WorldShare Reports release notes, July 2021
Release Date: July 22, 2021
This release of WorldShare Reports and Report Designer provides new features and enhancements in addition to numerous bug fixes. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:
- Analyze reading room usage data
- Utilize additional French language support in circulation universes
Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.
Recommended actions
There are no recommended actions related to this release. We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are other items that might require additional action or follow up by your institution.
New features and enhancements
Utilize reading room usage data
New circulation audit event types added to monitor in-house usage
The Circulation Events universe and associated reports, such as the Circulation Events Detail Report, will now reflect new event types introduced via WMS Circulation to monitor your usage of in-house materials.
The following new event types will now be available for reporting and analysis:
- Consult-Hold-Item - This event occurs when a staff user issues a requested item to a patron for in-house use.
- Return-Hold-Item - This event occurs when a staff user accepts an in-use item back from a patron when that patron plans to come back to consult the item again.
- Complete-Hold - This event occurs when a staff user indicates that a patron’s hold request was completed successfully and the patron no longer needs the requested item.
New data objects added to monitor in-house usage
Multiple universes were updated to include new fields for monitoring your in-house usage, as adopted in the Circulation module of WMS. Please see the Circulation release documentation on managing in-house use of special collections.
Circulation Item Status:
- Item In-House Use Count - . The number of times an item has been issued for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not increment this value.
- Item Last Used In House Date - The date and time that the item was last issued to a patron for in-house use in a reading room. Subsequent uses against the same hold request do not update this value.
- Additional fields related to this date are variants such as Item Last Used In-House Day, Item Last Used In-House Day Name, Item Last Used In-House Month, Item Last Used In-House Month Name, and Item Last Used In-House Year. These fields can be further used to tailor your filters and results.
Circulation Hold Request:
- Hold In-House Use Count -The number of times that library staff have issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
- Hold Fulfillment Method - The method by which the patron’s request was fulfilled, e.g., COLLECT, IN_HOUSE_USE.
- Hold First Used In House Date - The date and time when library staff initially issued the held item to the patron for in-house use in a reading room.
- Additional fields related to this date are variants such as Item Last Used In-House Day, Item Last Used In-House Day Name, Item Last Used In-House Month, Item Last Used In-House Month Name, and Item Last Used In-House Year. These fields can be further used to tailor your filters and results.
- Hold Last Used In House Date - The date and time when library staff issued the held item to the patron for the current, active in-house use session. This value will be the null equivalent ('0001-01-01') if the held item is not currently in use.
- Additional fields related to this date are variants such as Item Last Used In-House Day, Item Last Used In-House Day Name, Item Last Used In-House Month, Item Last Used In-House Month Name, and Item Last Used In-House Year. These fields can be further used to tailor your filters and results.
Additional French language support for select Circulation universes
This release of WorldShare Reports and Report Designer introduces additional French language support for certain report objects in the Circulation Events, Circulation Item Status and Circulation Holds universes. Values for the following objects now support the French language.
Circulation Events:
- Event Hold Request Origin
- Event Hold Request Scope
- Event Patron Membership Status
- Event Transaction Source
- Event Type
- External Request Role
- Item Material Format
- Item Type
- Patron Address Type
- Patron Phone Type
- Patron Email Address Type
- Patron Membership Status
Circulation Hold Request:
- Hold Fulfillment Method
- Hold Request Origin
- Hold Request Scope
- Item Material Format
- Item Type
- Patron Address Type
- Patron Phone Type
- Patron Email Address Type
- Patron Proxy Address Type
- Patron Proxy Phone Type
- Patron Proxy Email Address Type
- Patron Membership Status
Circulation Item Status:
- Item Lending Policy
- Item Material Format
- Item Record Type
- Item Status Current Status
- Item Status Previous Status
- Item Status Transfer Routing Reason
- Item Type
- Patron Address Type
- Patron Phone Type
- Patron Email Address Type
- Patron Membership Status
Known issues
See the Known Issues page.
Support website(s)
Support information for this product and related products can be found at: