Computer files (com)
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View the values and other criteria indexed for the Computer files (com) Material Type.
- 3.5 in. disc
Code: 312
Notes: Also search by 3.25 in. disk
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria c and 007/04=a m 3 1/2 in or 3.5 in in either of these subfields:
- 300 b
- 300 c
- 5.25 in. disc
Code: 514
Notes: Also search by 5.25 in. disk
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria c and 007/04=o m 5 1/4 in in either of these subfields:
- 300 b
- 300 c
- Bibliographic data
Code: bdt
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=e m and 006/09=e
- CD for computer
Code: cdc
Notes: Also search by CD or CDs to get audio, video, and computer CDs
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria c and 007/04=g m 4 3/4 in is in 300c m compact disc(s) or compact disk(s) or CD-ROM(s) is in either of these fields/subfields:
- Start of 500 a
- 538 a
- Clipart images graphics
Code: cig
Notes: Also search by clipart
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=c m and 006/09=c
- Computer game
Code: cgm
Notes: Also search by game
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=g m and 006/09=g
- Document
Code: dct
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=d m and 006/09=d
- Font
Code: fnt
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=f m and 006/09=f
- Interactive multimedia
Code: imm
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=i m and 006/09=i
- Numeric data
Code: ndt
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=a m and 006/09=a
- Online system or service
Code: oss
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=j m and 006/09=j
- Program
Code: pgm
Notes: Also search by computer program
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=b Index also covers RDA terms and codes. m and 006/09=b
- Sound
Code: snd
Notes: Also search by sound effects
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria m 008/26=h Index also covers RDA terms and codes. m and 006/09=h