What are the requirements for a record to be considered a book review record?
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
In order for a record to be considered a book review record, one of the following strings must be present in one of the following MARC fields:
book review (English)
Critique de livre (French)
Reseña del libro (Spanish)
Buchrezension (German)
Recensione del libro (Italian)
書評 (Japanese)
书评 (Chinese simplified)
書評 (Chinese traditional)
245 subfield a
598 subfield b
630 subfield x
650 subfield x
653 subfield a
949 subfield i
949 subfield l ("L")
949 subfield x
955 subfield 7
Additional information
I found a book review in my search results when I have it set to not show book reviews.