How do I set up ILL to only loan electronic material, and not physical books that must be shipped and returned?
Applies to
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
- Tipasa
To stop receiving requests for physical material, and only get requests for electronic material, a deflection will have to be set up in the ILL Policies Directory.
- Navigate to the ILL Policies Directory.
- Sign in using your ILL policies authorization and password.
- Once signed in, click on the Policies tab at the top.
- Deflections is on the top, click on the green plus sign Add on the right side of the Deflections title bar.
- Once inside the Deflection Policy template, choose an appropriate policy name.
- In the Service section, choose the Request Type being deflected and select Enable Real Time Deflection.
- Skip over the Fees and Borrowers categories if the policy is blocking all incoming requests regardless of those distinctions.
- Under Formats, exclude any electronic format that you wish to share.
- After excluding the electronic formats, click Save at the bottom. This policy will deflect all material types that were not excluded.
Additional information
This deflection must be separate from an E-license Terms deflection policy that controls which WorldCat knowledge base collections you lend. If put into the same deflection policy, it will not work. See Manage Policies for more information on creating deflections.