Is there a way to hide a shelving location from my patrons in WMS?
Applies to
- WorldShare Circulation
- WorldShare Record Manager
Yes, but the following conditions are required:
- your library has a WMS Circulation subscription
- your library has WorldCat holdings audience levels enabled
- the Cataloging Bulk Edit role must be assigned to your WorldShare user account
Part One: Check that your Audience Level for My Library Staff is turned on for LHRs
Record Manager > Institution Settings > Audience Level. Click the checkboxes in the row for My Library Staff (see screenshot).
Part Two: Updating Audience Level for LHRs in WorldShare
This part guides you through updating the "audience level" for specific items (LHRs) in your library's WorldShare catalog. Audience level controls who can see information about the item.
- Create a query collection. For search criteria, use the following search indexes:
- Li: [your library’s OCLC symbol] AND b8: [shelving location]
- Once the file for the query collection is delivered, open the file of MARC records in MarcEdit to pull at least one field (LHR control number, or barcodes).
- Once you have your list of records, go to your WorldShare.
- Select the Metadata module.
- Under Record Manager, click the Record Work Lists button.
- In Record Work Lists, you should see three tabs at the top- Bibliographic, LBD, and LHR. Select the LHR tab.
- Click the New Record Work List button.
- Give your work list a name and description. Click the save button.
- You should now see your new work list in a table. Click on the hyperlinked Record Work List ID or Record Work List Name to view the list.
- Under Script Information > Edit Action, select Base Script.
- Script Name now appears below Script Information.
- Click the hyperlinked phrase Find and Select Script. An internal pop-up window will appear (on this page, you can filter script names). Type in the empty search box, “audience” and click the Filter button.
- If using a list of LHR Control Numbers, choose Update Audience Level.
- If using a list of barcodes, choose Update Audience Level Match Barcode.
- After deciding on one of these options, click the Select Script button next to that option.
- LHR Audience Level will now appear below Script Name. In this drop-down menu, select My Library Staff.
- Find and click on the Actions button near the top of the work list page. Hover your cursor over the Add option.
You’ll have two options:- Target Records Using Control Numbers
- Add LHRs to a work list using control numbers:
Note: You must use the LHR control number, rather than the bibliographic OCLC number, when using this method.- Enter control numbers, separated by a space, comma, or line return, in the Add Target Record(s) Using Control Number(s) dialog window.
- Click Add to add the records to the record work list.
Note: the system will only attempt to add target records for the first 9,000 control numbers entered.
- Add LHRs to a work list using control numbers:
- Target Records Using Barcodes
- Add LHRs to a work list using barcodes:
- Scan or enter barcodes, separated by a space, comma, or line return, in the Add Target Record(s) Using Barcode(s) dialog window.
- Click Add to add the records to the record work list.
Note: The system will only attempt to add target records for the first 25,000 barcodes entered.
- Add LHRs to a work list using barcodes:
- Target Records Using Control Numbers
- You should see an internal alert display. It will give you a summary of things like records successfully added or records with system errors.
- Once you’ve added all the records you want to this work list, go back to the table that shows the records. Click on the top checkbox to select all records.
- Click on the Actions menu again near the top. Hover your cursor over the Edit option.
Choose:- Selected Target Records will perform the action only on selected records if all are not selected. The number in the “( )” will tell you if these numbers are different.
- All Target Records will choose all records on your list, regardless of selection.
- You should see another internal alert display. It will give you a summary of success or error.
- It is blue - the work list is still being generated (“Queued”) by Record Manager and has not finished bulk editing the records.
- It is green - Record Manager has “Completed the process” and updated your records.
Additional information
To use MarcEdit to pull specific fields from your file of records:
- Open your downloaded files of records in MarcEdit and convert them to a tab-delimited file.
- Navigate to Tools > Export > Export Tab Delimited Records.
- In Set File Paths, enter the path of the file you downloaded from Collection Manager.
- Enter the path where you would like to output files.
- Browse to your desired source file by clicking the folder next to the text box. Click Next.
- Define the fields and subfields that you want to export into the spreadsheet. Select a field and subfield and click Add Field. For this, you could choose:
- LHR control number (001)
- Barcode (876 $p)
- Once you have selected the desired fields/subfields, click Export.
Note: MarcEdit is available for download at: OCLC cannot provide support for this third-party tool.
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