Manage logo images
Learn how to add logo images that can then be selected in your Next-Generation Notification templates.
Manage logo images
Add logo images that can then be selected in your Next-Generation Notification tempates.
- Click the Create logo button.
- On the New logo screen, enter the following settings:
Setting Description Name Enter a unique name for each logo image.
- 100 character limit
URL Enter the URL for the logo image. The same URL can be used multiple times per image.
- 2,000 character limit
Alternative text Enter alternative text for the logo image. The same alternative text can be used for multiple logos.
- 100 character limit
- Click Save.
- Optional. Repeat these steps to add additional logo images for your institution.
Once added, institutions will be able to view previously configured logos in alphabetical order by Name. The previously configured logos will include a last modified date as well as the Name, URL, and Alternative text.
- To preview a configured logo, select the Preview logo button. The image will display the image in a new browser window without any re-sizing.
- To delete a configured logo, click the Delete button. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Confirm to delete the logo.