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OCLC Support

Manage your CapiraMobile app store listing

Discover how to update details about your app in the Google Play Store and Apple Store.

Your library's CapiraMobile app can be deployed to the Google Play Store and Apple Store. This process is managed by OCLC staff. Please contact OCLC Support by email or ticket to update any of the following on your app store listings:

  • Description
  • Screenshots
  • Icon or banner

App store image requirements

When providing a new icon or banner image for your app store listing, please ensure that it meets the following requirements:

Google Play Store

  • Featured Promo Image - This image will appear as the banner of your Google Play store listing. This image is required by Google for publishing. The uploaded image should be 1024x512 and in a .png file format.
  • App device icon - This image will appear as the icon a user clicks on to launch your app. The uploaded image should be 1024 pixels square and in a .png file format.

Apple Store

  • App device icon - This image will appear as the icon a user clicks on to launch your app. The uploaded image should be 1024 pixels square and in a .png file format.