How can I back out of an incorrect invoice or received item?
- Back out of an invoice or received item that has been fully processed so you can correct the information in it
Applies to
- WMS Acquisitions
If you make a mistake in an order, but don't realize it until after you've paid the invoice, use the following steps to back out of the invoice and receipt so you can edit the order information :
If the issue is with a title you didn't receive, Cancel the item.
If the order has been placed and the issue is with information in the Order Name, Vendor Order Number, Account Number, Notes, Item Holding or Shelving locations, or custom fields fields, edit the order.
Do you need to completely delete the placed order?
Resend the order through the Resend Order button at the top of the order's title list screen, if needed.
Additional information:
- If issues come up during the process of backing out, contact OCLC Support
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