Application, service, and DLL versions
Find applications, DLL versions, and utilities for Relais version 2021.x
Application name |
Version |
AdministerSettings.exe | 2021.01.0041 |
ApplicationLogin.exe | 2019.01.0009 |
AssignRequests.exe | 2019.01.0009 |
BorrowingRequest.exe (1) | 2020.01.0010 |
ConfigureModems.exe | 2016.00.0004 |
CreateEFTSUploadFile.exe | 2019.01.0009 |
CreateODBC.exe | 2016.2.0.3 |
CreateUpdateFile.exe (1) | 2019.01.0009 |
DeliveryEmail.exe | 2021.01.0029 |
DeliveryEmailToFax.exe | 2021.01.0016 |
DeliveryFailed.exe | 2021.01.0016 |
DeliveryFaxServer.exe | 2021.01.0016 |
DeliveryFTP.exe | 2021.01.0024 |
DeliveryLocal.exe | 2021.01.0024 |
DeliveryResend.exe | 2020.01.0012 |
DeliverySkip.exe | 2021.01.0014 |
DeliveryXerox.exe (1) | 2014.00.0004 |
DoclineSourceConverter.exe | |
Download.exe | 2019.01.0008 |
EmailRequest.exe | 2021.01.0018 |
ILLMessageHandler.exe | 2021.01.0039 |
InfotrieveUpdate.exe (1) | 2020.01.0008 |
LoadRequest.exe (1) | 2019.01.0010 |
LoanNotices.exe | 2020.04.0013 |
Login.exe | 2021.01.0051 |
ManageRequestFlow.exe | 2019.01.0008 |
MonitorLogFile.exe | 2014.00.0002 |
MonitorQueues.exe | 2021.01.0041 |
MoveProcessed.exe (1) | 2020.01.0009 |
MoveToNext.exe (1) | 2019.01.0008 |
NCIPPlaceHold.exe (1) | 2021.01.0013 |
OPSLoad.exe | 2014.00.0003 |
OPSUpdate.exe | 2014.00.0003 |
PrintRequest.exe | 2021.01.0014 |
PrintSet.exe | 2019.01.0008 |
PurgeAndArchive.exe (1) | 2021.01.0018 |
PurgeData.exe (1) | 2019.01.0008 |
PurgeFTP.exe | 2019.01.0008 |
ReceiveFTP.exe | 2021.01.0038 |
ReprintRequest.exe | 2020.01.0009 |
RequestFromNumber.exe | 2014.00.0004 |
ReviewAlerts.exe | 2021.01.0040 |
ReviewCallNumber.exe | 2020.04.0017 |
ReviewQueue.exe | 2021.01.0038 |
ReviewRequest.exe | 2020.04.0023 |
RunReport.exe | 2019.01.0007 |
Scanner.exe | 2016.00.0002 |
Scanner7.exe | 2020.04.0031 |
SearchAuto.exe (1) | 2020.01.0028 |
SearchManual.exe | 2020.02.0031 |
SelectPaperBin.exe | 2019.01.0008 |
SendNCIPMessage.exe | 2016.00.0002 |
TableMaintenance.exe | 2020.04.0009 |
UnlockRequests.exe (1) | 2019.01.0008 |
UpdateDatabase.exe | 2013 |
UpdateOCLCSuppliers.exe | 2019.01.0008 |
UpdatePatronRecords.exe (1) | 2019.02.0011 |
UpdateProcessedRequests.exe (1) | 2020.01.0008 |
UserMaintenance.exe | 2020.04.0009 |
VoyagerLoansExtract.exe | 2019.01.0011 |
(1) These are the applications that run on an automated schedule as part of the Relais Hosted service.
Relais DLLs
Relais DLL's |
RelaisILL.dll (2016) | 2010.0.0.369 |
RelaisNCIP2016.dll | 2016.0.0.7 |
RelaisDiscovery2016.dll | 2016.3.0.2 |
RelaisEncryption2016.dll | 2016.0.0.1 |
RelaisLeadtools2016.dll | 2016.0.0.1 |
RelaisOCLCAPI20105.dll | 2010.5.0.1 |
RelaisRequestFlow2016.dll | 2016.0.0.1 |
RelaisUserControls.dll | N\A |
RelaisWebService2016.dll | 2016.0.0.1 |
RelaisZeutschel2016.dll | 2016.0.0.1 |
RequestFlow2016.dll | 2016.0.0.10 |
Third Party DLLs
Third Party DLL's | |
OS12000.dll (Zeutschel) | |
stdole.dll (Microsoft) | 7.00.9466 |
Relais utilities
Relais Utilities | |
CreateODBC.exe | 2016.2.0.3 |