Knowledge base coverage check
If your library uses the WorldCat knowledge base to specify coverage and license details for your collections, the system can automatically respond No when a borrower requests an item that falls outside of your defined coverage range or license terms.
Enable the knowledge base coverage check if:
- Your institution has e-holdings in the WorldCat knowledge base.
- You respond with "lacking" to article requests frequently.
- Your institution has ILL license terms recorded in the WorldCat knowledge base and/or WorldShare License Manager.
- You may not want to enable this feature if you regularly provide items from your print collections and prefer to continue to receive and review requests for items outside your knowledge base coverage range.
- This feature does not apply if your institution does not have the title in your knowledge base collection or your institution does not use the knowledge base.
- For more information about the WorldCat Knowledge base, refer to WorldShare Collection Manager, Knowledge base collections. To request access to WorldShare Collection Manager, visit
If this feature is not enabled, knowledge base requests will continue to be deflected based on automation configurations and deflection policies configured in the OCLC Policies Directory:
- Deflections configured in the OCLC Policies Directory will continue to work as expected. Refer to Deflecting knowledge base collections for additional information.
- If automation is used to create the lender string, the knowledge base holdings are checked. Your library symbol will not be added to the lender string if the item falls outside of your coverage or license terms.
When this feature is turned on, smart lender strings and manual lender strings work the same way for lenders by filtering out libraries with knowledge base holdings indicating they do not have the requested coverage range for the item or an explicit license set to yes for ILL.
Enable the knowledge base coverage check
To enable the automatic no response based on coverage or license terms, complete the settings in the Knowledge Base Integration section of the Interlibrary Loan Options module in the OCLC Service Configuration. Refer to Knowledge Base Integration for more information.
When enabled, the knowledge base coverage check looks to see if you hold the item in your knowledge base, if that item falls within your coverage range, and if the license terms allow for interlibrary loan. If the item proves to fall outside of one of these categories, the system will provide an automatic No response.
- The Resource Sharing Lender Reasons for No report from OCLC Usage Statistics will show a system-supplied response that indicates the knowledge base check resulted in a date out of range or license problem. Refer to Use the Reasons for No Reports to optimize borrowing and lending for more information. The borrowing library will see a similar response in the Supplier History.
If using WorldShare License Manager, review your terms of use for your collections for Interlibrary Loan. Refer to WorldShare License Manager, Deflect lending requests.
If you are not using WorldShare License Manager, your Interlibrary Loan settings for your collections can be found under the Holdings and MARC Records setting within your collection in WorldShare Collection Manager. Refer to Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections, ILL allowed.