The link to another library's catalog is not resolving correctly in FirstSearch
- When you click another library's name to search their catalog for a particular title, the link does not resolve to the correct page
Applies to
- FirstSearch
The links on these pages are controlled by the individual libraries in their respective FirstSearch Admin Modules. Occasionally, a library may fail to update their links, resulting in broken links to online catalogs still surfacing in your results. Requests to resolve these links should be directed to the owning library.
The library catalog links in FirstSearch are not the same as the library catalog links in Links in FirstSearch are configured in the FirstSearch Admin Module, whereas library catalog links in are configured in the OCLC Service Configuration.
If you have questions about a link and whether or not it is broken on the library side or on OCLC's side, you can contact OCLC Support with your OCLC symbol, an example OCLC Number, and the name of the library whose link does not resolve correctly.
Additional information
Link your library, FirstSearch, and other web resources
Create deep links to your library catalog in the WorldCat Services administrative module