Year The year an institution last inquired with a vendor about the status of an item that has not been received.
Last Data Refreshed Date Date and time that the source data was last refreshed.
Last Invoiced Date Most recent date and time the order item was invoiced.
Last Invoiced Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the order item was last invoiced.
Last Invoiced Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the order item was last invoiced.
Last Invoiced Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the order item was last invoiced.
Last Invoiced Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the order item was last invoiced.
Last Invoiced Year The year the order item was last invoiced.
Last Month Prompt Do not use.
Last Month Prompt Op Do not use.
Last Update Date Most recent date and time the order item was updated (changes saved).
Last Update Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the order item was updated (changes saved).
Last Update Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the order item was updated (changes saved).
Last Update Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the order item was updated (changes saved).
Last Update Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the order item was updated (changes saved).
Last Update Year The year the order item was updated (changes saved).
Legal Deposit Receipt Number The unique number assigned to each Legal Deposit Receipt. This number is based on configuration by the institution on the Legal Deposit Receipts administration screen.
Legal Deposit Receipt Sent Date The date the Legal Deposit Receipt was last sent to the vendor.
Legal Deposit Receipted Flag A flag ("Y" or "N") indicating whether or not a Legal Deposit Receipt has been sent for a specific copy of an item.
Lender Unfilled Date/Time The date and time that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Year The year that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Assigned Date/Time The date and time that a potential lender was asked to review a request.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Lender Assigned Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that a potential lender was asked to review a request.
Lender Assigned Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that a potential lender was asked to review a request.
Lender Assigned Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that a potential lender was asked to review a request.
Lender Assigned Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that a potential lender was asked to review a request.
Lender Assigned Date Year The year that a potential lender was asked to review a request.
Lender Automation Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the interlibrary loan request was acted on by a lender's automation policy.
Lender Due Date The authoritative lender-supplied due date.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Lender Local ID The local identifier of the loaned item entered by the lender, e.g., call number, barcode, etc.
Lender Reason for No The system or lender-supplied reason why a potential lender did not supply the request, e.g., DEFLECTION_NOT_A_SUPPLIER, IN_USE_ON_LOAN, etc.
Lender Renewals Granted Count The number of times that an ILL renewal was granted by the lending institution.
Lender Request Tags Custom labels that can be applied by the lender to group and keep track of requests.
Lender Shipped Date/Time The date and time when the lender updated the request status to Shipped/In Transit.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Lender Shipped Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the lender updated the request status to Shipped/In Transit.
Lender Shipped Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the lender updated the request status to Shipped/In Transit.
Lender Shipped Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the lender updated the request status to Shipped/In Transit.
Lender Shipped Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the lender updated the request status to Shipped/In Transit.
Lender Shipped Date Year The year when the lender updated the request status to Shipped/In Transit.
Lender String The sequence of OCLC symbols for potential lenders to whom a request may be submitted for fulfillment.
Lender Unfilled Date/Time The date and time that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Lender Unfilled Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lender Unfilled Date Year The year that a potential lender declined to fill a request, e.g., request deflected because of a policy, staff manually declined the request, request aged to the next lender, etc.
Lending Charge Monetary amount that the lender charged for the item. If the lender did not provide a value, there was no charge.
Lending Charge Currency Currency of the amount that the lender charged for the item, e.g., UNITED_STATES_DOLLAR.
Lending Institution Country Name The country of the organization that supplied or considered supplying a request.
Lending Institution Latitude The latitude of the organization that supplied or considered supplying a request.
Lending Institution Longitude The longitude of the organization that supplied or considered supplying a request.
Lending Institution Name The name of the organization that supplied or considered supplying a request.
Lending Institution State/Province/Region The state, province, or region of the organization that supplied or considered supplying a request.
Lending Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the organization that supplied or considered supplying a request. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Lending Off-System Name The name of the off-system organization that supplied or considered supplying a request.
Level of Detail The month name (e.g., November) for fiscal transaction.
LHR Acquisition Method Based on the 008/07 of the local holdings record representing how the institution acquires the item. The one character code is converted to the readable name, e.g., “Gift” for code g.
LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology From fields 853 and 863, the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology Nonpublic Note From 863 $x, a note in a form not adequate for public display that relates to the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
LHR Control Number From 001, the system-supplied control number assigned to a separate local holdings record.
LHR Copy Nonpublic Note From 852 $x, a note in a form not adequate for public display that relates to the location of the item.
LHR Copy Public Note From 852 $z, a note for public display that relates to the location of the item.
LHR Date Entered on File From the first six character positions of field 008, the system-supplied date the LHR was input into WorldCat.
LHR Date Entered on File Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month that the LHR was input into WorldCat.
LHR Date Entered on File Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) that the LHR was input into WorldCat.
LHR Date Entered on File Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) that the LHR was input into WorldCat.
LHR Date Entered on File Month Name The month name (e.g., November) that the LHR was input into WorldCat.
LHR Date Entered on File Year The year that the LHR was input into WorldCat.
LHR Electronic Location URI From the 856 $u of the local holdings record, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax.
LHR Former Shelving Location From the 852 $d of the local holdings record, the call numbers/shelf numbers where a resource was previously located.
LHR Index Enumeration and Chronology From fields 855 and 865, the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation for an index that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
LHR Index Enumeration and Chronology Nonpublic Note From 865 $x, a note in a form not adequate for public display that relates to the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation for an index that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
LHR Invalid or Cancelled Barcode From the 876-878 $r of the local holdings record, an invalid or canceled machine-readable piece designation (barcode).
LHR Item Acquired Date From 876-878 $d, the date the item was acquired by the institution, usually in ISO 8601 form, YYYYMMDD.
LHR Item Barcode From 876-878 $p or 852 $p, the unique, machine readable code used to identify the item when performing library functions such as check in, check out, etc.
LHR Item Branch Name From 852 $b, a specific location within an institution. An institution may have one or more branches.
LHR Item Call Number From 852 $k, $h, $i, and $m, value that defines the location of an item on the shelf in the library according to a particular shelving scheme.
LHR Item Call Number (Normalized) A normalized call number suitable for sorting. Derived from a valid Item LHR Item Call Number when shelving scheme is set to Dewey or Library of Congress.
LHR Item Call Number Classification From 852 $h, part of the call number that defines the subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS3545.E6 for Library of Congress Classification or 021.138 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
LHR Item Call Number Cutter From 852 $i, item part designation of the call number that allows the institution to distinguish between multiple items with the same classification number on the shelf.
LHR Item Call Number Main Class Derived from 852 $h, the primary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., P for Library of Congress Classification or 200 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
LHR Item Call Number Prefix From 852 $k, value that defines the first part of the call number. Often used to designate the type of the material (e.g., reference material).
LHR Item Call Number Subclass Derived from 852 $h, the secondary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS from Library of Congress Classification or 020 from Dewey Decimal Classification.
LHR Item Call Number Suffix From 852 $m, value to distinguish items with the same classification number and cutter on the shelf. Often a date or copy number.
LHR Item Copy Number From LHR 852 $t, value or range of values used to disambiguate multiple copies of the same title when those copies have the same permanent shelving location and call number.
LHR Item Cost From 876-878 $c, the price paid for the item or the cost to replace the item if lost, damaged, etc.
LHR Item Count The item count of local holdings records.
LHR Item Holding Location From 852 $b, the four-character code that designates the holding location for an item, e.g., DLCC.
LHR Item Materials Specified From 876-878 $3, the volume or range of parts represented by a barcode, e.g., vol. 32, 1973-1974, Chronological Index, etc.
LHR Item Nonpublic Note From 876-878 $x, a note in a form not adequate for public display that relates to the pieces of the item specified in the holdings record.
LHR Item Permanent Shelving Location From 852 $c, the permanent location within a branch where an item is shelved, e.g., Main Reference.
LHR Item Public Note From 876-878 $z, a note for public display that relates to the pieces of the item specified in the holdings record.
LHR Item Receipt Status From character position 06 of field 008, indicates the receipt or acquisition status of the item.
LHR Item Shelving Scheme From the first indicator value of field 852, determines the classification used to organize an item on the shelf. Possible values include: Library of Congress, Dewey, National Library of Medicine, among others.
LHR Item Temporary Shelving Location From 876-878 $l, the temporary location within a branch where an item is shelved.
LHR Item Temporary Shelving Location Date From 876-878 $9, the date or date range that indicates when the item is housed in the specified temporary shelving location within a branch, e.g., Course Reserves.
LHR Item Textual Holdings From 866-868 $a, a textual description of the holdings used instead of or in addition to the coded 853-855 and 863-865 fields when those fields cannot be used adequately to describe the holdings.
LHR Last Transaction Date The date and time of the latest record transaction.
LHR Lending Policy Based on the 008/20 of the local holdings record representing the institution’s external lending policy for the item. The one character code is converted to the readable name, e.g., “Will not lend” for code b.
LHR Linkage Number Based on the 014 of the local holdings record, a concatenation of the 014 1st indicator (linkage type) and 014 $a (linkage number), representing a control number transferred from either field 001 (Control Number) or field 004 (Control Number for Related Bibliographic Record) of a holdings record.
LHR Local Summary Holdings A statement summarizing the set of local holdings records associated with a bibliographic record. This can be generated by the system, or created manually.
LHR Reproduction Policy Based on the 008/21 of the local holdings record representing the institution’s reproduction policy for the item. The one character code is converted to the readable name, e.g., “Will not reproduce” for code b.
LHR Supplement Enumeration and Chronology From fields 854 and 864, the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation for a supplementary material that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
LHR Supplement Enumeration and Chronology Nonpublic Note From 864 $x, a note in a form not adequate for public display that relates to the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation for a supplementary material that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
Library of Congress Call Number Value that defines the classification of an item on the shelf in the library according to the Library of Congress scheme.
Library of Congress Class Category Library of Congress classification letter code, which is the highest level in the LC classification scheme.
Library of Congress Class Name Library of Congress classification name, which is the highest level in the LC classification scheme.
Library of Congress Subclass Category Library of Congress subclass classification code -- the second level in the LC classification scheme.
Library of Congress Subclass Name Library of Congress subclass classification name -- the second level in the LC classification scheme.
Loan Checked Out Date The date the item was checked out to a patron.
Loan Checked Out Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the item was checked out to a patron.
Loan Checked Out Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the item was checked out to a patron.
Loan Checked Out Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) the item was checked out to a patron.
Loan Checked Out Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the item was checked out to a patron.
Loan Checked Out Year The year the item was checked out to a patron.
Loan Notification Count The number of overdue notices sent concerning the item that is currently on loan to the patron. This number is reset once the item is checked out to a different patron.
Loan Renewal Count The number of renewals concerning the item that is currently on loan to the patron.
Local Item Call Number From LHR 852 $k, $h, $i, and $m, value that defines the location of an item on the shelf in the library according to a particular shelving scheme.
Local Item Call Number (Normalized) A normalized call number suitable for sorting. Derived from a valid Local Item Call Number when shelving scheme is set to Dewey or Library of Congress.
 Note: In the Cataloging universe, this field will start to be populated on 16 February 2022. Historical data will not be backfilled.
Local Item Call Number Main Class Derived from LHR 852 $h, the primary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., P for Library of Congress Classification or 200 for Dewey Decimal Classification.
Local Item Call Number Subclass Derived from LHR 852 $h, the secondary subject or topic of an item according to the shelving scheme, e.g., PS from Library of Congress Classification or 020 from Dewey Decimal Classification.
Local Item Permanent Shelving Location From LHR 852 $c, the permanent location within a branch where an item is shelved, e.g., Main Reference.
Material Format A category of an item that defines the physical or digital nature of the item (e.g., book, CD, eBook, etc.). Also known as material type.
Material Subformat Sub-category of an item’s material format that defines the physical or digital nature of the item (e.g., DVD, cassette, eMusic, etc.).
Memberships Started The number of library memberships that were activated in WorldShare Management Services (WMS).

 Note: This circulation activity is derived from WMS transactions only. It does not include circulation activity from a previous ILS.

Monographic Series Order Item Number The order item number of the monographic series to which the current monograph order item belongs.
Month Name Name of the month.
Month Number Numeric value representing the month of the year (e.g., 12).
Multimedia Total Item Requests (IR_M1) The number of times that users requested the full content (i.e., full video) of an item. Sourced from the IR_M1 report.
My Holds Collection UID Do not use.
New Group Titles The number of new titles added to the group collection for a given timeframe.
New Titles The number of new titles added to a collection for a given time frame.
NLM Call Number Value that defines the classification of an item on the shelf in the library according to the NLM (National Library of Medicine) scheme. It uses the letters Q to W to cover the general fields of knowledge and subdivides each field by the use of decimals and letters.
No License Access Denial Count Number of times users were denied access to an electronic resource because they were not licensed to access content.
OCLC Number The OCLC Control Number is a unique, sequentially assigned number associated with a record in WorldCat. The number is included in a WorldCat record when the record is created. The OCLC Control Number enables successful implementation and use of many OCLC products and services, including WorldCat Local and WorldCat Navigator. OCLC encourages the use of the OCLC Control Number in any appropriate library application, where it can be treated as if it is in the public domain.
OCLC Request ID The unique, numeric identifier assigned to each request created in or submitted to OCLC's ILL network.
On Hold Count =If [Item Status Current Status] <> "On Hold" Then 0 Else [Count Items]
On-Order Item Status A value that determines whether the order item appears as “on order” in the public catalog prior to receipt. Many libraries allow patrons to request titles that are ordered but not yet received.
Open Access Filled Count The number of open access requests completed in the ILL system.
Open Access Filled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a request to be completed via open access link, i.e. created to closed.
Optional 12 Month Range Do not use.
Order Account Number Value associated with an order that identifies the specific account that the institution has with a vendor. A library may have multiple account numbers for a vendor. This value is optional and may also be referred to as a sub-account or customer number.
Order Created Date The date and time that the order was created.
Order Created Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the order was created.
Order Created Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the order item was created.
Order Created Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the order item was created.
Order Created Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the order item was created.
Order Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the order.
Order Created Year The year the order item was created.
Order Date Date the order was placed.
Order Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an order was placed.
Order Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an order was placed.
Order Item Claim Count Number of claims for an order item.
Order Item Created Date The date and time the order item was created.
Order Item Created Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the order item was created.
Order Item Created Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the order item was created.
Order Item Created Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the order item was created.
Order Item Created Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the order item was created.
Order Item Created Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who created the order item.
Order Item Created Year The year the order item was created.
Order Item Custom Field Label

The label used to describe a library-defined field of an acquisitions order item.

  • There are 20 Order Item Custom Field Labels available to your institution.
  • See Custom fields for more details on the usage of custom fields in Acquisitions.
  • Each Field Name corresponds with an Analytics Field ID. The Field Name will appear in the Item Custom Field Label for the corresponding Analytics Field ID.
    Acquisitions Field Name and Analytics Field ID
    In the image above, the value will be in Order Item Custom Field Label 6.
Order Item Custom Field Value

A library-defined field used to store additional information about an acquisitions order item.

  • There are 20 Order Item Custom Field Values available to your institution.
  • See Custom fields for more details on the usage of custom fields in Acquisitions.
  • Option names will appear in the Custom Field Value object of the corresponding Analytics Field ID.
    Acquisitions Option Name
    In the image above, value(s) would be in Order Item Custom Field Value 6.
Order Item Discount Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount indicating the discount for a single unit of an item on an order.
Order Item Discount Percentage Discount for an order item as a percentage.
Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Date The most recent date when the vendor provided an EDIFACT order item response on an order item.
Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the vendor most recently provided an EDIFACT order item response on an order item.
Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the vendor most recently provided an EDIFACT order item response on an order item.
Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the vendor most recently provided an EDIFACT order item response on an order item.
Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the vendor most recently provided an EDIFACT order item response on an order item.
Order Item EDIFACT Last Updated Year The year the vendor most recently provided an EDIFACT order item response on an order item.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Date The date for which an order item is expected to be fulfilled by the vendor.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Date Source Value representing the entity that set the expected fulfillment date of an order item, e.g., VENDOR, STAFF, SYSTEM.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an order item is expected to be fulfilled by the vendor.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an order item is expected to be fulfilled by the vendor.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) an order item is expected to be fulfilled by the vendor.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an order item is expected to be fulfilled by the vendor.
Order Item Expected Fulfillment Year The year an order item is expected to be fulfilled by the vendor.
Order Item Requires Attention Flag Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the order item needs attention and/or response to the vendor by library staff.
Order Item Vendor Response Value containing the vendor's response to the status of an order item, e.g., ORDER_CONFIRMED, DELAYED, etc.

Possible values include:
Order Item Future Encumbered Amount The monetary amount accrued for all copies of an order item, including discounts, taxes, service charges, and shipping.
Order Item Last Modified Date Most recent date and time the order item was updated (changes saved).
Order Item Last Modified Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the order item was last modified.
Order Item Last Modified Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the order item was last modified.
Order Item Last Modified Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the order item was last modified.
Order Item Last Modified Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the order item was last modified.
Order Item Last Modified Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last modified the order item.
Order Item Last Modified Year The year the order item was last modified.
Order Item Number Identifier for an order item automatically generated by the system and unique for that institution across all vendors.
Order Item Service Charges (Per Unit) Monetary amount indicating the service charges to be paid to a vendor for a single unit of an item on an order.
Order Item Shipping Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount charged for the shipping cost on a single unit of an order item.
Order Item Tax 1 Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount charged for the primary tax on a single unit of an order item.
Order Item Tax 1 Percentage A percentage value (of up to 3 decimal places) entered by the user and indicating the primary tax of the item. This value is multiplied by the price to calculate the tax amount.
Order Item Tax 2 Amount (Per Unit) Monetary amount charged for a secondary tax on a single unit of an order item.
Order Item Tax 2 Percentage A percentage value (of up to 3 decimal places) entered by the user and indicating the secondary tax of the item. This value is multiplied by the price to calculate the tax amount.
Order Item Total Amount Total amount for all copies of an order item, including discounts, taxes, service charges, and shipping.
Order Item Unit Price Price for a single copy of an order item (i.e., quantity = 1) as a monetary amount.
Order Last Modified Date The date and time the order was last modified.
Order Last Modified Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the order was last modified.
Order Last Modified Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the order was last modified.
Order Last Modified Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the order was last modified.
Order Last Modified Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the order was last modified.
Order Last Modified Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who last updated an order.
Order Last Modified Year The year the order item was last modified.
Order Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) an order was placed.
Order Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an order was placed.
Order Name Name or description provided by the user for an order. Used to provide an internal way to reference the order by the institution.
Order Notes Note for an order that describes the purpose or status of the order, changes to an order over time, etc.
Order Number Identifier for an order automatically generated by the system and unique for that Institution across all vendors.
Order Placed Date The date and time the order was placed.
Order Placed Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month an order was placed.
Order Placed Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) an order was placed.
Order Placed Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) an order was placed.
Order Placed Month Name The month name (e.g., November) an order was placed.
Order Placed Staff Full Name The name of the staff member who placed the order.
Order Placed Year The year an order was placed.
Order Status Value that determines whether an order is submitted/placed or not.
Order Type An order belongs to one of the following types: Approval Plan, Purchase Order, Gift/Donation List, DDA Plan, Blanket Order, Standing Order, or Legal Deposit List. The type determines a number of factors in how the order is handled, including whether the order needs to be placed before items can be received or invoiced.
Order Year The year an order was placed.
Original Order Item Number System-supplied Order Item Number of the original subscription order item, e.g., PO-2014-1004-1, OIN-2014-1004-1, OIN-2014-1667, etc.
Original Request ID The OCLC request ID of an existing request used to create a new request.
Other Access Denial Count Number of access denials to an electronic resource due to other denial types; i.e., not due to simultaneous user limits or lack of license.
Other System Request ID The identifier assigned to a request created or managed in a local or non-OCLC ILL application.
Overlap =[total records]-[Distinct]
Part of Monographic Series Indicator A flag ('Y' or 'N') to indicate if the copy for a given order item is part of a monographic series order item.
Part-Section Name of Work From the 245 $p of the bibliographic record, a name designation of a part/section of a work used in a title.
Part-Section Number of Work From the 245 $n of the bibliographic record, the number designation for a part/section of a work used in a title.
Patron Address Type The category of the patron’s primary mailing address (e.g., Home, Work, Other).
Patron Address Validation Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron’s mailing address been confirmed by the library as valid.
Patron Barcode The unique, machine-readable code representing the patron. Used to identify the patron when performing library functions such as check-in, check-out, etc.
Patron Blocked Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron has been blocked (manually) by a library staff user. The patron will be unable to check out materials if this flag is set.
Patron Borrower Category An identifier used to categorize patrons based on the type of library user they are (e.g., Adult, Faculty, Student, etc.). Libraries sometimes refer to this as the patron type.
Patron City/Locality The city of the patron's primary mailing address.
Patron Count The number of patrons.
Patron Country The country of the patron's primary mailing address.
Patron Created Date Date/time the identity record was created in the system. Refer to Patron Registration Date for when the patron record was registered for use.
Patron Custom Category 1 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron.
Patron Custom Category 2 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron.
Patron Custom Category 3 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron.
Patron Custom Category 4 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron.
Patron Date of Birth The date of birth for a patron.
Patron Email Address The primary email address for the patron. An email address flagged as primary will be used to send notices to the patron.
Patron Email Address Type The category of the patron’s primary email address (e.g., Home, Work, Other).
Patron Email Address Validation Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron’s email address been confirmed by the library as valid.
Patron Expiration Date The date that the patron user record expires, thereby making them inactive in the library system. Patron is no longer able to check out books or other library resources.
Patron Expired Flag A flag indicating that the patron user record has expired, thereby making them inactive in the library system. Patron is no longer able to check out books or other library resources.
Patron Family Name The patron’s surname or last name. The family name is the part of a patron’s name handed down from generation to generation.
Patron Full Name A concatenation of the patron’s given name and family name.
Patron Gender The biological sex (male or female) of a given patron.
Patron Given Name The patron's first name or forename that distinguishes a member of the same family.
Patron Home Branch Name The library branch that is designated as the preferred branch for a given patron. For public libraries, this is usually the branch at which the patron registered for a library card.
Patron ILL Approved Flag Value ('Y', 'N', or 'N/A') indicating if the patron is explicitly approved for ILL services. If the institution has set to require approval for new ILL patron accounts in Service Configuration, then a value of 'Y' would indicate the patron is approved.
Patron ILL Blocked Flag Value ('Y', 'N', or 'N/A') indicating if the patron is blocked from ILL services. A value of 'Y' would indicate the patron is indeed blocked. A value of 'N' or ‘N/A’ would indicate the patron is not blocked.
Patron ILL Identifier The unique identifier assigned to the patron who can request ILL services.
Patron ILL Patron Type The borrower category (e.g., Undergraduate) of the patron, supplied by the institution.
Patron ILL Pickup Location The default library branch or location at which the patron can pick up their ILL request.
Patron Institution Name A patron’s organization (e.g., library, museum, or consortium) that uses one or more OCLC services.
Patron Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Patron Is Deleted Do not use.
Patron Last Activity Date The last date of patron activity. Actions that update the last activity date are check out, check in, renew, create hold request, pickup hold, create item schedule/booking, pay bill, and SIP2 authentication.
Patron Last Modified Date The most recent date that the patron's record was modified.
Patron Last Modified User User who last updated the patron record.
Patron Membership Expiration Date The expiration date of the patron's most recent membership period.
Patron Membership Policy Name The name of the library's membership policy that applies to the patron's most recent membership.
Patron Membership Start Date The date when a patron's most recent membership fee was fully paid or waived, and the membership period began.
Patron Membership Status The patron's most recent membership status, e.g., Active, Pending, etc.
Patron Phone Number The primary telephone number for the patron. A telephone number flagged as primary will be used to contact the patron regarding overdue materials and other library correspondence.
Patron Phone Type The category of the patron’s primary telephone type (e.g., Home, Work, Mobile).
Patron Phone Validation Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron’s telephone number has been confirmed by the library as valid.
Patron Postal Code The postal code (e.g., zip code) of the patron’s primary mailing address.
Patron Proxy Address 1 The first street address line of the patron proxy's primary mailing address.
Patron Proxy Address 2 The second street address line of the patron proxy's primary mailing address.
Patron Proxy Address Type The category of the patron proxy’s primary mailing address (e.g., Home, Work, Other).
Patron Proxy Address Validation Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron proxy’s email address been confirmed by the library as valid.
Patron Proxy Barcode The unique, machine-readable code representing the patron proxy. Used to identify the patron proxy when performing library functions such as check-in, check-out, etc.
Patron Proxy Blocked Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron proxy has been blocked (manually) by a library staff user. The patron proxy will be unable to check out materials if this flag is set.
Patron Proxy Borrower Category An identifier used to categorize patron proxies based on the type of library user they are (e.g., Adult, Faculty, Student, etc.). Libraries sometimes refer to this as the patron type.
Patron Proxy City/Locality The city of the patron proxy’s primary mailing address.
Patron Proxy Created Date Date/time the identity record was created in the system. Refer to Patron Proxy Registration Date for when the patron proxy record was registered for use.
Patron Proxy Custom Category 1 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Custom Category 2 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Custom Category 3 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Custom Category 4 A library-defined field used to store additional information about a patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Date of Birth The date of birth for a patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Email Address The primary email address for the patron proxy. An email address flagged as primary will be used to send notices to the patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Email Address Type The category of the patron proxy’s primary email address (e.g., Home, Work, Other).
Patron Proxy Email Address Validation Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron proxy’s email address been confirmed by the library as valid.
Patron Proxy Expiration Date The date that the patron proxy user record expires, thereby making them inactive in the library system. Patron proxy is no longer able to check out books or other library resources.
Patron Proxy Expired Flag A flag indicating that the patron proxy user record has expired, thereby making them inactive in the library system. Patron proxy is no longer able to check out books or other library resources.
Patron Proxy Family Name The patron proxy’s surname or last name. The family name is the part of a patron proxy’s name handed down from generation to generation.
Patron Proxy Full Name A concatenation of the patron proxy’s given name and family name.
Patron Proxy Gender The biological sex (male or female) of a given patron proxy.
Patron Proxy Given Name The patron proxy’s first name or forename that distinguishes a member of the same family.
Patron Proxy Home Branch Name The library branch that is designated as the preferred branch for a given patron proxy. For public libraries, this is usually the branch at which the patron proxy registered for a library card.
Patron Proxy Institution Name A patron proxy’s organization (e.g., library, museum, or consortium) that uses one or more OCLC services.
Patron Proxy Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify the patron institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Patron Proxy Last Modified Date The most recent date that the patron proxy’s record was modified.
Patron Proxy Last Modified User User who last updated the patron proxy record.
Patron Proxy Phone Number The primary telephone number for the patron proxy. A telephone number flagged as primary will be used to contact the patron proxy regarding overdue materials and other library correspondence.
Patron Proxy Phone Type The category of the patron proxy’s primary telephone type (e.g., Home, Work, Mobile).
Patron Proxy Phone Validation Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron proxy’s telephone number has been confirmed by the library as valid.
Patron Proxy Postal Code The postal code (e.g., zip code) of the patron proxy’s primary mailing address.
Patron Proxy Registration Date The date/time on which the patron proxy record was created.
Patron Proxy Source System A value representing the external system (e.g., a campus registration database) from which the library loads data into WorldShare Management Services to create and update patron proxy records.
Patron Proxy State/Province The state or province of the patron proxy’s primary mailing address.
Patron Proxy User ID At Source The identification value for the patron proxy in an external source system. This field is primarily used by libraries that load patron data which is obtained from a different system (e.g., a campus registration database).
Patron Proxy Verified Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron proxy’s credentials have been confirmed by the library. Patrons often need to produce documentation or other proof of identity before the library considers the patron verified for use. Non-verified patrons may have fewer or no privileges according to library policy.
Patron Public Notes Additional information about a patron that is supplied by library staff and can be shared with the patron.
 Note: This field has a 4,000 character limit.
Patron Registration Date The date/time on which the patron record was created.
Patron Source System A value representing the external system (e.g., a campus registration database) from which the library loads data into WorldShare Management Services to create and update patron records.
Patron Staff Notes Additional information about a patron that is visible only to library staff.
 Note: This field has a 4,000 character limit.
Patron State/Province The state or province of the patron's primary mailing address.
Patron Street Address 1 The first street address line of the patron's primary mailing address.
Patron Street Address 2 The second street address line of the patron's primary mailing address.
Patron Suspended Until Date The date and time when the user's suspension period will end and access to circulation services will be restored. The patron is not suspended when this date is in the past.
Patron User ID At Source The identification value for the patron in an external source system. This field is primarily used by libraries that load patron data which is obtained from a different system (e.g., a campus registration database).
Patron Verified Flag A flag representing whether or not a patron’s credentials have been confirmed by the library. Patrons often need to produce documentation or other proof of identity before the library considers the patron verified for use. Non-verified patrons may have fewer or no privileges according to library policy.
Payment Reference ID Alphanumeric string representing the payment transaction ID (e.g. check number or bank transfer number) for an invoice. This value is often entered based on information from the institution’s financial system.
PDF Access Count The number of Full Text PDF Requests Total for the Reporting Period according to the JR1 external provider COUNTER reports.
PDF Mobile Access Count The number of Full Text PDF Requests originating from a mobile device for the Reporting Period according to the JR1 external provider COUNTER reports.
Percentage of Total Holdings =[Title Holdings Quantity]/[Title Holdings Quantity]
Physical Description Extent From the 300 $a of the bibliographic record, the physical description extent of the item.
Place of Publication The geographic location where the material was published, printed, distributed, issued, released or produced as designated in field 260 or 264.
Platform Searches The number of searches conducted by users and captured at the platform level.
Platform Total Item Requests The number of times that users requested the full content (i.e. full text) of an item at the platform level.
Platform Unique Item Requests The number of unique items requested in a user-session at the platform level.
Platform Unique Title Requests The number of unique titles requested in a user-session at the platform level.
Preferred External Identifier Identifier used by the institution to uniquely identify an item to a vendor. Used for ordering, especially via electronic data interchange (EDI) methods.
Preferred External Identifier Type Type of identifier to uniquely identify an item to a vendor (e.g., ISBN, ISSN).
Prepaid Amount The monetary amount an institution has spent on acquired items that will be expended on the fund in future budget period(s) upon closing of the budget.
Primary Library Type Category that describes the community or function that a library services, e.g., academic, public, school, corporate/business, federal/national government, vendor, etc.
Principal Subscription Created Date The date and time that a principal subscription was created. The principal subscription links together all order items that are renewals of each other.
Principal Subscription Created Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month the principal subscription was created.
Principal Subscription Created Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) the principal subscription was created.
Principal Subscription Created Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) the principal subscription was created.
Principal Subscription Created Month Name The month name (e.g., November) the principal subscription was created.
Principal Subscription Created Year The year the principal subscription was created.
Processing Type Category representing how an order item should be processed when it arrives. Possible values include: monograph (single volume), serial, and eproduct.
Provider Name The entity from which the library licenses material.
PS Access Count The number of Full Text PS (PostScript) Requests originating on a mobile device for a given reporting period.
PS Mobile Access Count The number of Full Text PS (PostScript) Requests originating on a mobile device for a given reporting product.
Publication Century The century an item was published.
Publication Date Date resource was published.
Publication Decade The decade an item was published.
Publication Frequency Term that describes how often a title is published (e.g., monthly, quarterly).
Publication Place Code From the 008/15-17 of the bibliographic record, the two to three character code representing the state or country of publication, production or execution.
Publication Place Name Based on the 008/15-17 of the bibliographic record representing the state or country of publication, production or execution. The two to three character code is converted to the location name as defined by MARC Code List for Countries.
Publisher Name A person or company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works.
Purchase Filled Turnaround Time The number of days it took for a request to be completed via ILL purchase, i.e. request ordered to closed. Applies only to Request Fulfillment Type of PURCHASE. Requests with Request Fulfillment Type of ACQUISITIONS (completed via WMS) will have a value of 0.
Purchase Request Currency The proposed currency for a purchase request, e.g. EUR.
Purchase Request Currency Exchange Rate The proposed purchase request currency exchange rate from the vendor currency to the institution's base currency.
Purchase Request Number Identifier for a purchase request automatically generated by the system and unique for that institution across all vendors.
Purchase Request Review Status The current status of a purchase request, e.g., UNDER_REVIEW, APPROVED, REJECTED.
Purchase Request Tax Handling The proposed method by which the tax of a purchase request order item will be calculated. The tax can be included in the item cost itself, or the tax can be separate from the unit cost. If separate, then the tax can be calculated as a percent of just the unit cost times quantity, or can be calculated based on the shipping and service charges as well, e.g. INCLUDE_ADDITIONAL_COSTS, EXCLUDE_ADDITIONAL_COSTS, INCLUDE_TAXES_IN_COST.
Purchase Request Vendor ID Unique system-supplied identifier for the proposed vendor for a purchase request.
Purchase Request Vendor Name The name of the proposed vendor for which the library enters a purchase request.
Purchase Status The invoice and payment status of an order item or copy, including: Not Invoiced, Partially Invoiced, Invoiced, Not Paid, Partially Paid, Fully Paid.
Received Date The date and time a copy of an ordered item was received by the institution.
Received Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a copy of an ordered item was received by the institution.
Received Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a copy of an ordered item was received by the institution.
Received Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) a copy of an ordered item was received by the institution.
Received Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a copy of an ordered item was received by the institution.
Received User Full Name The user's full name that received an item.
Received Year The year a copy of an ordered item was received by the institution.
Record View Count Count of the record views after search. Data comes from the external provider COUNTER DB1 reports.
Regular Search Count The number of times an item is searched using the regular search method, which excludes searches attributed to automated search processes and federated searches.
Remaining Fund % =If([Budgeted Amount]=0 Or [Fund Balance] =0) Then 0 Else [Remaining Fund %]
Remaining Fund Balance =[Budgeted Amount]-[Fund Encumbered Amount]-[Fund Expended Amount]
Removed Group Titles The number of titles that an institution no longer has their OCLC symbol attached to, for a given timeframe.
Removed Titles The number of titles that an institution no longer has their OCLC symbol attached to, for a given time frame.
Reports List of standard reports that are derived from the source data, e.g., the Open Holds Report is derived from the Circulation Hold Request.
Request Closed Date/Time The system date and time when the request moved from active to closed. Requests are closed as a result of being supplied, cancelled, exhausted, or expired.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Request Closed Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the request moved from active to closed. Requests are closed as a result of being supplied, cancelled, exhausted, or expired.
Request Closed Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the request moved from active to closed. Requests are closed as a result of being supplied, cancelled, exhausted, or expired.
Request Closed Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the request moved from active to closed. Requests are closed as a result of being supplied, cancelled, exhausted, or expired.
Request Closed Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the request moved from active to closed. Requests are closed as a result of being supplied, cancelled, exhausted, or expired.
Request Closed Date Year The year when the request moved from active to closed. Requests are closed as a result of being supplied, cancelled, exhausted, or expired.
Request Copy/Loan Indicator Identifies if the lender fulfilled the request as a copy or loan.
Request Copyright Committed Date/Time The date and time when a borrowing institution pledged payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Request Copyright Committed Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when a borrowing institution pledged payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.
Request Copyright Committed Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when a borrowing institution pledged payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.
Request Copyright Committed Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when a borrowing institution pledged payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.
Request Copyright Committed Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when a borrowing institution pledged payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.
Request Copyright Committed Date Year The year when a borrowing institution pledged payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.
Request Copyright Compliance Type Indicates which guidelines or law that borrowing staff have used to determine copyright compliance, e.g., US_CCG, US_CCL, etc.
Request Copyright Fee Amount Monetary amount that the borrowing institution pledges as payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution.
Request Copyright Fee Currency Currency of the amount that the borrowing institution pledges as payment for a copy that has been shipped by a lending institution, e.g., UNITED_STATES_DOLLAR.
Request Copyright Permission Type The copyright clearance selection made by the borrowing institution, e.g., FAIR_USE, WILL_PAY, OTHER_CCG, etc.
Request Count The total number of requests created in or submitted to OCLC's ILL network.
Request Created Date/Time The date and time when the patron or borrowing institution created the request.

 Note: ILL requests created on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created before 19 March 2023 will display the midnight hour (00:00:00) UTC of the day the request was created.

Request Created Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the patron or borrowing institution created the request.
Request Created Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the patron or borrowing institution created the request.
Request Created Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the patron or borrowing institution created the request.
Request Created Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the patron or borrowing institution created the request.
Request Created Date Year The year when the patron or borrowing institution created the request.
Request Disposition The ILL system-supplied, secondary status of the request, e.g., SCANNING, SHIPPED_MISSING, OVERDUE, SUPPLIED, etc.
Request Exhausted Date/Time The system date and time when a request exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Request Exhausted Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when a request exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.
Request Exhausted Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when a request exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.
Request Exhausted Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when a request exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.
Request Exhausted Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when a request exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.
Request Exhausted Date Year The year when a request exhausted the lender string before the borrower's need-before date.
Request Expired Date/Time The system date and time when an active ILL request met or exceeded the borrower's need-before date.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Request Expired Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when an active ILL request met or exceeded the borrower's need-before date.
Request Expired Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when an active ILL request met or exceeded the borrower's need-before date.
Request Expired Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when an active ILL request met or exceeded the borrower's need-before date.
Request Expired Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when an active ILL request met or exceeded the borrower's need-before date.
Request Expired Date Year The year when an active ILL request met or exceeded the borrower's need-before date.
Request Fulfillment Type Method by which the patron's request was fulfilled, e.g., OCLC-ILL, DOCUMENT_DELIVERY, OPEN_ACCESS, PURCHASE, etc.
Request Item Article Author Individual or corporate entity responsible for the production of an article in a serial, book chapter, etc.
Request Item Article Issue The number assigned by the publisher to a separately published part of a serial publication, to distinguish it from other parts issued at different times.
Request Item Article Issue Date The specific date or season when a particular issue of a serial was published, e.g., July 2010, Summer 2010, 2010-07-01, etc.
Request Item Article Pages A number assigned in sequence to a page in a manuscript, book, pamphlet, periodical, etc., to facilitate reference.
Request Item Article Title The descriptive name used to identify an article in a serial, book chapter, etc.
Request Item Article Volume The number or other identifier assigned to all the issues of a periodical published during a given publication period.
Request Item Author Individual or corporate entity responsible for the production of a work.
Request Item Bib Level Derived from MARC leader position 07, the bibliographic level of the record, e.g., Monograph/Item, Serial, etc.
Request Item Dewey Call Number Classification of books and other publications utilizing the Dewey Decimal system. It uses the numbers 000 to 999 to cover the general fields of knowledge and subdivides each field by the use of decimals and letters. Named after its inventor, Melvil Dewey.
Request Item Dewey Division Number The second level of subdivision in the DDC, represented by the first two digits in the notation, e.g., 62 in 620 Engineering and allied operations.
Request Item Dewey Main Class Number One of the ten major subdivisions of the DDC, represented by the first digit in the notation, e.g., 600.
Request Item Dissertation Note Note related to a dissertation or thesis.
Request Item DOI Digital Object Identifier that persistently identifies and facilitates access to a piece of intellectual property on a digital network, irrespective of its current location.
Request Item Edition A specific version of a work (e.g., the seventeenth edition of Webster's Dictionary).
Request Item Edition Preference The borrowing institution's preferred edition of the item, e.g., ANY, THIS, or RECENT.
Request Item Imprint The publishing company and the date and place of publication of the requested item, e.g., Singapore : World Scientific, ©2013.
Request Item ISBN International Standard Book Number - is a unique numeric commercial book identifier. The old format is 10 digits, the new format is 13 digits.
Request Item ISSN An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication at a specific media type.
Request Item Language The primary language in which a work is published.
Request Item LC Call Number Value that defines the classification of an item on the shelf in the library according to the Library of Congress scheme.
Request Item LC Main Class Category Library of Congress classification letter code, which is the highest level in the LC classification scheme, e.g., P.
Request Item LC Subclass Category Library of Congress subclass classification code - the second level in the LC classification scheme, e.g., PS.
Request Item Material Format A category of an item that defines the physical or digital nature of the item (e.g., book, CD, eBook, etc.). (Also known as material type)
Request Item NLM Call Number Value that defines the classification of an item on the shelf in the library according to the NLM (National Library of Medicine) scheme. It uses the letters Q to W to cover the general fields of knowledge and subdivides each field by the use of decimals and letters.
Request Item OCLC Number The OCLC Control Number is a unique, sequentially assigned number associated with a record in WorldCat. The number is included in a WorldCat record when the record is created. The OCLC Control Number enables successful implementation and use of many OCLC products and services, including WorldCat Local and WorldCat Navigator.
Request Item PMID The unique identifier assigned to a bibliographic record in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database.
Request Item Publication Date Date resource was published.
Request Item Series Note Note related to a collection of related titles or items.
Request Item Title The descriptive name used to identify an intellectual work such as a book, film or other composition.
Request Item Uniform Title Controlled, distinctive title that represents a work issued under more than one title.
Request Item Verification Details pertaining to the source of the citation or request, physical description of the requested item, etc. For example: WorldCat (49942201) Physical Description: 211 pages ; 22 cm.
Request Patron Department The patron department supplied by the borrowing library or patron.
Request Patron Max Cost Maximum monetary amount that the patron was willing to pay for the borrowed item.
Request Patron Max Cost Currency Currency of the maximum amount that the patron was willing to pay for the item, e.g., UNITED_STATES_DOLLAR.
Request Patron Pickup Location The library branch or location at which an item that fulfills an ILL request should be help for pickup by the patron.
Request Patron Status The patron status supplied by the borrowing library or patron in the request, e.g., Undergraduate, Adult, etc.
Request Produced Date/Time The system date and time when the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation) submitted the ILL request to potential lenders.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Request Produced Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation) submitted the ILL request to potential lenders.
Request Produced Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation) submitted the ILL request to potential lenders.
Request Produced Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation) submitted the ILL request to potential lenders.
Request Produced Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation) submitted the ILL request to potential lenders.
Request Produced Date Year The year when the borrowing institution or system process (e.g., automation) submitted the ILL request to potential lenders.
Request Produced Type Indicates if the request was created by library staff (STAFF), created by the patron and submitted directly to lenders without staff intervention (UNMEDIATED), or created by the patron and submitted to lenders after some staff intervention (STAFF MEDIATED).
Request Purchase Filled Count The number of purchase requests (Request Fulfillment Type of either PURCHASE or ACQUISITIONS) completed in the ILL system.
Request Purchase Order Date/Time The date and time when the purchase order was submitted.

 Note: ILL requests created/updated on or after 19 March 2023 will display the time based on your local time zone. ILL requests created/updated before 19 March 2023 will display the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

Request Purchase Order Date Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the purchase order was submitted.
Request Purchase Order Date Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the purchase order was submitted.
Request Purchase Order Date Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the purchase order was submitted.
Request Purchase Order Date Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the purchase order was submitted.
Request Purchase Order Date Year The year when the purchase order was submitted.
Request Purchase Order Number The vendor order number recorded in the ILL system for a purchased item.
Request Purchase Order Price The monetary amount recorded in the ILL system for a purchased item.
Request Purchase Order Vendor Name The name of the vendor from which the borrowing institution has purchased an item in the ILL system.
Request Source System The system where the request was created, e.g. WSILL (WorldShare ILL), ILLIAD, etc.
Request Status The ILL system-supplied status of the request, e.g., RECEIVED, CLOSED, etc.
Request URL Type Indicates the type of fulfillment link provided for copy requests, e.g., ARTICLE_EXCHANGE, OPEN_ACCESS, KNOWLEDGE_BASE, etc.
Requestor Name Patron that has requested an order item. If null, then no patron has requested this order item.
Resource Metadata Type The type or source of the resource metadata, including WorldCat, the WorldCat knowledge base (for eProducts), or User Entered.
Result Click Count The count of user-initiated requests for a resource, typically for a journal, book, multimedia, article, or collection.
Schedule Created Date/Time The date and time when the schedule was created.
Schedule Created Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the schedule was created.
Schedule Created Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the schedule was created.
Schedule Created Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the schedule was created.
Schedule Created Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the schedule was created.
Schedule Created Year The year when the schedule was created.
Schedule Expiration Date/Time The date and time when the schedule will expire. This date may also be set when a schedule is cancelled.
Schedule Expiration Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the schedule will expire.
Schedule Expiration Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the schedule will expire.
Schedule Expiration Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the schedule will expire.
Schedule Expiration Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the schedule will expire.
Schedule Expiration Year The year when the schedule will expire.
Schedule From Date/Time The date and time when the item is needed. Displayed as 'Time for Pickup' in the Circulation application.
Schedule From Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the item is needed.
Schedule From Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the item is needed.
Schedule From Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the item is needed.
Schedule From Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the item is needed.
Schedule From Year The year when the item is needed.
Schedule Institution Name Organization (e.g., library, museum, or consortium) where the schedule was fulfilled.
Schedule Institution Symbol The three or five-character code assigned by OCLC to identify a member institution. This is often referred to as the OCLC symbol.
Schedule Last Modified Date/Time The date and time when the schedule was last modified.
Schedule Note A staff note that relates to a schedule.
Schedule Pickup Branch Location The service location at a library branch at which an item that fulfills a schedule request should be hold for pickup by the patron.
Schedule Pickup Branch Name The library branch at which an item that fulfills a schedule request should be held for pickup by the patron.
Schedule Post-Embargo Date/Time The end of the embargo period for the item. During the embargo, the item is not available for circulation.
Schedule Post-Embargo Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the embargo period ends.
Schedule Post-Embargo Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the embargo period ends.
Schedule Post-Embargo Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the embargo period ends.
Schedule Post-Embargo Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the embargo period ends.
Schedule Post-Embargo Year The year when the embargo period ends.
Schedule Pre-Embargo Date/Time The start of the embargo period. During the embargo, the item is not available for circulation.
Schedule Pre-Embargo Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the embargo period starts.
Schedule Pre-Embargo Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the embargo period starts.
Schedule Pre-Embargo Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the embargo period starts.
Schedule Pre-Embargo Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the embargo period starts.
Schedule Pre-Embargo Year The year when the embargo period starts.
Schedule Staff Full Name The full name (given name and surname) of the staff member who scheduled the item.
Schedule To Date/Time The date and time that the item must be returned at the end of the scheduled period. Displays as 'Due Date' in the Circulation application.
Schedule To Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the item must be returned at the end of the scheduled period. Displays as 'Due Date' in the Circulation application.
Schedule To Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the item must be returned at the end of the scheduled period. Displays as 'Due Date' in the Circulation application.
Schedule To Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the item must be returned at the end of the scheduled period. Displays as 'Due Date' in the Circulation application.
Schedule To Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the item must be returned at the end of the scheduled period. Displays as 'Due Date' in the Circulation application.
Schedule To Year The year when the item must be returned at the end of the scheduled period. Displays as 'Due Date' in the Circulation application.
Scheduled Item Fulfill Date/Time The date and time when the item was checked in, fulfilling the schedule.
Scheduled Item Fulfill Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the item was checked in, fulfilling the schedule.
Scheduled Item Fulfill Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the item was checked in, fulfilling the schedule.
Scheduled Item Fulfill Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the the item was checked in, fulfilling the schedule.
Scheduled Item Fulfill Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the the item was checked in, fulfilling the schedule.
Scheduled Item Fulfill Year The year when the item was checked in, fulfilling the schedule.
Scheduled Item Pull Date/Time The date and time when the scheduled item will appear on the Pull List if the item is in Available status.
Scheduled Item Pull Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when the scheduled item will appear on the Pull List if the item is in Available status.
Scheduled Item Pull Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when the scheduled item will appear on the Pull List if the item is in Available status.
Scheduled Item Pull Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when the scheduled item will appear on the Pull List if the item is in Available status.
Scheduled Item Pull Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when the scheduled item will appear on the Pull List if the item is in Available status.
Scheduled Item Pull Year The year when the scheduled item will appear on the Pull List if the item is in Available status.
Scheduled Item Recall Date/Time The date and time when a scheduled item is recalled from the patron to whom it is currently checked out so that the schedule can be fulfilled.
Scheduled Item Recall Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month when a scheduled item is recalled from the patron to whom it is currently checked out so that the schedule can be fulfilled.
Scheduled Item Recall Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) when a scheduled item is recalled from the patron to whom it is currently checked out so that the schedule can be fulfilled.
Scheduled Item Recall Month The enumerated month of the year (e.g., 11) when a scheduled item is recalled from the patron to whom it is currently checked out so that the schedule can be fulfilled.
Scheduled Item Recall Month Name The month name (e.g., November) when a scheduled item is recalled from the patron to whom it is currently checked out so that the schedule can be fulfilled.
Scheduled Item Recall Year The year when a scheduled item is recalled from the patron to whom it is currently checked out so that the schedule can be fulfilled.
Scheduled Item Status The current circulation state of a scheduled item (e.g., Available, On Loan, etc.).
Scheduled Items Count The total number of items scheduled.
Scheduling Policy Name The name of the policy that specifies the conditions under which a library item is scheduled for use by a patron. The scheduling policy specifies the embargo period, recall and pull dates, and notification policy for schedules created for a specific patron borrower category, material format, etc.
Secondary Library Type Sub-category of Primary Library Type that further describes the library, e.g., private/independent, library school, medical, cooperative/consortium/process, etc.
Serial Receiving Status Value that determines the receiving state of a serial item. Includes Received, Claimed, or Stopped Claiming.
Serials Received Date The date a serial was received by the institution.
Serials Received Day The enumerated day (1-31) of the month a serial was received by the institution.
Serials Received Day Name The day of the week (e.g., Wednesday) a serial was received by the institution.
Serials Received Month The enumerated month of the year (1-12) a serial was received by the institution.
Serials Received Month Name The month name (e.g., November) a serial was received by the institution.
Serials Received Year The year a serial was received by the institution.
Series Statement From the 490 $a of the bibliographic record, a series statement for a series title, statement of responsibility, etc.
Settled Item Barcode The unique, machine readable code used to identify the item when performing library functions such as check in, check out, etc.
Settled Item Title The descriptive name used to identify an intellectual work such as a book, film or other composition.
Shelving Location The location within a branch where an item is shelved.
Shelving Scheme Determines the classification to use to organize an item on the shelf. Possible values include: Library of Congress, Dewey, National Library of Medicine.
Shipping Type Type or method of shipping chosen by the Institution for the items on an order (e.g. standard, next day, air mail, etc.).
Source Application Process name for the application that performed some action (e.g. RECORD MANAGER, WMS, OCLC PROCESSING, etc.)
Source Data Name of the data set that supplies data for reports, e.g., Circulation Events, Cataloging Title Volatility, etc.
Staff Order Item Notes Note for an order item entered by the library to designate special instructions or facts about this item. Multiple notes are concatenated using a pipe (|) delimiter.
Staff-Received Request Count The number of ILL requests that were manually marked as received by the borrowing institution.
Statistics Value Value representing the number of volumes being received for a specific order item. This value is used for generating statistics for the total number of volumes for the library. It must be enabled by Customer Support to display in Acquisitions. The default value is 1.
Subscription End Date The date the order item's subscription ends, e.g., 2017-12-31.
Subscription Principal ID Identifier assigned automatically by the system to all subscription order items that are renewals of the same original subscription item, e.g., 41846.
Subscription Renewal Count The number of times the subscription has been renewed. At the Order Item level, a numeric value of one (1) indicates a renewed subscription item.
Subscription Renewal Setting Value on a subscription order that indicates whether the institution plans to renew the subscription or not, e.g., RENEW, DO_NOT_RENEW, DO_NOT_RENEW_UNDER_REVIEW.
Subscription Renewal Status The value that indicates if a subscription item has been renewed or not, i.e. Renewed or Not Renewed.
Subscription Start Date The date the order item's subscription ends, e.g., 2017-01-01.
System Invoice Number Identifier generated by the system and used by the WorldShare Platform to uniquely identify an invoice (e.g., INV-2014-1).
Tax Calculation Method The method by which the tax of an item is calculated. Determines primarily whether service and shipping charges are included with the unit price when calculating the tax amount.
Time to Fulfillment Number of days from the date the item was ordered to the date the item was received.
Time to Fill =If(DaysBetween(CurrentDate();[Hold On Hold Date])>-10000;(DaysBetween([Hold Request Placed Date];[Hold On Hold Date]));"N/A")
Title The descriptive name used to identify an intellectual work such as a book, film or other composition. Unique by OCLC number.
Title eISSN An Electronic International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify an electronic periodical publication.
Title EISSN An Electronic International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify an electronic periodical publication.
Title Holding Added Date The date and time a title was added to an institution's collection.
Title Holding Added Day Name of Week Name of the day (e.g., Wednesday).
Title Holding Added Day of Month Numeric value representing the day of month.
Title Holding Added Month Name Name of the month.
Title Holding Added Month Number Numeric value representing the month of the year (e.g., 12).
Title Holding Added Year Numeric value representing the year (e.g., 2015).
Title Holding Added Year Month Value representing the calendar year and month number (e.g., 2014-12).
Title Holding Removed Date The date and time a title was removed from an institution's collection.
Title Holdings Quantity The number of titles held by an institution. A title is a distinct OCLC number (one title has many items).
Title ISBN International Standard Book Number is a unique numeric commercial book identifier. The old format is 10 digits, and the new format is 13 digits.
Title ISSN An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication at a specific media type.
Title ISSNL A Linking International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a periodical publication at a specific media type. This could be a series of ISSN numbers linked to this publication.
Title Limit Exceeded Denials (TR_B2 & TR_J2) The number of times access to an eJournal or eBook was denied because the licensed simultaneous-user limit for the user's institution was exceeded. Sourced from the TR_J2 and TR_B2 reports.
Title No License Denials (TR_B2 & TR_J2) The number of times access to an eJournal or eBook was denied because the user's institution did not have a license to the content. Sourced from the TR_J2 and TR_B2 reports.
Titles Net Change Calculated measure, diff of Added Titles and Removed Titles.
Total Access Denial Count Count of turnaways typically due to simultaneous user limit exceeded or requests for access to items that have not been adequately licensed.
Total Amount Expended Including Child Funds =If ( ([Fund Name Level 2]="") ) Then ( [Expended Amount]) ForAll ([Fund Name Level 2];[Fund Name Level 3];[Fund Name Level 4];[Fund Name Level 5]) ElseIf ( [Fund Name Level 3]="") Then [Expended Amount] ForAll ([Fund Name Level 3];[Fund Name Level 4];[Fund Name Level 5]) ElseIf ( [Fund Name Level 4]="") Then [Expended Amount] ForAll ([Fund Name Level 4];[Fund Name Level 5]) ElseIf ( [Fund Name Level 5]="") Then [Expended Amount] ForAll ([Fund Name Level 5]) Else [Expended Amount]
Total (Avg) =Round((([Items Checked In]+[Items Checked Out]+[Bills Created]+[Holds Fulfilled]+[Items Soft Checked Out]+[Bills Paid]+[Items Received]+[Items Renewed]+[Bills Waived])/[Day Count]);2)
Total Copies Expended Including Child Funds =If ( ([Fund Name Level 2]="") ) Then ( [Copies Expended]) ForAll ([Fund Name Level 2];[Fund Name Level 3];[Fund Name Level 4];[Fund Name Level 5]) ElseIf ( [Fund Name Level 3]="") Then [Copies Expended] ForAll ([Fund Name Level 3];[Fund Name Level 4];[Fund Name Level 5]) ElseIf ( [Fund Name Level 4]="") Then [Copies Expended] ForAll ([Fund Name Level 4];[Fund Name Level 5]) ElseIf ( [Fund Name Level 5]="") Then [Copies Expended] ForAll ([Fund Name Level 5]) Else [Copies Expended]
Total Fund Amount Budgeted Sum of amount budgeted for a fund and all its child funds.
Total Fund Amount Encumbered Sum of amount encumbered for a fund and all its child funds.
Total Fund Amount Expended Sum of amount expended for a fund and all its child funds.
Total Fund Future Encumbered Amount The sum of the future encumbered amounts for a fund and all its child funds.
Total Fund Prepaid Amount The sum of the prepaid amounts for a fund and all its child funds.
Totals =[Items Checked Out]+[Items Renewed]+[Holds Fulfilled]+[Items Soft Checked Out]
Totals greater than =[Items Checked Out]+[Items Renewed]+[Holds Fulfilled]+[Items Soft Checked Out]
Turnaway Access Denial Count Number of times users were denied access to an electronic resource because the simultaneous user limit allowed by a license was exceeded.
Uniform Title Added Entry From the 730 $a of the bibliographic record, a preferred title used as an access point that may not be more appropriately assigned as fields 130, 630, or 830.
Uniform Title Main Entry From the 130 $a of the bibliographic record, the preferred title access point used to bring together bibliographic entries for a work when various expressions or manifestations have appeared under different titles.
Unique Title Count The number of titles held by only one group member.
Unique Titles Do not use.
Unique Titles Count The count of unique titles (unique OCLC Numbers) for a given dataset.
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) Number From the 080 $a of the bibliographic record, the number taken from the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) scheme.
User Filter Do not use.
User First Name The first name of the user that executed the report.
User Full Name The full name of the user that executed the report.
User Last Name The last name of the user that executed the report.
Value Do not use.
Vendor Accountancy System ID Value to track the identifier used by your parent institution's financial system. OCLC recommends using this field for your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
Vendor Address Active Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the address is an active address for a vendor.
Vendor Address City The city for the vendor address.
Vendor Address Country The country for the vendor address.
Vendor Address Default Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the address is the default address for a vendor.
Vendor Address Name The name of an address for the vendor. A vendor may have multiple associated addresses.
Vendor Address PO Box The post box for the vendor address.
Vendor Address Postal Code The postal code for the vendor address.
Vendor Address Public Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the vendor address is public.
Vendor Address Role The type(s) of address for the vendor address, e.g., Billing.
Vendor Address State/Province The state/province for the vendor address.
Vendor Address Street The street line for the vendor address.
Vendor Alternate Name The alternate name(s) for the vendor.
Vendor Contact Active Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the contact is an active contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Company Name The company name of the vendor contact, if different from the vendor.
Vendor Contact Default Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the contact is the default contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Department The department(s) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Email Address The email address(es) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Fax Number The fax number(s) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact IM Address The instant messaging address(es) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Language The language spoken by the contact for a vendor, e.g., French.
Vendor Contact Mobile Number The mobile phone number(s) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Name The name of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Phone Number The phone number(s) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Public Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the vendor contact is public.
Vendor Contact Roles The role(s) the contact plays for a vendor, e.g., Sales Contact.
Vendor Contact Short Name The preferred name of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Contact Title The title(s) of the contact for a vendor.
Vendor Count The number of unique vendors.
Vendor Country The country location of the vendor, e.g., Thailand.
Vendor Currency The primary currency used by the vendor, e.g., EUR.
Vendor Customer/Account Number The customer/account number(s) for the vendor.
Vendor Default Contact The default contact for the vendor.
Vendor Default Delivery Method The default delivery method of the vendor, e.g., Print.
Vendor FEIN The Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) for the vendor.
Vendor ID Unique system-supplied identifier for all vendors (public and private).
Vendor Identifier Tax Number The tax number(s) for the vendor.
Vendor Identifier URL The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) value(s) for the vendor.
Vendor ILS Supplier Number Value used to track the vendor identifier used by your previous ILS.
Vendor In Use Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the vendor is in use by the institution.
Vendor ISBN Prefix The ISBN prefix for the vendor.
Vendor Language The primary language spoken by the vendor, e.g., French.
Vendor Local Identifier An identifier for a vendor automatically generated by the system and unique for that institution, e.g., LVN-126.
Vendor Match Codes Values when a code is needed to identify (match) vendors in other systems. Using the same match code for the same vendor in both WMS and other systems facilitates sharing vendor information between systems.
Vendor Name The commercial entity from which the library orders and receives materials.
Vendor Notes The vendor note(s) applied to a vendor by the institution.
Vendor OCLC Symbol The OCLC symbol for the vendor, if applicable.
Vendor Order Item Notes Note(s) for an order item provided to the vendor to designate special instructions about this item. Multiple notes are concatenated using a pipe (|) delimiter.
Vendor Order Item Number Identifier supplied by the vendor for an order item. The identifier is unique to the vendor.
Vendor Previous Name The previous name(s) for the vendor.
Vendor Public Indicator Value ("Y" or "N") indicating if the vendor is public.
Vendor Roles The role(s) the vendor plays for libraries, e.g., Provider.
Vendor SAN The Standard Address Number (SAN) for the vendor.
Withdrawn Date The date a specific copy of an item was withdrawn from the collection within Acquisitions.
Withdrawn User The full name of the user who withdrew a copy of an item from the collection within Acquisitions.
Year Item Recalled Date The year the item was recalled.