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OCLC Support

MARC 21 bibliographic data elements not implemented by OCLC

Find a list of MARC 21 bibliographic data elements that OCLC has not implemented, along with possible OCLC action to implement them.

Last updated: September 2017

MARC 21 element Name Future implementation
Non-sorting characters N/A No plans to implement

 Note: For more information, see the Control Function Codes section of the MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media: Character Sets and Encoding Options: Part 1: General Character Set Issues.

LDR/05 d - deleted No plans to implement
LDR/17 u - unknown Under consideration
LDR/17 z - not applicable No plans to implement
LDR/19 Multipart resource record level Under consideration
006 Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" Under consideration
007 Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" Under considerationUnder consideration
007 blank (metadata-blank.gif) is valid in several positions, but OCLC does not allow blank subfields No plans to implement due to limitations in record editor
008 Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" Under consideration
038 Record content licensor No plans to implement
066 ‡a Primary G0 character set No plans to implement
066 ‡b Primary G1 character set No plans to implement
760-787 Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" Under consideration
843 ‡6 Linkage Under consideration
843 ‡6 Linkage Under consideration
Note: ind. = indicator