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OCLC Support

How can I set up an automation to route ILL requests to the Review for Purchase queue?

Applies to
  • WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
  • Tipasa

You can set up an automation to route patron initiated requests so they appear in the Purchasing Requests > Review for Purchase queue. This can be useful in cases where a library wants to review all loan requests for items that were recently published and consider purchasing the item rather than filling the request via ILL.

This can be done in Service Configuration, under WorldShare ILL > Automated Request Manager. Under the Borrowing tab, add a new automation that matches on your criteria. For example, you may choose Request Type: Loan and Age of Material: 0 but no older than 5 years. Under Actions, select Route Request to Review for Purchase. You may also choose to add Exceptions. Make sure to name the automation and give it a priority and then save the automation.

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