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Material Type

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Material Type word (mt:) and phrase (mt=) indexes.

This index is used to search for items by what kind of item they are. For example, you can look for books, maps, articles, internet URLs, etc. For names and codes for the various material types, see Material Type Names and Codes. Type the code exactly as listed (not case sensitive).

Word (mt:)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label mt:
Search? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browse?  --- Yes  --- ---
  • Limit a search to records for Internet resources — enter mt:url
  • Exclude records for Internet resources — enter not mt:url
  • Limit a search to records for Internet resources — enter mt:url
  • Exclude records for Internet resources — enter NOT mt:url
  • greenhouse NOT mt:bks
  • Values in Type (Leader/06)
  • BLvl (Leader/07)
  • Field 007
  • Field 008
  • Other fields
  • 856 (Presence or absence of 856 field as the source of cataloged item)
Qualifier index? Yes
  • Search using a 3-character code.
  • Use to limit searches to a specific type of material.
  • Some OCLC Material type indexes include RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes. See RDA terms and codes. (RDA = Resource Description and Access, the proposed successor to AACR2.)
  • See Format or Document type codes and values for a comprehensive list of values (limit search by broader types) and information on RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes.
  • (Internet searches) For records with field 856 and second indicator <blank>, 0, or 1.
  • (Internet searches) For guided searches — select AnyInternet, or Non-Internet from the drop-down list.
  • Search using a 3-character code.
  • Use to limit searches to a specific type of material.
  • Some OCLC Material type indexes include RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes. See RDA terms and codes. (RDA = Resource Description and Access, the proposed successor to AACR2.)
  • See Format or Document type codes and values for a comprehensive list of values (limit search by broader types) and information on RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes.
  • (Internet searches) For records with field 856 and second indicator <blank>, 0, or 1.
  • If you select indexes and limits, select the Internet Resources check box (under Limit type to) for items cataloged as a Web site. If you want to include items that are available on the Web, add and mt:url to the search string.
  • Search using a 3-character code.
  • Use to limit searches to a specific type of material.
  • Some OCLC Material type indexes include RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes. See RDA terms and codes. (RDA = Resource Description and Access, the proposed successor to AACR2.)
  • See Format or Document type codes and values for a comprehensive list of values (limit search by broader types) and information on RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes.
  • (Internet searches) For records with field 856 and second indicator <blank>, 0, or 1.
  • mt: must be paired with the NOT operator
  • Search using a 3-character code.
  • Use to limit searches to a specific type of material.
  • Some OCLC Material type indexes include RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes. See RDA terms and codes. (RDA = Resource Description and Access, the proposed successor to AACR2.)
  • See Format or Document type codes and values for a comprehensive list of values (limit search by broader types) and information on RDA content, media, and carrier type terms and codes.
  • (Internet searches) For records with field 856 and second indicator <blank>, 0, or 1.
Phrase (mt=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label mt= ---
Search? Yes Yes Yes ---
Browse?  --- Yes  --- ---
Examples mt=vhs tape ---
  • Values in Type (Leader/06)
  • BLvl (Leader/07)
  • Field 007
  • Field 008
  • Other fields
Qualifier index? Yes ---
Notes Allows you to search for material type names composed of more than one word. ---