WorldShare Interlibrary Loan training
OCLC offers live and recorded instructor-led training sessions and shorter videos on WorldShare Interlibrary Loan.
Training questions? Please visit OCLC Training FAQ.
For WorldShare Interlibrary Loan training in French, please see Formations en français.
For WorldShare Interlibrary Loan training in Spanish, please see Formación en español.
Get started
Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan
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This instructor-led course series comprises two 50-minute courses and is designed for libraries that are new, first-time subscribers to WorldShare ILL, and for staff from libraries with established subscriptions but who are new to the service themselves. This course can also serve as a refresher or review for library staff who may have never had training and want more information about ILL on OCLC. You can register to either or both courses.
Introduction to WorldShare ILL - Get Started
During this course you will learn the basic concepts for WorldShare ILL such as how to log in for the first time and navigate the interface, create staff account and learn about the search options then how loan and copy ILL requests are created.
Introduction to WorldShare ILL - Prepare and plan
During this course you will learn how to update your library's information in OCLC Policies Directory and configure options for a better experience such as create constant data, preselect your preferred or priority libraries, and set up automation to speed up processing and save you time.
Test your knowledge on the basics of WorldShare ILL by answering a few questions on this online quiz.
Creating constant data for ILL
In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to create, edit and maintain constant data records in OCLC Service Configuration for accuracy and efficiency in ILL borrowing and lending.
Custom holdings for interlibrary loan
In this eleven-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit custom holdings groups and custom holdings paths then apply them to your interlibrary loan requests.
OCLC IFM - Interlibrary Loan Fee Management
This eight-minute video is an overview of IFM and shows how borrowing and lending libraries can configure IFM as payment method.
Establish ILL Policies in OCLC Policies Directory
In this 22-minute video, you will learn how to set up and/or edit policies in OCLC Policies Directory.
OCLC Article Exchange
This six-minute video is an overview of Article Exchange. You will learn how Article Exchange is used to fulfill copy requests.
Automated Request Manager
Access tutorialIn this self-paced course, you will learn the benefits of using automations, and what information you should review and update before creating automations. The course includes video demonstrations of creating borrowing and lending automations, and you will have opportunities to check your knowledge.
Workflow integration: ILL and Circulation
This 43-minute course is for Managers of Circulation and ILL for institutions using the integration functionality between the Circulation and ILL and staff responsible for day-to-day processing. This course reviews and demonstrates the normal workflow between Discovery/ILL/Circulation when all integration configuration is complete. Common exceptions in the workflow, errors, and workarounds are included. Configuration steps and decisions required to integrate WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and WorldShare Circulation are also covered.
WorldShare ILL - Lending
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This instructor-led course series comprises two 50-minute courses and is designed for libraries that are lenders in WorldShare ILL, and for staff from libraries with established subscriptions who have completed the Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan courses. This course can also serve as a refresher or review for library staff who may have never had training and want more information about lending options in WSILL. You can register to either or both courses.
WSILL Lending - Configurations for Lenders
During this course you will learn how to configure deflections, copy and loan policies, define your Days to Respond, set up automation as a Lender and have real-time availability configured as well to speed up processing.
WSILL Lending - Manage and respond requests
During this course you will learn how to respond to requests in different ways, including using batch processing options, manage ILL requests and solve some issues with requests. You will learn how to generate and analyze ILL statistics reports for Lenders.
Test your knowledge on WorldShare ILL lending workflows by answering a few questions on this online quiz.
OCLC Article Exchange
This six-minute video is an overview of Article Exchange. You will learn how Article Exchange is used to fulfill copy requests.
Respond to an ILL loan request
In this six-minute video, you will learn how to respond to a loan request as a Lender - including responding yes, no, conditional, and responding to renewal requests.
Responding to an ILL copy request
In this four-minute video, you will learn how to respond to a copy request (respond yes, no, or conditional) as a Lender. Includes applying constant data and using OCLC Article Exchange.
Basics of deflections
This eleven-minute video is an overview of the types of ILL deflections and how you can set up deflections for items your library does not loan through ILL, including supplier status.
Deflecting knowledge base collections
This six-minute video reviews the steps necessary to deflect requests based on E-Licensing terms which restrict ILL.
Deflecting all electronic items
In this six-minute video, you will learn how to create deflection policies for all electronic items, review the impact deflection has on requests, and learn where to review statistics on requests deflected.
Fine-tune your Policies and Deflections: A workshop
View a recorded session - Requires access to the OCLC Community Center. See Sign in to the OCLC Community Center for more information.
This 42-minute workshop focuses on setting and communicating your ILL policies, using automatic deflections to your advantage, and assessing the effectiveness of your deflection settings.
WorldShare ILL - Borrowing
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This instructor-led course series comprises two 50-minute courses and is designed for learners familiar with the basic functionality and protocols in WorldShare ILL or learners who completed the Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan courses (live or recording). You can register to either or both courses.
WSILL Borrowing - Borrowing requests
During this course, you will learn in detail about the borrower activities available in the service and how member libraries can create and process staff-initiated ILL requests and how to allow and mediate patron-initiated ILL requests.
WSILL Borrowing - Manage ILL requests as Borrower
During this course you will learn how to manage ILL requests, including using batch processing options, solve some issues with requests, request renewals, create and manage Off-System requests, and generate and analyze ILL statistics reports for Borrowers.
Test your knowledge on the borrowing workflows of WorldShare ILL by answering a few questions on this online quiz.
Borrower: Create ILL loan requests
In this video Borrowing libraries will learn how to search for items to create and send an interlibrary loan request in the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system.
Borrower: Create ILL copy requests
In this video Borrowing libraries will learn how to search for items to create and send an interlibrary copy request in the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system.
Print book straps and return labels
In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to print book straps and return labels when you are the borrowing library.
Configuring patron-initiated request for WorldCat Discovery
In this nine-minute video, you will learn how to configure patron-initiated ILL requesting for WorldCat® Discovery to allow your patrons to search and identify items, and then initiate requests.
Requests: Expired, overdue, or unfilled
This seven-minute video covers how to proceed with requests with the status of expired, overdue, or unfilled.
Borrower: Print book straps and return labels
In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to print book straps or stickers and return labels when you're the borrowing library.
Lender: Print book straps and shipping labels
In this nine-minute video, you will learn how to print book straps or stickers, and shipping labels, when you are the lending library.